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  1. jister


    tried using env_sprite but that looks really cheap... and funniest of all the scaling properties seem even more of a mess?
  2. jister


    sorry to awaken this old post, but since it's the only one i found talking about the env_fire size. i just have to ask... did something change with the orange box sdk? because i can't get any size to work. here's an example, the size you see here differ for 1 to 100, but they all come out the...
  3. jister

    wanna skin my SF-gun?

    any one wanna skin this gun? as you see a suck at it...:cheers:
  4. jister

    importing Maya models into Source?

    i thought they had some at not sure though but like you say you can always export them to a 3d app with an exporter
  5. jister

    detail.vbsp error model

    ok done that.
  6. jister

    detail.vbsp error model showing

    hey i'm trying to make some new sprite textures, but when i use a custom model in the vbsp it show the error model? if i copy a model already used in the detail.vbsp it shows alright, but when i change the path to my model it doesn't work? my model shows up ok if i use it as a static_prop, and...
  7. jister

    detail.vbsp error model

    hey i'm trying to make some new sprite textures, but when i use a custom model in the vbsp it show the error model? if i copy a model already used in the detail.vbsp it shows alright, but when i change the path to my model it doesn't work? my model shows up ok if i use it as a static_prop, and...
  8. jister

    hl2mod FORGOTTEN

    k thx for the comments, wel the first year we had was 4093 or something, and well the problem there was; you just can't think of how the world will look by then... for the underground people and the mutations; lets say you can get that well hidden (well at least in some parts of the world) and...
  9. jister

    hl2mod FORGOTTEN

    will do! hehe i heard it before the my writing isn't the best...
  10. jister

    hl2mod FORGOTTEN

    hey I'm jister (co-founder/leader) of Forgotten (called unknown life forms before) we got a new site up lemme know what you think, was a bit of a quick job so i like to make some changes base on some feedback from this forum. where are looking for a new...
  11. jister

    No ladder sound?

    you coud always try using models, i know that doesn't answer your problem but... or copy a brush made one from an other map an test that one.
  12. jister

    camera following player

    apperantly some one said not many people check the general editing section, so if admins don't mind i'm making a post with a link to mine there since in didn't find how to move it (wich i guess i can't only you guys can) hope to get...
  13. jister

    HELP: Importing Custom Textures

    download the photoshop plugin from nemisis (i think its there) then you can make em in photoshop and save them as vft... but you still have to copy or write a vmf file... its an easy job don't worry you'll find out. if not lemme know i'll direct you to some tuts or write one
  14. jister

    Hi there, I need help

    in the sdk content I think
  15. jister

    func_tank ?

    i want a bunch of camera's on a wall to follow a player coming in and walking acrros a room. now some one suggested a func_tank, but i can't seem to figure out how to get my func_tank brush to automaticly point at the player and follow him. it doesn't have to be monitored or anything. i put...
  16. jister

    whats wrong with these textures?

    waaaa please help i' going insane, this is the most incomprehensive error i ever had!!!
  17. jister

    whats wrong with these textures?

    it's a blend i made with two hl2 textures but as you see in the screens they worked perfect before i have the texture applied on one displacement where it works fine and an other displacment where it gives the error??just to say i can't find anything that makes sense in this error so please...
  18. jister

    whats wrong with these textures?

    double post
  19. jister

    whats wrong with these textures?

    yes but with the same texture?
  20. jister

    whats wrong with these textures?

    1)??? enless there is an orther hall off mirrors then the one where you don't put a skybox... this isn't one. the screen is a collapsed road so maybe it looks cofusing , i'll put up a beter example. 2) thx i'll try