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  1. superjuanchango

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    It all makes sense now...
  2. superjuanchango


    I type with random fingers, mainly two but every so often I use other fingers. It is very inefficient but I do type quite fast.
  3. superjuanchango

    Worst Game you've ever played.

    A game can be made much worse by hype, this making it the biggest dissapointment. Dissapointment can lead to me having a really bad time, thus making it the worst game.
  4. superjuanchango

    Why FOX is EVIL

    He is not meant to be a credible reporter like Dan Rather, he is supposed to be a bias guy on a conservative station like Heraldo. Oh, wait...
  5. superjuanchango

    Worst Game you've ever played.

    I never said I was a fan of Splinter Cell, because I am not. I didn't do that comparison, I just thought that a camera should not be preset in a stealth game.
  6. superjuanchango

    Worst Game you've ever played.

    Then make a ****ing movie, not a game. In some games odd cameras work for effect (see: Resident Evil), not a game where you are supposed to be trying to see your surroundings. In other words: YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!
  7. superjuanchango

    Kirby Canvas Curse for the DS.

    I got one next week I am saving it for :).
  8. superjuanchango

    Valves Horror potential?

    Source can't handle lighting and shadows like Doom 3 engine can. Sure, hdbloom looks nice, but it takes much more to run that then it does Doom 3.
  9. superjuanchango

    Worst Game you've ever played.

    Somone is going to kick my ass for this: Metal Gear Solid series. I mean, come on, lets get a working camera angle for a stealth game.
  10. superjuanchango

    Kirby Canvas Curse for the DS.

    The game is great fun, but spread it out over time. If you play for a few hours in a row it loses some...magic.
  11. superjuanchango

    CarmaGordon News Update

    Not a few years away, new burnout has it in
  12. superjuanchango

    Ahhhhhhhh...this woman will be germans new "Bundeskanzler(in)"

    The point of this was bashing the fact that she is a bad polotician, thus not good for the job. The poster was not complaining about her vagina.
  13. superjuanchango

    the gay republican

    Believe it or not I have a friend that falls under this title. He did, however, vote Kerry in 2004 I believe. He donned a KERRY EDWARDS sticker for a day or two on his car, but that may have been an act.
  14. superjuanchango

    Black Girl identified only as "Black Girl" in yearbook

    Wow, lets take a step back here. These have been some of the most hypocritical posts I have EVER seen. “I can’t believe they would write that and label her black. That’s ignorant and stereotyping. Leave it to Texas! They are all racist rednecks!” If you are one of the people with a post...
  15. superjuanchango

    Schapelle Corby found guilty for drug smuggling.

    She didn't just open her bags like a previous posted said. She refused to and tried to stop them from doing it first.
  16. superjuanchango

    Another smart move by Republicans, no women in military

    Yet another reason that I hate the left. I think they should be given the ability to fight just like men, no different. At all, in fact, exactly the same. They should need to register for the draft as well. However, you people MUST see who they do not want them on the front lines. As 99% of...
  17. superjuanchango

    Wanted: Outlaws and Lawmen needs (noncharacter) modelers

    Update: We are also in need to a talented texture artist.
  18. superjuanchango


    This will be my last post in this argument. All it is turning into is more people comming into the thread repeating the same bullshit that everyone repeats. Thats a red herring. We are not discussing alcohol, we are discussing marijuana. If this were an alcohol topic it would make sense, but...
  19. superjuanchango


    That’s some fancy crazy anecdotal evidence for your side, just like everything else you have brought up. Though, I must congratulate you on the nice GPA. :thumbs: Which they will do very easilly. Bums will do anything for a buck, watch the South Park Movie for proof. Since when did I...