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  1. Killing2Live

    My Next Desktop Computer ( Wish List)

    Might as well pick up a 4890 1gb for the price of that 4870 DK
  2. Killing2Live

    Is the Radeon HD 4850 a good buy?

    The Radeon 4850 is an excellent card. Awesome price/performance ratio.
  3. Killing2Live

    Who are/would you vote for?

    Experience isn't everything. Some of our best presidents had the least amount of experience.
  4. Killing2Live

    xbox live IP address failed

    I had the same problem and then I found out it was because the console was banned. :angry: meh oh well
  5. Killing2Live

    i f****** hate elections

    Use the politically incorrect IQ system and only allow people over a certain IQ to vote? Just an idea. /prepare for flame
  6. Killing2Live

    i f****** hate elections

    Call me an elitist bastard as well because I would have to agree with you.
  7. Killing2Live

    My new computer, hooray

    Why is your Q6600 at 2.13ghz?
  8. Killing2Live

    Stuck Pixels on LCD

    I know this sounds kinda bad but trust me, it has worked very well even when Jscreenfix hasn't. Its not my own innovation but it called something like the "message" technique. I found the best way to do this is to grab a pencil with a nice full eraser and start applying pressure directly on top...
  9. Killing2Live

    Just ordered parts for my new system. Now its games.

    Just a quick question, why do you keep calling it Obolivinon?
  10. Killing2Live

    iPod Touch

    Ipod Touch - very awesome device Worth the price? Absolutely not (IMHO) There are plenty of better mp3 players/media players out there for the price of a touch. If you have money thats burning a whole in your pocket than go for it but otherwise I say look elsewhere
  11. Killing2Live

    Intel Core 2 Qaud Q6600 2.4Ghz,,, is this slow??

    Someone already mentioned this but back when Lost Coast was released, the majority of people owned single core cpus that were pushing core speed. Obviously it is not like that anymore but for some reason that "check" is still left in there. The so called "check" only checks core frequenzy and...
  12. Killing2Live


    My thoughts? Great game, pushing PC gaming into the "next-gen" I will definitely be replaying it in a year or two with new hardware to experience it with close to 60fps
  13. Killing2Live

    Help me find my new directx 10 card

    Do you know which brands are using the new coolers?
  14. Killing2Live

    "Physx" card

    Nvidia just bought out Ageia so most likely the physx card will just be mashed together with a graphics card from now on.
  15. Killing2Live

    Best Linux distro for me?

    I was thinking Linux Mint as well, it was very good for me in the past. I don't think it was a KDE enviroment though. :/
  16. Killing2Live

    Good Intel Core2 motherboards?

    Really? I bought a dual channel kit off ebay and one stick was bad so I sent it in becuase they have lifetime warranty. Soon after they sent me back brand new modules.
  17. Killing2Live

    So who is going to be picking up a new 38xx ati card?

    Id have to agree. I've heard stories of people getting 100% overclocks on the lower end cpus such as the E2140-2180.
  18. Killing2Live

    Azureus: blue screen of death?

    A couple years ago Azureus used to be pretty popular infact I used it for a long time but as it progressed it has gotten very bloated and I now resort to using utorrent.