Some "inside" Valve info from someone at HL2Fallout (one word: snarks!)

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May 9, 2004
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* Yes, indeed there are mini 'episodes' in the works to progress the Half Life story
* VALVe really does have a 6 foot, gold-plated crowbar in it's main office area, it's NOT a Photoshopified image
* Headcrab plush toys will actually soon be a product on the gamer's market along with action figures
* More Deathmatch maps are on the way, including some remakes of past classic maps
* Snarks may make another appearance as multiplayer weapons/traps
* Yes, there will be a patch/update coming soon that will add a cheat to the current repitoir that will spawn or give you the modded, blue grav-gun without having to glitch the game...

...but the news that tops it all...

* The G-Man doesn't work for anybody...yet. Meaning the writters don't even know yet. The story is SO incomplete, even thus far that we've only BEGUN the HalfLife story. Nothing beyond that of HL3 has been written or even thought of yet and it's likely there will be as high as HL6 before anything brought to a close
* The G-Man doesn't work for anybody...yet. Meaning the writters don't even know yet. The story is SO incomplete, even thus far that we've only BEGUN the HalfLife story. Nothing beyond that of HL3 has been written or even thought of yet and it's likely there will be as high as HL6 before anything brought to a close

That's depressing. =/
Hmmm. I really gotta call BS on that last one. Most writers going into a project with some semblence of what the overall storyline will entail.
JamesPicard_007 said:
Hmmm. I really gotta call BS on that last one. Most writers going into a project with some semblence of what the overall storyline will entail.
Yep, chances are Marc knows exactly whats in the story and had it planned way back, keeping lots of it secret or simply using it as reference to drop hints here and there.

The whole thing just sounds like wishful thinking from someone and I'll only believe it when one of Valve appear and say which ones are true or not.
My friend knows Gabe and he said that Gabe said that it's easy to make stuff up on the internet.

EDIT: Anyway, as for the G-man thing, even if it was true this is a really bad way of saying it. Valve will have made up some at least general ideas for the G-man. Like, if the G-man was an alien they'd know that, but they may not have finalised what type of alien or their ultimate purpose. They certainly wouldn't have just put a guy in who talks funny for no reason, and then give him a background once Half-Life 5 comes around or whatnot.

And I think it's very strange the way people refer to the Half-Life story. Some people seem to write as if the story is something beyond Valve and Valve don't know the story instead of writing that Valve haven't completed the story or whatnot. Valve aren't trying to piece together a story that they only know bits of. They are telling you bits of a story that they came up with.
Its possible they are re-making a few maps, i think the guy on there wants SnarkPit back.. but i do believe the rest is pure bull.
Feath said:
My friend knows Gabe and he said that Gabe said that it's easy to make stuff up on the internet.
My friend his friend said the same thing! :hmph:
Feath said:
My friend knows Gabe and he said that Gabe said that it's easy to make stuff up on the internet.

I was about to say something similiar to that :p
nutcrackr said:
As if they don't know what the Gman is.

Let's hope they find out before they make Half-Life 3!

Of course Valve know. How could they not know? The G-man is entirely their invention. "They don't know" means "They have made some stuff up but it could change" not that the G-man is some secret thing that they have to find out.
SHOCK! VALVe find out that the G-Man is actually Alyx's pink elephant sibling!
Anyone smell that?


Ahh, yep. Smells like a nice cup of BULLSH*T!

The Dark Elf said:
Yep, chances are Marc knows exactly whats in the story and had it planned way back, keeping lots of it secret or simply using it as reference to drop hints here and there.

The whole thing just sounds like wishful thinking from someone and I'll only believe it when one of Valve appear and say which ones are true or not.

Exactly what i thought.
When the G-man character gets wounded in HL1, he has green/yellow alien blood but when he gets wounded in HL2, he has red blood.

May not mean anything but it could be that Valve are indeed making it up as they go along if the graphics artists have no consistent idea what to class the G-man as.
doomed - uk said:
When the G-man character gets wounded in HL1, he has green/yellow alien blood but when he gets wounded in HL2, he has red blood.

He didn't bleed in the original, it was like hitting the Gargantua with normal weapons i.e. just sparks.
I think everybody should view this info VERY skeptically. Did you guys read the post? It reads like a scene from Spaceballs. "My friend's cousin's mother's hairstylist's son's gym teacher's kid brother visited Valve and gave me some secret info!" Seriously why is this news trustworthy at all?
KagePrototype said:
He didn't bleed in the original, it was like hitting the Gargantua with normal weapons i.e. just sparks.

