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  1. S

    Nightfall media release and interview

    I love the website! Like the movie-style "poster" media. Some are really well done. It's looking pretty damn good to me. The female Combine looks sexy :D
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    SiN Episodes: Emergence Unlocked

    I thought it was good - much better that I had anticipated which may have added to the enjoyment. I'd also just played Sin 1 before playing this, so that might of had something to do with it too ;) It does have some difficulty-balance issues though. For one thing, the Shotgun is pretty...
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    Shores of Glory

    That's not a Source thing, it's what the mapper has decided to do (you could have fog that drops visibilty down to less than a metre if you wanted).
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    Weekly Steam Update (16/09/05)

    Maybe they're gonna actually cause some proper splash damage now? :p I've got it pre-ordered. It was, like, $19 or something which is just a wee bit more than £10. Low price for what will be an awesome game tbh! If you're gonna get it, may as well now. Pre-ordering gets you a discount. Once...
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    Weekly Steam News (26/08/05)

    A lot of ideas for games have to be dropped during development be they levels, enemies or gameplay features, and HL2 is no exception. Originally, HL2 was going to begin on a big tanker (very Metal Gear Solid 2 style), the Hydra monster is now no where to be seen and in the infamous leaked...
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    Day of Defeat: Source - New Screenshots

    I agree - I actually thought that DoD now looks a lot better than CS ever has (without any custom stuff). DoD had rain, some good smoke effects from grenades and those awesome detail textures that got introduced in... whatever version - I can't remember. Unfortunately, pretty much everyone plays...
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    Day of Defeat: Source Approaching Beta

    Looking forward to seeing the new player models. Clearly they won't be sticking with them. Flash and Avalanche are looking nice - Flash in particular. Love the Skybox. I saw a short vid of an Allie getting sent towards the player from a nade blast. Wasn't a great example of the ragdoll...
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    Cannister Rockets

    There is a point-based "physics_cannister" entity. I've not played with it before, but this might be what you need. However, it's default World Model, "models/fire_equipment/w_weldtank.mdl", doesn't exist... Perhaps you're able to use some other model (the one you're trying to use now?), but...
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    Decent Spotlights?

    Yeah, I'm aware of the massive impact on compile times Spotlights create. Still though, Spotslights really look like utter garbage unless you fiddle with the lightmap scale. Usual lighting and shadows from Omni Lights look find to me on a 16 lightmap scale.
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    Decent Spotlights?

    Played lads! I knew of this setting but hadn't really played with it much. I should've known better with my 3DSMax experience. The spot light on the left is shining on a face with a lightmap scale of 1 and the one on the right is on a lightmap scale of 16 (which is default). Picking up...
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    Decent Spotlights?

    I'm having a crack at spotlights and no matter what I try they always seem way too blurry and nothing like the nice sharp looking ones I've seen in game. The fact that there's very limited information on properties like "Linear" and "Quadratic" doesn't help either. So anywho... anyone know...
  12. S

    Vertex tool broken?

    Best create two brushes and then Skew them to make that shape. To skew a brush, select it, click on it twice (don't drag), then use the handles (which should be at the top, bottom, left and right of your selection) ot reshape it.
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    Basic Doors Video Tutorial

    Nice tutorial, and funny too. You make the odd mistake/accident here and there, but that's alright ;) I didn't realise that enabling Helpers revealed a "built in" origin for func_door_rotating. I've just been using a brush with my rotating doors covered with the "origin" texture. Not that it...
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    Proper rotating doors with animated door handles?

    Played, Hyperjag3! Never knew about the prop_door_rotating entity. It's all so clear now! Got em working no problem - thanks again!
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    Proper rotating doors with animated door handles?

    JFry's method would work, but I'm sure those door handles are models, rather than a manually made brush. I can find models that are doors and have handles, but I can't get it to work... I guess technically you have to set it up so the player can use it and it will animate the door (making it...
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    Pinball problem

    Check the flags of the trigger - I'm pretty sure they can be set up so only the player, an NPC, an entity, or all at once, or seperately, can activate the trigger.
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    Proper rotating doors with animated door handles?

    So absolutely no one knows how to do it?
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    Entire map is bright

    I'm a little rusty on console commands, but try entering mat_fullbrightness 0 into the console. It's definately mat_something... have a play about til you find it.
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    [WIP] dm_dockside

    Looks pretty fine to me, to be honest. A nice 3D skybox would finish off nicely. Stick with that lighting - I love it.
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    adding props

    Fluffy_squirrel: I just helped a mate of mine with this problem and he was mixing his prop_static entities with his prop_physic entities. Basically, a prop_static is a piece of scenary that is not intended to be thrown about by physics (ie. picked up with the Grav-gun). You can still bump into...