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  1. MrBobbert

    Red Dwarf: Back to Earth

    damn, it's going to be impossible to watch this in canada, gonna have to stream or download i guess
  2. MrBobbert

    What do you use your cell phone for ?

    pretty much everything you can think of to use a phone for, talking, texting, camera (since it's better than my standalone digicam) music all the time, then of course internet is usually running in the background (msn, steam chat, etc) gaming n n-gage, weather updates, GPS. Pretty much...
  3. MrBobbert

    OLED is on the way

    no i believe he was referring to the main problem with OLED screens. since its a printed biological layer of basically organisms which produce red, green, and blue, the main issue is that the blue organism dies way before the red and green. It kills the ability to create a third of the colours...
  4. MrBobbert

    Which Xbox?

    don't buy a new one! don't waste money buying a new one till you try doin an x-clamp mod (and possibly shroud mod). A friend of mine just had hers RROD on her, no longer covered for fixes, so we took er apart, took out the x-clamps n used simple screws n washers and now it runs prefectly again...
  5. MrBobbert

    Gears of War 2 Lancer Replica ($140 including game)

    they won't ship it to canada :(
  6. MrBobbert


    large scale American beer is, for the most part, crap, but they have some reallt really good craft brewers down there if you take the time to look
  7. MrBobbert


    Man its hard to pick a fav, especially since i sell every beer thats been posted so far lol but i think i'd have to go with these two types
  8. MrBobbert

    Red spot on my monitor

    I had one on my laptop screen, same thing, showed as red. Luckily, i now have it output'd to a 40" Bravia as my new screen, and no stuck pixels! yay!
  9. MrBobbert

    New Guitar - Holy Shit.

    have a friend with a really nice les paul, I haven't bought a new guitar in a while, though i guess 4 is enough for now lol. My first one was kinda like the fender squire, its a jaguar.
  10. MrBobbert

    How old are you?

    I r 24, you people make me feel old lol
  11. MrBobbert

    Random expensive impulses

    A 40" Sony Bravia, and a nokia N82
  12. MrBobbert

    What's with all these 11 year-old dolts on XBL? (Rant)

    also, this
  13. MrBobbert

    What's with all these 11 year-old dolts on XBL? (Rant)

    Just learn to love the mute button, even Bungie knows teh haloz are full of little shits, thats why they made it so fast n easy to mute them. I dunno though, i never seem to have that much of a problem with annoying little kids on XBL, moreso the people just join to kill their own team...
  14. MrBobbert

    I think we've just been set up us the bomb...

    Oh its real. I think this was posted a few days ago, but I'm too lazy to go look up the thread right now. It's in downtown toronto, and yes, there is a matching blue portal blocks away, but not quite 3km lol
  15. MrBobbert

    twin turbo pt cruiser power shifting (amazing)

    lulz, i think i just shart myself hilarious :cheese:
  16. MrBobbert

    legendary Sci Fi writer Arthur C Clarke dead :<

    ok first of all its Aurthur C Clarke, not Arthus. which is most likely just a typo so whatever but what the hell is this about? You're thinkin of L. Ron Hubbard, he also did Dianetics Scientology is scary business, but not for those reasons....
  17. MrBobbert

    5.1 Surround Sound - Problems...

    this may sound like a dumb question, but do you have proper 5.1 speakers hooked up? because unless it's a proper surround rig its hooked into it will default back to stereo. Usually PC ones use a 3 stereo wire setup if i'm not mistaken. Additionally you can run it like i have my gaming rig run...
  18. MrBobbert

    One Billion Dollars!

    lol thats exactly what i thought of
  19. MrBobbert

    Looking for a WCC wallpaper

    yup i feel retarded now, obviously wasn't paying attention
  20. MrBobbert

    Happy Family Day!

    lol yeah kinda stole presidents day, but it was pretty much a way to win an election in Ontario, it's not canada wide, but i think BC has it too.