You are not allowed to be executed in the U.S. if you are a minor. You may be handed the death sentence, but the actual execution may not take place until you are an adult. The decision was on whether we could sentence minors to death whereby they would be executed as adults.
The United...
I don't think it's reference is SOLELY to the player, but the Laidlaw definitely does seem to be implementing strong themes of control that are reflected both in the game in the form of the story and out of the game, in the form of us, the player. Valve has made alot of focus on the concept of...
I was wondering if anybody might help me figure out how to import the HL2 .mdl files into 3DS Max 6. I know of that one importer that's on, but whenever I use it I always get a "Version 44 not supported!" error and it won't work. If there's anyway to just plain convert the...
lol, yeah, right, source is a modified havok engine, haha
dude, ok, here it is: Source is a completely new engine with a physics engine resembling and based off of Havok 2.0, they've modified it quite a bit
i've got a really sweet setup that keeps my case incredibly cool
Chenbro Xspider case
1 Cooler Master 80mm blue LED fan as intake
1 Cooler Master 80mm blue LED fan as exhaust
60mm->80mm adapter on p4 1.8a with Cooler Master 80mm red LED fan
couple that with 2 blue cathode rays and my...
did you buy a 5200 and think you were gonna play HL2 at even medium settings even BEFORE this whole nvidia thing?
wow, read up on vid cards, the 5200 is easily outperformed by a 4200