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  1. S

    So they just showed the surprise at E3?

    Looks rather nice. Looks like some work on the motion blur, perhaps object-baesd now? :)
  2. S

    When is Valve going to release the multi-core patch?

    I did find his while searching, I'll see how many cores that uses. :)
  3. S

    When is Valve going to release the multi-core patch?

    Valve has shown tech demos, etc. of their multi-core/parallelization work, so when is the patch going to be released? Any words, estimates, etc?
  4. S

    Portal physics/collision glitch (56k may have issues)

    There are multiple programs, but this is a good one, :)
  5. S

    Portal physics/collision glitch (56k may have issues)

    This was happening the other day. Haven't played it since, but will try it a little later to see if it's still doing it. Basically, objects were falling through floor, or "floating" around on the floor, etc. Another,
  6. S

    Only using one core?

    Not replace, just update, like when Valve updated Source to use HDR lighting.
  7. S

    Screnshots - when changing to .jpeg

    Why don't you just use Fraps? :)
  8. S

    Only using one core?

    Well, Team Fortress 2 runs great even on one core. I just wish there were more "stuff" to blow up/interact with (like in CS:S, HL2:DM, etc.). I really think the consoles are holding it back. :(
  9. S

    Only using one core?

    Played this game for a while, and noticed apparently the game was only using one core instead of two (like Shadowrun, Quake 4, COD2, etc.) or all 4 cores (like Supreme Commander, Lost Planet, etc.) Any idea if this will be updated? I saw the news about Valve's quad-core tech demo (the rain...
  10. S

    How do you enable "low violence"?

    Thanks. :)
  11. S

    How do you enable "low violence"?

    How do you "extract" it? Or do you just copy/past it?
  12. S

    How do you enable "low violence"?

    If you want to play without the Quake 4 gibs, how do you enable low violence? I'm in the US, btw. :bounce:
  13. S

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Hey, I went and did a load of dishes in the kitchen, at least I did something profitable while waiting. :rolling:
  14. S

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Ok, restarted Steam, no more 0%, now it's at 99% and updating.
  15. S

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Same here.
  16. S

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Just release it now, it's 1:08am here EST.
  17. S

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Yes, check Fileplanet.
  18. S

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    Tuesday, September 18. Could have been playing the Crysis Beta all this time. :\
  19. S

    TF2 Beta unlock time

    44 minutes until Tuesday (EST). :naughty:
  20. S

    Halo 3 snowbound for Half-life 2: Deathmatch

    Thanks for the informative post. :cool: