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  1. C

    Anyone know if Halflife 2 is....

    ...compatible with Linux ? Or is that asking FAR too much?
  2. C

    Steam ain't worth it

    face it mate your machine is ****ed
  3. C

    Duke Nukem 3D Mod CANCELLED

    wtf is with signatures like that? phucks up my page, phuck!
  4. C

    Accidentally using secondary fire...

    every time it happens I'm like "ok dickhead let's remember not to do that any more" never makes a difference - it's always when I'm doing something very carefully like sandtraps or something :dozey:
  5. C

    Accidentally using secondary fire...

    ...on the machine gun trying to pick something up and blowing yourself to sh1t after thoroughly 'abusing' the grav gun deprecciation thread phucks me off! but always makes me laugh like.. "oh, I'll just pull this bathtub towards..*KABLOOOIEEEE* "nads" :cheese:
  6. C

    Half-Life2 Expansion Pack - Semi-Announced

    I always thought they were called combine because they were a combination of organic and machine, like bio-mech or something
  7. C

    Flipping that Buggie

    press the sprint key
  8. C

    Which Half-Life do you prefer?

    can you please sort your d1ckhead signature out mate!? every time you post the page becomes 3 times wider and is a major pain in the arse!!! anyway, The only way I can put these two against eachother is to think back to how I felt about playing HL1 for the first time to playing HL2 for...
  9. C

    Barney's "about that beer I owed ya" monologue is pure non-sense

    maybe they resurrected barney from strands of his DNA found after he was massacred in HL1, and as for the many barney's in HL1, perhaps they were clones of the original Barney which were all made after barney promised to buy gordon a beer? er...this is getting silly now isn't it
  10. C


    down to the ****ing letter that is exactly what I did 'spect
  11. C

    HL2 doesn't ask me for the CD anymore

    so does the update work for the DVD version too? I'm at work so I can't try it! haven't played for a couple of weeks either :(
  12. C

    Is steam required to play half-life 2?

    I think this is the funniest ****ing thread I've EVER read! awesome
  13. C

    steam ban bullshit!

  14. C

    HL2 running like sh*t at a certain chapter of the game **SPOLIER WARNING**

    I had to crack my graphics settings down for this level myself, all the striders and battling civvies outside just pushed my rather poor machine (1.3ghz Athlon thunderbird, 390MB RAM, 64MB geForce Pro MMX 400, sblive soundcard) over the edge. As for the rest of the game it ran fine and in terms...
  15. C

    There goes hope of a GOTY at Gamespot...

    I think it's a simple case of the longer you have to wait for something, the more likely it is to disappoint - if this game had come out when intended, it would've blown everything else off the shelves, if you think about when coding of the game began, it was way ahead of it's time graphically...
  16. C

    In-game command lines - Post completion

    excellent, ok mate cheers
  17. C

    In-game command lines - Post completion

    oh ok, can you point me in the right direction?
  18. C

    In-game command lines - Post completion

    Alright folks? I've seen a few little tweaks and mods and they all seem fun so far, I thought we could dedicate this thread to console commands that you can use at any point in the game to spawn weapons, objects, ammo etc, and also console commands to adjust spawn rates and/or physics in the...
  19. C

    Some "inside" Valve info from someone at HL2Fallout (one word: snarks!)

    I think the idea of going as high as HL6 sounds great, they don't have to know more background about the characters then they put in the game so it's feasible they haven't devised a full background for the gman just yet, who cares, what matters is we don't know cos they don't want us to know
  20. C

    Is that possible to have a mac version of half life 2

    wow, imagine HL2 on a powermac G5! awesome.