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  1. P

    New machinima- The Monard. (very good, very mature)

    honestly speaking....that was bloody brilliant!!! i was actually moved.whoever says nothing productive comes from games should probably watch that movie. on another note...some of the stuff the crew did on that piece was amazing...i would say that was probably the greatest piece of...
  2. P

    metastasis problem

    hello all, i just downloaded minerva:metastasis.(the ep1 mod thats apparently oh so awesome) i install it...but theres no exe file to play it with.even after the install...when they give the option of launching the doesnt launch. so could someone help me out?with either a...
  3. P

    Episode 3 trailer - where? me? noob? Yes, you.

    see it.....then wait till the game comes out. then complain about where the trailer footage is in the game. :-D
  4. P

    G-Man sightings

    the gman only appears when you're working *for* him (directly or indirectly/contractually). at least post HL1.
  5. P

    First bit of Episode 3 news!

    actually i was thinking that it would be cooler for the advisors to gain info from eli this way: they never showed us they are EATING the maybe they could make it like they shoot out some sort of tendrils into the brain and then make it a part of their own bodies! like a parasite...
  6. P

    First bit of Episode 3 news!

    I do NOT think Ep3 will be the end of the whole saga.VERY few of the questions will be answered in my opinion.The only large question that will be answered is the whole aperture science/GLADOS/Borealis thingy they brought up in Ep2. But on the whole...expect a largely HL2-like ending,possibly...
  7. P

    GlaDOS, Aperture and the rest: How does it all tie up?

    it just occurred to me right now after reading this post...I think GlaDOS is linked to the Combine in a BIIIG way! think about it...Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating implies a hybrid of organic matter and machinery. What is Combine technology made up of? Answer:Organic matter and...