That's pretty sad, since in both Dungeon Siege and Neverwinter nights, all you do is click an enemy once :p
Gothic II is great if one want some interaction. Morrowind is good if one just want to kill things (it may be dull, but at least you do something... Especially if you download combat...
I never really like DN3D because of its engine. Pseudo 3D was nice, but the way it worked when turning your head up or down gave me a headache.
I wonder how Duke would look with the HDRish smartshader? :)
Then why are school books so expensive? :x
On another note, of course it could tell us more about life on Earth. NASA already know we dont come from here ;)
Yes, but why the limitations? Head to head or two vs two...
Well maybe I'm just thinking on it in the wrong way. Its not an FPS really, its an RTS in 1st person.
I still hope the PC version is better though.
Of course they do, they have the largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world. Dont want anyone rivalling them.
Regarding the sex bomb... I dont think its enough of a deterant. I mean, people would probably WANT to war with US just for some fun. Not to mention all the condoms the US...
Its been long known, like half a year and more back...
I will only appreciate it if that AI team members are replaceable by a real player. I am not a commanding type, never will be. I'm a follower and a grunt. If I cant be in that fire/assault team as a soldier following another players...
Cant you do like Swat 3, go slow or dynamic? Neither was very fast, but at least dynamic was alot faster than slow.
But then again, I'd probably think its too slow no matter what speed it is. I've played JO the last 6 months, ie people running at 22mph.
Did you expect anything else? The US policy in Iraq has always been shoot first and shoot again.
I would hate what would happen to me in Iraq... I got dark hair, might conceil an AK47 in it.
You do know that there are vampire clans in Morrowind to, with quests, special abilities and junk, do you?
Hell you even get your very own fangs and evil eyes :)
As long as its used in moderation I cant see why bloom is so bad. For example, in shot with the sword and junk on the table its hardly even visible. Most likely it can also be turned off.
My poor 9700 Pro is starting to worry though, lol.
All the g_bMovementOptimizations does is assume its a certain gravity, and skips the calculation. If you wont be using different gravitys, why not alter the flMul directly? If 160 is 21 units, then 64 would be around 480.