* Yes, indeed there are mini 'episodes' in the works to progress the Half Life story
* VALVe really does have a 6 foot, gold-plated crowbar in it's main office area, it's NOT a Photoshopified image
* Headcrab plush toys will actually soon be a product on the gamer's market along with action figures
* More Deathmatch maps are on the way, including some remakes of past classic maps
* Snarks may make another appearance as multiplayer weapons/traps
* Yes, there will be a patch/update coming soon that will add a cheat to the current repitoir that will spawn or give you the modded, blue grav-gun without having to glitch the game...
...but the news that tops it all...
* The G-Man doesn't work for anybody...yet. Meaning the writters don't even know yet. The story is SO incomplete, even thus far that we've only BEGUN the HalfLife story. Nothing beyond that of HL3 has been written or even thought of yet and it's likely there will be as high as HL6 before anything brought to a close
* Yes, indeed there are mini 'episodes' in the works to progress the Half Life story
* VALVe really does have a 6 foot, gold-plated crowbar in it's main office area, it's NOT a Photoshopified image
* Headcrab plush toys will actually soon be a product on the gamer's market along with action figures
* More Deathmatch maps are on the way, including some remakes of past classic maps
* Snarks may make another appearance as multiplayer weapons/traps
* Yes, there will be a patch/update coming soon that will add a cheat to the current repitoir that will spawn or give you the modded, blue grav-gun without having to glitch the game...
...but the news that tops it all...
* The G-Man doesn't work for anybody...yet. Meaning the writters don't even know yet. The story is SO incomplete, even thus far that we've only BEGUN the HalfLife story. Nothing beyond that of HL3 has been written or even thought of yet and it's likely there will be as high as HL6 before anything brought to a close