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  1. laughterkillsme

    Windows, not glass.

    Can you do that without it becoming unneccesary, performance hindering detail?
  2. laughterkillsme

    Windows, not glass.

    house ona street, you can't go inside so I'm not looking for glass. What I want is to throw a window texture on the side .. but I'm unsure of the best way to do this. Should I create a seperate brush? should it be an overlay (if overlay, why are they ending up being black squares?) EDIT...
  3. laughterkillsme

    Final Escape Mod Needs YOUR Help!

    Nice website. any older media then? I'd love to see where you guys are going with this.
  4. laughterkillsme

    Last Escape mod

    Based on Resident Evil? As much as I would like to see a RE2 based game .. that reimagines what really was a bunch of crappy puzzles and generic zombie killing .. I gotta remind you that most mods based on other games usually get shut down when they are big enough to get noticed.
  5. laughterkillsme

    Conceptual Artist looking for serious work

    Damn, that's a nice sculpture.
  6. laughterkillsme

    3D Character Artist

    If my mod was further along I def beg you to join ... great quality stuff.
  7. laughterkillsme


    Where does everyone get the inspiration and drive to make mods? Myself, I get an a completely grand and poorly thought out concept in my head .. throw it down so I can see it and then revise until I achieve what I wanted to do conceptually. (Map wise anyhow .. coding I just zone out until...
  8. laughterkillsme

    Big dilema...

    I see what you mean. Having that spark of inspiration .. and they trying to protect it .. but it is impossible. At some point you need to confide in somebody. This is what I am doing right now, maybe this structure could help you? -- Me and one other person are maping, and coding the...
  9. laughterkillsme

    Making completely indoor maps?

    Def. some good info. Thanks everyone.
  10. laughterkillsme

    hl2mp dm_labbirynth - Final!

    looks interesting .. either gonna be very broken or very awesome. Any servers running this atm?
  11. laughterkillsme

    vortigaunt speech is different from HL1

    Man, this isn't tolkien with his fully planned out elven language and whatnot. I'm sure they were like "sounds good, lets keep it". Than again, maybe Valve figured out the meaning of life and if you play the votiguants voices backwards while eating screaming babies you'll hear it too.
  12. laughterkillsme

    Film Noir Mod Recruiting

    I had this idea once. I forget what inspired me .. I realized it was a hell of alotta work to make it more than just a cheesy novelty piece. I wish ya the best of luck with this bud. BTW, do you have any gameplay details? I'd love to hear how you planned this beast out.
  13. laughterkillsme

    Did Free weekend convince you?

    Already had it. Never play it though .. I got tired of the whole Quake reskinned as WW2 thing along time ago.
  14. laughterkillsme

    The Ship Released!

    kinda buggy, I was being stabed infront of an NPC ... so I took out my knife and got sent to jail before I could even use it. Gotta wonder why I got sent to jail but not the guy stabbing me ...
  15. laughterkillsme

    The Ship Released!

    Great ideas, little to no proper implementation. Most game mechanics might become funny to think about but really just go unused. Opinion: Kind of a mediocre mod at best. Not worth the 20 dollars at all.
  16. laughterkillsme

    Making completely indoor maps?

    Overwhelmingly I hear, "Carve and Hollow aren't in the map's best interest". Since the only place I've used hollow is to create rectangular rooms, I assume that they are a bad idea on more complicated objects .. but I'm still unsure of why. If I don't know why .. I don't know anything .. so I...
  17. laughterkillsme

    Making completely indoor maps? forums has the best trolls ever. I'm glad I'm here.
  18. laughterkillsme

    Recruiting a mod team

    I'm gonna have to agree, you suck. So stop sucking and do something to legitimize one of the worst mod ideas ever.
  19. laughterkillsme

    New Vista Build - Goodbye Hourglass

    I hate you inRL.