The Hangover 7/10
It was okay, for what it was. I guarantee that the majority of this movies laughs have already been spoiled for you through previews and commercials.
I literally got "hit by a bus" last week when I was biking to uni and broke several of my ribs. I still wouldn't say it was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. I was just wondering what everyone considered to be their most painful experience. Emotional or physical.
I dont know what school you go to or what programs they offer but you might consider changing to a clinical lab science major if youre still interested in being pre-professional health. Although there isnt technically a major you have to be for premed it shows a dedication to medicine that wont...
Me too. I have a standing fan so even if its freezing in my room (which it usually is) I just turn it on and point it away from me because I cant sleep without the noise.
True, but he didn't have the majority on his side in the House AND Senate. Plus, he didn't seal his presidency with the idea of change. I think were going to witness a lot of change... for the better. So suck it up republicans.
That trash bag and saran wrap/ sauna stuff will probably show "results" because you will lose all of your water weight. Its great if youre trying to make weight for wrestling the next day but not if you want to steadily get in shape or lose weight. I think you should just continue what youre...
She just gave birth in a high school bathroom? Just like that?
She must have had and drown 20 kids before this one. So her vagina was so big it just walked out.
I saw this at the premier aswell, but I was rather disappointed. I was expecting a strong environmental theme to find something along the lines of
All in all, I was expecting an inspirational "you can change the world" kind of movie with a cute character, but was duped into watching a disney...