100 Things Aftermath needs-

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Samon said:
Because Eber is a total tosspot and has been since the day he joined.
I'ma have to use that.
But yeah, a giant Combine V. Xen battle would be nice, almost like you're not the center of it all.
Marx! II said:
I'ma have to use that.
But yeah, a giant Combine V. Xen battle would be nice, almost like you're not the center of it all.

Tosspots a classic!
Don't know if this has been mentioned already (probably has), but if Valve decide to include stalkers as part of the game action... I'll have trouble with it. They look/sound worse than Xen or Xen byproducts.
I rather like the idea.
At the very least, for an enemy you can pity as well as shotgun in the face.
That's the thing... much like with zombies. You're facing a creature that was formerly (and is still, to an extent) akin to you. But apart from that, there's the awful shrieking noises they make, and the stealth with which they'll probably move.

Good idea, yeah.
269)As before some serious disconnection point counts on models that is being implemented in the new Jaws game.Human enemies in the game have over 40 different points of body part dismemeberment.PLEASEEEEEEEE GOD.Er,VALVe.
Antlion Hunter said:
269)As before some serious disconnection point counts on models that is being implemented in the new Jaws game.Human enemies in the game have over 40 different points of body part dismemeberment.PLEASEEEEEEEE GOD.Er,VALVe.

the humans in the new jaws game have 40 disconnection points? holy crap. too bad such an awesome feature is on such a terrible looking game. that would rule in hl, i'm sick of just cutting at the waist line.
heh dont know if its been mentioned, probably has but..., 270) Super Grav Gun :cheese:

Heh, tosspot. Ebers the only person on my ignore list personally.
Terrible?Please.....If youve played an early build of it you probably wouldnt say that.But yeah .And whats more insane is that Orcas and Whales have 80 freakin' disconnections.
gabriel said:
the humans in the new jaws game have 40 disconnection points? holy crap. too bad such an awesome feature is on such a terrible looking game. that would rule in hl, i'm sick of just cutting at the waist line.

This would be pretty cool in HL, but only if it is done realistically. In games like Soldier of Fortune, the human bodies fly apart WAY too easily. It is almost as though I am shooting lego men or something. A shotgun should not blow off someone's leg at the hip. A grenade, maybe. Only in very large explosions should the parts really start to fly.
alan8325 said:
This would be pretty cool in HL, but only if it is done realistically. In games like Soldier of Fortune, the human bodies fly apart WAY too easily. It is almost as though I am shooting lego men or something. A shotgun should not blow off someone's leg at the hip. A grenade, maybe. Only in very large explosions should the parts really start to fly.

i'd just like to be able to launch a sawblade at a zombie and see it's arm or head or leg rip off instead of only it's torso.
And be able to shoot a sawblade at a soldier and have him be cut in two as well?

Zombies are the only ones that can be cut in two, and as far as i remember they need seperate ragdolls for each part...
ive never tried dragging a sawblade all the way out of ravenholm to shoot at a soldier. they dont get cut in half? sucky
All it does is hit them and make them slam into the ground.It sucks.
271) I really enjoyed the rebel base encounters throughout the game.. I would like to see more of those.. but I would also like to spend more time at them.

stay on topic people.

The molitov cocktails cut from the original game
Defpotec22 said:
82. headcrabbed gorilla (no real reason why, gordon can visit a shelled zoo i guess)
83. cremators cleaning up the mess you made in C 17
84. a trip to africa, to see whats going down there
85. another trip to america, so we can see a headcrabbed statue of liberty
86. more characters deaths, no one died, i'm not trying to be evil, but some tear jerking death would be awesome. if anyone can make me cry during a game i'tll be valve
i said the stuff bout the crazy monkeys with headcrabs on them, dont be claiming it. Also need sniper rifle.
Icarusintel said:
mossman and alyx making out... then having sex
edit: and they would need a fap button
omfg u guys r sick, :flame: that just retarted,they are F####NG polygons. :flame:
:sniper: :naughty: :flame: :flame: :flame:
wolvesrdogs said:
Also need sniper rifle.

That's my line! Check my siggy!

Just kidding. :)

I wonder if there's anyone who doesn't want a sniper rifle, though.
wolvesrdogs said:
i said the stuff bout the crazy monkeys with headcrabs on them, dont be claiming it. Also need sniper rifle.