Yeah, with conventional weapons but someone here said something about a laser trip-mine making greenish blood splatter off him as G-man was close enough to the explosion to be wounded.
could some one do me a favour and link me to that picture of the 6 foot crowbar, must have missed that. Thanks greatly.
Well my dad is gabe newell and he had sexual intercourse with bill clinton
* The G-Man doesn't work for anybody...yet. Meaning the writters don't even know yet. The story is SO incomplete, even thus far that we've only BEGUN the HalfLife story. Nothing beyond that of HL3 has been written or even thought of yet and it's likely there will be as high as HL6 before anything brought to a close

Interesting - the Half-Life 2 story really is as dull and ultimately meaningless as I had suspected.
Half Life action figures?? Ok, so I see where this is going....
Ofcourse they know who the G-Man is. In the strategy guide there's a picture that lists all the characters like on a family tree, and the G-Man is listed as an "Eldritch Entity".

On "eldritch" is defined as such: adj : suggesting the operation of supernatural influences

So it sounds like either Valve knows where they're going with this, or the strategy guide is a sack of horse-shit.
doomed - uk said:
When the G-man character gets wounded in HL1, he has green/yellow alien blood but when he gets wounded in HL2, he has red blood.

May not mean anything but it could be that Valve are indeed making it up as they go along if the graphics artists have no consistent idea what to class the G-man as.
in hl1 g-man is immortal! you shoot at him and it just makes sparks! you can't kill him! idiot! (unless they fix it with a patch or something, i havnt played fer a while so they could have patched it)
kenyo said:
in hl1 g-man is immortal! you shoot at him and it just makes sparks! you can't kill him! idiot! (unless they fix it with a patch or something, i havnt played fer a while so they could have patched it)

Where did I say that you could kill him in HL1? Oh wait, that's right, I never said that. :rolleyes:

I said that someone here said that tripmine explosions cause green blood to splatter from him in HL1.
Iconoclast said:
Interesting - the Half-Life 2 story really is as dull and ultimately meaningless as I had suspected.
it is BULLSHIT so you're bullshit theory's are just that...
this idiot is either a liar or his friend of a mother's brothers gym teacher's hairstylest is a liar!
and you're an idiot for trusting him!:flame::flame::flame:
ya so like i totally wrote the story for 2 of the best games ever made, and so like the guy who is controlling your purpose is actually just some dude in a suit, ya im gonna have to come up with some stuff to explain why this dude in a suit can control time and why he likes messing with Gordons mind, but you know, il just say hes an alien before the ending of HL3 and everyone will think I know what I'm doing.

I think not, please stop spreading utter bullshit.
I think the idea of going as high as HL6 sounds great, they don't have to know more background about the characters then they put in the game so it's feasible they haven't devised a full background for the gman just yet, who cares, what matters is we don't know cos they don't want us to know
spencerjrus said:
ya so like i totally wrote the story for 2 of the best games ever made, and so like the guy who is controlling your purpose is actually just some dude in a suit, ya im gonna have to come up with some stuff to explain why this dude in a suit can control time and why he likes messing with Gordons mind, but you know, il just say hes an alien before the ending of HL3 and everyone will think I know what I'm doing.

I think not, please stop spreading utter bullshit.

LOL you're the only one here who siad that! so you then one spreading bullshit! lol, nobody else here siad that (sep me, i quated it)
The G-Man doesn't work for anybody...yet. Meaning the writters don't even know yet. The story is SO incomplete, even thus far that we've only BEGUN the HalfLife story. Nothing beyond that of HL3 has been written or even thought of yet and it's likely there will be as high as HL6 before anything brought to a close
Makes a lot of sense to me - why write a full story out before you need to - and if they'd have written more about the Gman/etc I'd have thought they'd allude to it (even vaguely) in HL2.
I had already assumed the deathmatch maps were inevitable and that we'd already seen the golden crowbar.
They know the story already. And snar...*AAHHH CHOOO!!*

Sorry, I'm allergic to bullsh**.
Total BS. Do you really think VALVe put all of this work into a game series and didn't plan for one of the major characters (gman)? And they way he put it
The story is SO incomplete,
leads me to think this is just some halo2/doom3/etc. fanboy who wants to take VALVe down. Sad, really.
eeerrrmmm so like where does it say that they don know WHO the g-man is?

oh right, it doesn't. it says they don't know who he WORKS for yet.
still i rekon its BS but some people seem to have difficulty in reading hmph.
bleh :x
i want most of what was said to be true...but until a Valve employee confirms any of it.. i really ain't reading too much into this.
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