gibs suck, it makes a game look retarded although it is classic and hilarious to gib a n00b with a crowbar in HL, but in the new gen games it looks crap. keep it in the old games and let it die.
Well, im getting the HL2 version with the multi colored hippi box and the wikid rocket launcher that shoots out flowers.
Versions of Hl2:
sp + mp
sp and a half
DVD - SP only
DVD2 - SP + MP
its all crap imo, sp only??!
keep it simple stupid
sp+mp (normal)
dvd (collectors...
its Valves style, any game they make they hype it up then dump it - release it same time next year and laugh at us :D
btw, i reckon it wont come out till some time when the sun blows up, but thats me.
it will prolly be in there, all games have that gay area put into them, dont know why, its nearly in all the FPS.
but, HL got it ok because you could really feel the jump, not like in other games where it was like jumping on the moon and had a delayed reaction to it, bleh its all sad though.
That would be so cool :D
If that were true, the aliens have taken over and the government sent out the g-man, used Gordon as a test subject, but he succeeded so the g-man kept him for safe keepings.
Just a blur till now, when they wake him up. They must of screwed the pooch so they release...