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  1. M

    DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots

    Using the env_glow entity, i think its called that, i put to of them on each lamp and played for 6 hours trying to make it look right. If you want the values let me know and ill get them for you.
  2. M

    DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots

    Limpet: I dont know if the curve would be possible becouse then each car would have to be a seprorate train, and knowing the dm bugs, the cars would eventualy loose sync and seporate or go throught each other LOL, not cool :). Yeah i hope valve can fix that jitter other engines dont have a...
  3. M

    DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots

    there is The current version has a high speed train that runs over people, its a NYC subway that has been converted by the combine and carries human pods on it, plus there is a real functional NYC subway that takes you from station to station. You can check out the video of it on web site...
  4. M

    DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots

    3rd station a good idea? Thanks, some people are asking me for a 3rd station, i have considered it my self but im affraid that it will dilute the players further, and couse the minimum number of players to go up. What do you guys think of that?
  5. M

    DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots

    DM_Subway 2, dev Screen shots Hey, since the contest is over i have been working on a new version of DM_Subway, Here are some screen shots of the smaller platform, DM_Subway 2 platform 2 for more DM_Subway 2 images click here comapir to...
  6. M

    Sick DM_Subway 16 player VIDEO

    Thanks, yeah thats an engine thing, any elevator, will shake the player, if you go in to single player it doesint do it, but its still totaly playable as is. I spent countless hours tweeking the speed of the train so that the shaking would almost just by an anoying train thing rather then the...
  7. M

    Sick DM_Subway 16 player VIDEO

    Check it out, this should show off the unqie qualities of this map as 16 players duke it out in NYC based subway map. Includes video of one teams storming a station of another team. Well let me know what you think. it will automaticaly load its flash. This map runs...
  8. M

    HL2 do not buy!!

    Research its all in how you read it. Yeah its true, if you play a violent game you are more likely to be more agresive, less compasionate, and more violente, but gues what, if you play tenise, soccer, basket ball or do anything that raises your heart beat, your exactly going to be as likely to...
  9. M

    Creating Dedicated servers Tutorials

    Thanks for the tutorial but whats the diffrence between using steam and the update tool?
  10. M

    Steam Dedicated or Update tool

    Theres an update tool to get a dedicated server or you could just use steam. Whats the diffrence, and on one of my machinenes srcd is using 100% of cpu cycels everitme i run it????? on the steam version where are the config files supposed to be placed?
  11. M

    mapping contest!?!?!?!?!?

    It aint goona happen This map contest thing was a great way for 11gs, to create a second thought multiplayer for h2. They know that long term game interest is going to be in the hands of gamers, so why not throw some feul at the fire. That goal being accomplished there just isint much need for...
  12. M

    space sim possible?

    come to think of it i dont think u can even bank the player view port
  13. M

    New Steam Update slowed hammer way down

    steam mem leak I know there is a know issue about steam leaking memory if hammer is open and any of the steam windows are open, make sure to close them and rembemr to save as a diffrent name often, hammer can and will corupt ur files, has happend to me 3 times on one project!
  14. M

    what's the best ma.....?

    Put the guns down :) Hey hey lets put the guns down, we all know what the man ment, and we all want to play some descent levels with out having to go throught a lot of forums and crapy unfinished levels (apolgies to crapy unfinished level authers,,, keep up the good hard work). Any how, I like...
  15. M

    space sim possible?

    Great point And if i may ad, there are tons of great great first person shooters out their, infact there may just be too many. How ever there are very few quality space sims, Freelancer, is an ardcade game and a sad one at that, i meand did any one look at the ships in that game, they...
  16. M

    space sim possible?

    Your a smart guy,,, Now stop giving away my ideas, lol, thats exactly what i was planing to do,,, heheeeheh good job. The camera wont be a problem since,,,, its a mod and we can change some of the enigne coding.
  17. M

    space sim possible?

    Yeah im giving some realy serius thought to starting something like that my self. But i realy want to go nuts, i want the abitlity to walk around the ship while it loops and stuff, and i dont think source would be happy with me :)
  18. M

    space sim possible?

    I dont think it would be that, bad, depends on how much engine recoding you want to do. no matter what engine you have distance is going to be an issue, even in my own space sim you could quickly run the poor littile 32 bit number to its end. Just image what will be possible with these 64 bit...
  19. M

    2 questions

    Vis I'm not sure how familier you are with VIS in the first place, so just incase you dont know what it does. Vis creates a kind of map of your map that tells the game engine what cant be seen in sertain parts of the map. With out vis, half life engine would draw almost every single texture and...
  20. M

    space sim possible?

    Realism Boy if realism was the only problem, but your wrong realism is importan, why a such a big fus about the physics engine in source, why not just make people fly, or shoot rubber duckies. I mean come on, if you cant belive it, its hard to make it fun, so the game has to be belivable...