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    CS:S Server with a Router try this out. just click the router link and find your router and then find the game and itll have a walkthrough of how to setup a game for hosting and playing online.
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    Reality Counter Strike (funny)

    this was made at a KFC. i know this because i recognize those uniforms quite well and the layout is the same as the A&W/KFC that ive worked at before.
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    Wow these people on servers

    AMEN my man or female
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    Mouse problem?

    this sounds like the same issue i was having when i first started playing. i had to resort to uninstalling steam and deleting my game files and downloading them again. after i did this ive never had a problem. now that steam has a backup program, i can just revert back to my backup files when...
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    MIC problem

    do you have the mic gain turned up in the game's options? could be the mic having a problem with some of the options set inside the game.
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    Strong Manipulator

    dont quote me on this but i think someone said that you just go to the level where you first get the upgraded manipulator and then just warp back to the level where you want it at. im not entirely sure on this though. i might try it for some fun :D
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    The Best Screenies

    this is an awesome shot of a sunset.. gotta love the water effects! awesome reflections of the hillside...
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    be casterated because he has an opinion? get over it and stop being immature because someone doesnt like a game you have waited for and drooled over for 6 years. i loved the ending and the entire game. the ends. :smoking:
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    Anyone here have these specs?

    im not certain of the FPS youd get but id say that at 1024x768 youllbe very happy and be playing half life 2 with great stability. my specs are: P4 3.2Ghz 6800GT 1GB PC4000 i play at 1280x1024 w/ 4xaa, 8xaf and sometimes itll go down to the 40 range but ive seen it at around 150 being the...
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    Combine / Overwatch

    they are called the Combine Overwatch. not combine/ overwatch. they are one in the same.
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    so, someone spoiled the ending for me.

    hey man i feel your pain unlike the unsympathetic jerks here. people really need to exercise forum eticet when posting in any forum but what can you do...where there are humans there are also complete idiots and jerks alike. PS: grow up people.
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    Stuck on our benefactors please help..

    if its the area with the 3 walkways going to a center then there is a switch and you avtivate it. after that, step into the middle part and itll become an elevator.
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    antlions! i order you to.... AHHHH

    youll know when it works. one of the xen aliens gives you a tutorial on how to use it. then youll be able to use it.
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    its ok...just tell me...i dont wanna find out myself....

    i just beat the game not 5 minutes ago and i never saw it nor had to fight it.
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    problems already *sigh*

    ok now wtf is this? any time i try to start the game it give me an error and tells me it cant set the video mode. it then tells me itll set the video mode to default if i press OK. itll restart but itll give me the same damn error. this is great just great.
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    problems already *sigh*

    i can play half life 2 but whenever a character comes on screen the game gets extremely choppy. my specs... P4 3.2ghz 1024mb PC4000 6800GT thas pretty much all there is to show that my comp can handle this. really annoying to have a bug this horrible in the game.
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    Finished my first map: fy_ezam

    is it just me or does that look like a level off of golden eye 007 for the N64??
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    pop ups and hl2

    best time to run "hijack this" or any other spyware/adware program is while in safe mode. this way you elminate the possiblity of damaging anything. adaware and spy bot search and destroy are both really good programs to use. ive never tried hijack this, so i cant say anything about how well it...
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    'Will HL2 run on my comp' TESTER PRGRM

    this is mine...