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  1. S Interview with Valve's Chet Faliszek at Eurogamer Expo

    Translation: we listened to the community about what need to be done in order to make versus worth playing, then we decided to put it in the sequel and not fix it in the first one.
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    Updates to the Valve Core

    Don't forget about the Test update.
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    Left 4 Dead announced - Valve does zombies!

    I like the idea of only 4 people. It'll help with team work if there are so few, more goals will be accomplished. For example in Brainbread, there are say 20 people, only 5 of them end up trying to progress the map, the rest usually just kill zombies. Also it will increase the server count a lot.
  4. S

    Left 4 Dead announced - Valve does zombies!

    YES! I have been in desperate need for a Zombie game on Source. Can't take all this waiting for Brainbread and such. These even sounds better.
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    The Ship Released!

    If it had a large player base I'd buy it now, till then I'll wait for a price drop or a bored rainy day.
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    Day of Defeat: Source Update is Here!

    Colmar was a lot of fun, didn't try out Jagd yet.
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    Massive Zombie Panic: Source Media Release

    I didn't like ZP a whole lot. BB was so much better. I can't wait for it's release, I've been thinking about trying out my very rusty modeling skills or noobish mapping skills for the mod, but I doubt I'd be able to mak any signifcant contribution.
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    Playstation 3 to get the greatest FPS ever

    Gabe himself said they were disappointed in the HL2-X sales.