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  1. P

    Steam Outage (stop making threads and read me!)

    sweet, seems to work now for me. no more turning my comp off for a while.
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    Steam can't connect ?

    this is retarded. finals just ended for me and i was looking towards a weekend in which i could play the whole time, but now steam is being gay.
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    Removing a Keylogger?

    porn is evil. a friend of mine had so much of it on his comp that after i reformatted the drive with windows on it(not the one with the porno) porno pop-ups came up like crazy before i could install a pop-up blocker.
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    windows xp: some licensing questions

    they'res this company that has ask me to build a few computers for them... from 5-10; the exact number is unknown at the time. what i want to know is do i need one copy of xp for each of the computer or can i use one copy for all of them so basically if im building 10 computers, do i need 10...
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    How would this run hl2?

    my desktop with gf4 mx440 runs cs source fine, i expect hl2 to do the same? ( i havent tried) only complaint is that once u look at water, it looks like crap. Looked like gray land to me in de_aztec but got decent fps at med settings and AA and AF off. related... isnt the 9600xt similar to...
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    best card for around 200 is 9800 pro?

    where can i get a 6600gt (agp) for around 200? ive only seen the one on newegg but thats 240.
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    best card for around 200 is 9800 pro?

    is this the best card for around 200 right now the 9800 pro? should i consider a nvidia card alternative? oh and it has to be agp
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    confused on pci express

    i planned to get the 2800+ or the 3000+ along with a chaintech vnf-250 motherboard. heard that combo was a good over clocker. and ill add a 9800 pro once newegg has the 256 bit versions that are around 200 back in stock... unless they new boards with nf4 chips come out within a month or...
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    confused on pci express

    well chances are the "good" cpu of the day in 3 yeards which id buy probably wouldnt use 939 but ill see... i got to stretch my budget
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    confused on pci express

    i usually upgrade my processors every 2 years (its said that technology speed doubles every 18 months or 24 months i believe) and by the end of 2 years, there are usually new lines of processors which use different sockets so unless 939 sockets (or the mboard just doesnt support it) will still...
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    confused on pci express

    ahh ok, ill probably go with the 9800 pro if i cant find it for around 170.
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    confused on pci express

    im planning to buy a cpu, motherboard, and video card at the same time to upgrade my comp and the last time i was reading about comps, pci express hadnt come out yet. the cpu i planned to get was an A64 3000+ (754) and chaintech vnf3-250 (754). then i decided to pick out a video card and the...
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    Radeon 9600

    get this its 5 bucks more but newegg has free fedex shipping and its a reliable reseller. urs 207+6s/h=213 neweg has free shipping saphire is also a good brand for ati cards
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    help with types of hard drives

    im running xp pro. if i upgrade to the raptor hard drive, will i notice an improvement worth spending 120 bucks on? i dont mind the small space (36.7gb) because i usually store stuff on cds and i still have the 20gb and 30gb hd
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    help with types of hard drives

    ty asus for briefly explaining each type of HD. i have reformatted and reinstalled windows 3 times already to try to get windows to load up faster but the times were still the same (+/- 2 secs). the reason i wanted to get a new HD is that i saw that WD raptors were used a lot and my...
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    help with types of hard drives

    when i started my computer today, it took 1min 29 seconds from when i pushed the power button to get to the desktop with everything at startup loaded. i decided that this was too god dam long. so i went to frys looking for a hard drive, but there were so many types and i dont know what each is...
  17. P

    Official Overclocking Thread- ALL questions go HERE

    umm... the only things i know about the timings of the ram is cl2.5. mobo has 100, 133, 166, and 200 fsb options and at 200 fsb, the DDR:CPU ratio options allowed by the mobo are 1.33X, 1.66X, 2.00X correct me if im wrong or if it wont work but i should have no problem OC'ing if i get a good...
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    Official Overclocking Thread- ALL questions go HERE

    well i have a brand new aeroflow hsf thats sitting on top of my desk waiting for a new proc. my last question is are you sure the ram wont hold me back to just 333fsb becasue the ram speed is 333mhz? im so worried that i wont be able to OC past 333mhz because of my cheap ram
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    Official Overclocking Thread- ALL questions go HERE

    is it possible to OC the 2500 to 3200 by rasing the fsb to 200 (11x200) if i have kingston 512mb pc2700 333mhz (valueRAM)? ok i found out where it says the week and year the proc was produced ps. sorry about the double post. i cant seem to edit some of my posts
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    Integrated Graphics

    i run cs in my spare comp that has a 32mb card. (ati rage 128 pro) it runs fine most of the time in opengl mode @~45-50fps but once in a while it crashes... at 800x600 res (15in monitor, cant see stuff if i got to higher res)