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  1. L

    Steam Account Thief caught red handed

    Lol. Those were hilarious. Especially where that guy turned the tables on him.
  2. L

    Steam Account Thief caught red handed

    Yeah I was going to do that but I didn't even want him to have that the stupid bastard.
  3. L

    Steam Account Thief caught red handed

    Yeah come to think of it I did get another one a few years back where he pretended he was a Valve employee. Lol. I must admit I once pretended to be an admin in a chat room to get these two guys to shut up. I think it was on GameSpy or something. But I'd never steal anyone's account where...
  4. L

    Steam Account Thief caught red handed

    I don't post much on the forums. I post alot more on the Steam forums but I wanted to put this over on this forum because I read this one alot more. Anyway this conversation had me literally laughing out loud. I've never tried to have my account stolen so I just thought it...
  5. L

    Water Shader Problem

    What's wrong with the second screenshot?
  6. L

    Genetic Determinism

    Hey I made a reply to this thread and it disappeared. Strange....
  7. L

    Genetic Determinism

    I'm not sure if this has been posted before. I didn't bother to look so sorry if it has. So anyways Genetic Determinism to me is like a religion to what like religion is to most non-practising parishioners, for example; in otherwords it's just like a set of beliefs I live my life by and...
  8. L

    Can't compile in Hammer

    No problem. I never had the problem myself so I didn't really try that way myself. But since it was on the Valve Wiki then I assumed it must work.
  9. L

    Can't compile in Hammer Your problem is under " Error when running maps from within a mod (Since 8/4/2006)"
  10. L

    Will my Rig run HL2/CSS/DODS/Ep1

    Connection is Broadband/DSL. Must be pretty fast.
  11. L

    Will my Rig run HL2/CSS/DODS/Ep1

    Yeah but like what fps? 40?
  12. L

    Will my Rig run HL2/CSS/DODS/Ep1

    Do you remember your average fps?
  13. L

    Will my Rig run HL2/CSS/DODS/Ep1

    Here's some of my DirectX Diagnostic Log: ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 12/17/2006, 15:32:56 Machine name: JACOBMARLEY233 Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)...
  14. L

    Half Life Fauna Study

    THe pdfs you made are simply brilliant. And contrary to what you think your sketches actually add to the logs you created. They really do look like the sketches a simple scientest would scrawl in his notebook before he finished his shift or something. You've got a real talent for writing. Its a...
  15. L

    Confused with Barney's Dialogue

    I agree. SOME might slip through the net. Just no where near all of them. That leaves lots of metrocops still on the combine side. We actually fight some of these loyal metrocops while we shuffle some people to the train station in the last leg of the episode. Whether they were helping the...
  16. L

    Confused with Barney's Dialogue

    I doubt a metrocop would have much info about the combine. Maybe a soldier would but I think for the metrocops the robotic sounding "Overwatch" controls everything worth while and the metrocops know only as much as they need. Secondly most of the cops we see are complete assholes. They obvious...
  17. L

    Confused with Barney's Dialogue

    These are humans we're talking about. In a small community like City17 (like 10,000? less? more?) people know each other and they know who sold out. Their long term memory may be fcuked but they'll still remember. Most metrocops couldnt just assimilate back into rebel forces. Remember what...
  18. L

    Episode 1 Gameplay Stats Revealed

    People who choose hard expect a challenge and are prepared against dying? While people on medium and easy get suprised because they're so used to less challenge than that level offered? Dunno something like that. I played it on hard and nearly died a few times with alyx against those combine...
  19. L

    What exactly was the science team doing?

    Hardly 20 years. Firstly its probably only 17/18 years since Black Mesa since it says "nearly" and secondly they didnt commence construction of the teleporters the moment they escaped. There was the whole Portal Storms/Xen Invasion then the Seven Hour's war/Combine Invasion and finally the...
  20. L

    Increasing the Challenge in Half-Life 2

    Could you guys tell me how to alter the npc's hp? I'd really appreciate it. Does it involve any C++ coding or just text file editing/ent_commands? I dunno :P. I'd love to know. I really wanted to make everything super tough so it seemed real.