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  1. Mackan

    uhhh, its not THAT great-

    considering your first post i think most of the responses in this thread has been coolheaded and mature.. and i cant for the life of me understand how you expect to get usefull replies when you wrote what you did in the first post.. it sounds to me that you have a bit too high standards.. you...
  2. Mackan

    Valve proves they have good AI

    i was really dissapointed of the AI in far cry.. mostly they just walk slowly right towards you (and yes I played on a high difficulty.. second highest i think) I've read that the AI in far cry was awesome, but I surely didn't see any.. they just aim better the higher the difficulty.. so...
  3. Mackan

    HALF LIFE 2 FULL DEMO video from both BOOTHS

    uploading at 50, downloading at 15 :rolleyes:
  4. Mackan

    Very Fast link to Download the BIG SUPER DEMO

    works great for me
  5. Mackan

    Official E3 2004 Info Thread - ONLY NEWS AND LINKS

    if you haven't seen it's definitely worth a look.. mostly vids and links from the floor of e3, but I'm sure there'll be some hl2 stuff as well
  6. Mackan

    Flyingdebris stars in HL2!

    yeah hes a bit bigger, and it almost looks like hes flying a bit.. looks good non the less :)
  7. Mackan

    Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

    haha thats freakin great :) very cool costume post more pictures when its done will ya? :)
  8. Mackan

    What difficulty level are you going to play HL2 on?

    i always play games on hard the first time.. i dont want to just run thru the whole thing
  9. Mackan

    "Leaked Source" Is A Fake - Proof

  10. Mackan

    "Leaked Source" Is A Fake - Proof

    but isnt source a completly new engine? doesnt make sence that theres stuff from the old engine in there.. im guessing and hoping that its fake
  11. Mackan

    Jesus Freakin

    ahaha what a great site :D
  12. Mackan

    Screen Size

    17", but on thursday im getting my new 19" :)
  13. Mackan

    Am i the only freak going in costume?

    cool flyingdebris :) hope you get some pictures of you with that suit on, would be fun to see
  14. Mackan


    yeah when shes standing up she is.. i kinda pictured DOG to be a bit bigger and beefier.. more armoured you know
  15. Mackan


    yeah frischo, thats how i pictured DOG would look like maybe a bit bigger
  16. Mackan

    Steam is Great!

    that makes two of us then :)
  17. Mackan


    the murder of lindh had nothing to do with the outcome..
  18. Mackan league

    yeah go for it! im on :)