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  1. M

    for you who want Adrian or 7-hour war. (Spoilers)

    And put you in the awesome position of wanting to give G-man a piece of your mind.
  2. M


    Or perhaps you run across one, and it looks at you and walks forward a bit, and whether or not you shoot it determines how the others treat you.
  3. M

    Combine and Xen Connection (A long, Comprehensive Theory of evererything HL)

    It seemed just as likely to me that the armaments fell as they were, but I suppose either could be the case.
  4. M

    Combine and Xen Connection (A long, Comprehensive Theory of evererything HL)

    Or just a thin layer of sand teleporting with our troops, if you meant elsewise.
  5. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    The former, I say. I was thinking of something roughly cell phone sized. I know that's a bit of a stretch, but it's all been educated guesses thus far. Remember though that G-man and his have had way longer to screw with those crystals with way more advanced means than even the Black Mesa...
  6. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    Actually, it stands to reason that after the events of 1, the state of Earth has no bearing on Gster's teleporting prowess. Remember, it's as likely as anything that he essentially owns Xen at this point. As for the Combine catching on, that's up for debate. Who's to say they would notice at all?
  7. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    Just a thought, but dig this: 1. After extensive dimensional screwing around, Black Mesa finds Xen, sends teams, nabs animals, crystals, etc. 2. The government finds out, as they sometimes do, and appoints sends G-man, a fellow of some considerable rank is some agency we're not allowed to...
  8. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    You could still work a human G-man into all that.
  9. M

    things that suck

    He wishes he were Maddox.
  10. M

    Half-Life 2: Revelations

    Or he could be in such a state so as to not know whether the stings are actually there, whether his spine is still attached, etc. But yeah, tone down the words just a tad, and you may want to explain 'aegis'. EDIT: Like the cruiser?
  11. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    In fact you've just pointed out what I think is the biggest whole in that theory. Combine contact Breen. Not a fact, by the way, but now I'm just splitting hairs. Firstly, how? If they can contact him, why can't they teleport to him? Why do they need him? And Laivasse, what does all that mean?
  12. M

    100 Things Aftermath needs-

    283) Breen 283) Breen in his own body 284) Dr. Wallace Breen 285) Senor Breen y bosque de zombis
  13. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    Hey, any opposing theory that does not include the phrases: "gman am alien cuz he screws with time" "CROMBINEPWNXENJUSTLOOKATASSJETANDNILINANTHSEZSLAVES!!!111" Or of course, "Laidlaw said the website was the real deal" Is just fine with me.
  14. M


    Ah. So truly, our theories go hand-in-hand.
  15. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    Hm. I still have difficulty believeing that they could find a guy, any guy, contact him, have him be on board with the humanity sans instinct affair, then predict that some scientist will launch the right sattelite and kill the right anther to get the storms working, and then invade and go...
  16. M


    Forced and directed, I could see that. Now regarding your theory, how is it that a gunship can find its way to a rebel hideout, if it is but a creature in a shell?
  17. M

    Never Really Noticed This Logo...

    That G-man looks exceptionally creepy. Does he keep the logo in 2 as well?
  18. M

    Rantings of a very tired cross country runner

    FCBob has a point, but I have never heard anything explaining how Breen was contacted. If they can call a place, can they not warp in, without all the third-party bribery and invasion padding?
  19. M


    Never said they couldn't, never said the haven't, just said that it takes time and resources, and is a terribly costly way to police an empire that supposedly spans however many billions of planets. And for Kupoartist, are these just animals with graftes on guns, or have they got other...
  20. M


    Bur I think it's worth noting that as advanced as the combine are, it takes a great deal of technology and advancement to be able to mass produce a computer on par with a brain. Whether they have reached such a point is obviously up for debate.