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  1. RogueAngel

    Wouldn't you like a minigame to play while you're in spec mode?

    I wish you could challenge another player to a 1vs1 fight while dead. Of course people would probably like it so much they would likely suicide. It would also be cool to get the option to go to the 'range'. The range would be like a indoor police range where you shoot at paper targets and get an...
  2. RogueAngel

    Red-Claw Clan Script v1.1

    I'll be taking a close look at the map and script. Target practice is always good. But in your readme I love this: +-----Message at the bottom: + + When you kill 6 people in Unreal- Tournament it's "Monster kill", + In QuakeIII it's "Excellent", +...
  3. RogueAngel

    DoD:Source Video

    I think it looks way better. Smooth for one. Sure the player models don't compare to CS:S or HL2 but they are just the old ones. The map looks awesome though. People get so spoiled so quickley they don't even realize how bad DoD originally looked.
  4. RogueAngel

    Scout Uber fast?

    I have been single-shot, full-armor, full-health, non-headshot, killed by the scout so many times it's like I'm going for a record. Are there cases where you get a headshot but it doens't register?
  5. RogueAngel

    Guys - Our ladies think of computer as 'other woman'!

    Yes we have talked about this in length. As I stated we talk about everything. Although I think it's sound advice I don't think I can get her into gaming as she is an avid sewer and we actually have a sweet setup. Our 4 computers are set up right by her sewing area so it's not like we are not...
  6. RogueAngel

    More on VAC

    Doug is one funny guy.... I'll give him that. Now just deliver. VAC2 WHERE ARE YOU?????
  7. RogueAngel

    Valve/Turtlerock maps

    They had to GET on the roof first... they didn't do it often when I played it. I made that my mission on that map. It was fun being CT and T.
  8. RogueAngel

    If CT actually had to use the defusekit

    I think it would take away from the excitement of the game. When some CT runs up the an already fast ticking bomb without a kit all the dead watchers are like "come on" or "don't do it" as per team. Then you switch to the person's view and the bar is creeping along and the bomb is going...
  9. RogueAngel

    Guys - Our ladies think of computer as 'other woman'!

    I don't put an age limit on good advice.:thumbs:
  10. RogueAngel

    Thought VAC2 was coming

    I always yell that out in a game when I am getting BS'ed. It usually gets a few laughs. Then there's jerks like you. ;)
  11. RogueAngel

    Thought VAC2 was coming

    Vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are You!!!!!vac2 Where Are...
  12. RogueAngel

    anybody have gameplay suggestions for CS2?

    I also would like to see the sniper rilfe change to be more like DoD. I see people jump sniping in CS:S and it's so lame. Jumping out from behind a box, ducking and shooting. Then they jump back and repeat. Try doing that is rl. Yes I know CS:S isn't supposed to be real life... but I really...
  13. RogueAngel

    Counter Strike Cheating

    I just yell out "Hurry up VAC2!!!" when someone is pulling a horseshoe out of their a**. They usually laugh, which is my intent. Serious speed hackers and aimbotters are easy to see. Others who are just owning are likely good. I admit I get pissed off sometimes because I do pretty good most...
  14. RogueAngel

    anybody have gameplay suggestions for CS2?

    I would like to see an alt-fire for nades. Alt-fire would be an underhand toss. While the over hand throw would be more powerful and the longer you held down the button the farther you would throw it. **** and here's the windup **** Right now I don't feel like you can throw it far enough. I...
  15. RogueAngel

    First Black Mesa: Source images

    Can anyone say Troll?
  16. RogueAngel

    Guys - Our ladies think of computer as 'other woman'!

    ***Waits expectantly*** * ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ********* ********** *********** Awwwwwwww I was hoping for solutions :D
  17. RogueAngel

    Guys - Our ladies think of computer as 'other woman'!

    The wife and I have talked about his in DEPTH! We are very serious about our relationship and talk about everything. Even she hates the fact she gets upset about this. She wishes she didn't feel the way she does about it but she does. As far as other things not getting done around the house...
  18. RogueAngel

    Guys - Our ladies think of computer as 'other woman'!

    I'm not sure how many married guys there are on here since most of the people seem quite young. But anyone here who has been married for a while might be able to understand where I am coming from. Heck I am sure guys with girlfriends often have the same dilemma so here I go. I love gaming...
  19. RogueAngel

    Anyone know the bind to buy single mags of ammo?

    buyammo1 = primary ammo 1 clip buyammo2 = secondary ammo 1 clip only