Sniper rifles would be wonderful as the crossbow is a bit shoddy to aim sometimes.

And... Half-Life 2: The All My Children saga? I wonder if valve could truly make anyone cry in their games other than with the ridiculous load times and cliffhanger ending that'll inevitably force us to buy all expansion packs and sequels from here on out.
Oyaji291 said:
And... Half-Life 2: The All My Children saga? I wonder if valve could truly make anyone cry in their games other than with the ridiculous load times and cliffhanger ending that'll inevitably force us to buy all expansion packs and sequels from here on out.

The only time I have come even remotely close to feeling a lump at the back of my throat playing a video game is during Thief 2.

I don't think we can ever feel that way about HL2 unless they decide to kill Barney or Alyx or... gasp, Gordon Freeman!

Note that I'm not saying that this should happen. No sir.
oh and the sniper rifle with the lazer sights that you have to grenade out after raven holm
AIDisabled said:
The only time I have come even remotely close to feeling a lump at the back of my throat playing a video game is during Thief 2.

Dude.... I heart you... I heart you x10. Lemme guess, you had shivers when Viktoria died!!

Thief 2 = My favorite game of all time, even more than HL2.
Samon said:
.....It's pretty much the same. And that guy was meaning he wants them to fight alongside you and I know that you want to kill them.... :rolling:
its pretty much diffrent , actually they build a whole new face .. they deleted some extra eyes they changed the mouth deleted some teeth , deformed the body made the body thinner and gave it a very diffrent voice and very diffrent movements. oh and they changed its colour from dark brown to light brown!!
i guess thats pretty much for 1 model.. :frog:
Anyone know if valve is saving the character Dr. Rosenburg for future expansions or hl3, I heard they were going to scrap him but changed their minds..
well rosenberg didnt appear in the original hl so i guess not . they dropped everything that happened in the expansions.
i liked his model and his character seemed very pleasant , but i dont know so much about him since i only met him in blue shift . i never played decay :(

anyway , as which character do you play in decay ?
eber said:
anyway , as which character do you play in decay ?
Gina and Collette. Decay was made as a two player co-op add-on to the PS2 version.
wow are there diffrent levels then in half-life ?
eber said:
wow are there diffrent levels then in half-life ?
Yes, though as Gearbox did with both Blue Shift and Opposing Force, you occasionally revisit areas in Half-Life for reasons of: 1) Nostalgia, 2) Developer laziness. Whilst I haven't played Decay myself, I know that the second chapter has you fighting through an alien infested Hazard Course.

Other key Half-Life moments glimpsed in Decay are:
a) Delivering the sample for Freeman in the Test Chamber (As I understand it, the "missing" HEV suits in the Anamalous Materials lab belong to the two player characters in Decay)
b) Getting launch codes or something for the Satalite rocket that Gordon later launches. Perhaps a bit of an explanation for why Gordon's job in "On A Rail" only involved the pressing of a big red button.
c) A Token G-Man sighting (TM)

It is worth mentioning that www.************** were said to be working on a version Decay for the PC (They even had Gearbox's approval). Nothing has developed on that front for a while though (Last update was in mid-March: they were 35% done.)

Edit: Do a search for "Half Life Decay Source" to find the site. hl2source has always come up censored here, though I can't tell why.
I never finished Decay, can anyone give me a link to the story or summarize it for me?
Phat-t said:
haha that would be so good. Imagine a whole broken down, head-crabbed zoo! How about a whole elephant covered in poison headcrabs as the boss?

That, plus the gorilla, are possibly the greatest ideas I've ever heard... imagine walking through a delapidated zoo, fog, streaming across, the stumbling out of a doorway, really slowly is this massive elephant, covered in poison headcrabs... that would be terrifying....
277) Playable barney :)
278) Drivable tank
279) A big rope to tie striders legs together
280) Giant antlions aka bugs from starship troopers
281) a starship troopers mod that comes with
282) Cover art: combine, breen or ?zombie?
283) Breen
283) Breen in his own body
284) Dr. Wallace Breen
285) Senor Breen y bosque de zombis
OvA said:
I never finished Decay, can anyone give me a link to the story or summarize it for me?
Its in fact file of Mechagodzilla.... lets search in forums....
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