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  1. N

    Gaming laptop recommendation I got the crappier version of that like 2 years ago for somewhere around $1250. 8800GTS card in it and only a 1.8GHz Core2Duo processor. Sure it's not a gaming beast...but it's not like it can only play current games on the lowest of...
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    Rest in Peace

    You a-hole. I am stupid and didn't realize what you were talking about until I clicked your spoiler. Haha
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    US gunship kills civilians/reuters journalists, then fires upon makeshift ambulance

    Are civilians allowed to be just walking around with AK47s in Iraq right now?
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    I don't know if anyone already posted this but I vote for "send u an envelope with some money in it".
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    Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Now Available For All

    i don't post often, but i'm going to chime in with the others who say that it should have been an expansion pack. the demo is definitely fun, but it feels like vanilla l4d with few new bells and whistles + more maps. it does not feel like like a full new game though. i hope this is not a...
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    Report: Tens of thousands of Irish children abused by church run schools

    Bet you wouldn't risk going to jail. (Sorry, had to be a boner).
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    first practical, efficient and cheap exoskeleton

    whether this is joking or not, is this kind of stuff not moderated on these forums?
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    Archbishop excommunicates doctor for aiding in abortion of 9yr old rape victim

    title of thread = false. the girl was not excommunicated.
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    Atheists want God taken out of Obama inaugeration

    obviously this is veering off into a different thread, but it's a collection of cells that will soon turn into a human. some people value the health of those collection of cells.
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    Atheists want God taken out of Obama inaugeration

    off topic, but...if it's not science, it doesn't automatically mean because it's religion. i would believe that there are atheists out there who would ban abortion, because it is a question of morality. do i believe that people shouldn't kill people they don't like only because i'm a...
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    Atheists want God taken out of Obama inaugeration

    agreed. if he wanted to say "so help me The Flying Speghetti Monster", then why should anyone stop him?...except he'd look ridiculous to almost everyone and not only just non-god believers. anyone who agrees with the lawsuit...wah. not everyone is an athiest. deal with it.
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    Atheists want God taken out of Obama inaugeration

    so should a politician never mention anything that alludes to his religious beliefs while he is "on the job"? where does the line get drawn? wah.
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    Israel and Gaza attacks.

    :rolleyes: extremely productive reply up there.
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    3 Royal Marines killed, another soldier shoots self

    I figure I'd chime in for Sulkdodds. First of all, I'm not saying that the US or British or whatever armies are perfect and never do wrong. Their shortcomings definitely need to be corrected. But still, what do you think the UK would be like if the government completely disbanded their...
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    Left 4 Dead Now Available for Pre-purchase via Steam

    $50 is way to much...even though it is a valve game and even though it will be a sweet multiplayer game. I'm willing to bet that this game is primarily a multiplayer game with the single player version tacked on (think battlefield 1942). If the single player experience is randomly really...
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    VP hopeful Sarah Palin advocated Abstinence only education, teen daughter pregnant

    i just have to comment on sulkdodds' last comment. just to let you know, SIGbastard did not contradict himself in those quotes. "I support abstinence only programs" does not equal "I only support abstinence only programs"
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    VP hopeful Sarah Palin advocated Abstinence only education, teen daughter pregnant

    What's wrong with teaching kids to wait? Sure, let them know that if they're not going to wait that they should use protection to avoid disease and pregnancy...but teaching youth that they should wait isn't retarded. Sometimes I think people forget that sex can lead to pregnancy and...
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    am i the only one bothered by supersonic speed survivors?

    I've had my eye on this game for awhile, and I think it looks great. All the videos have looked really cool as well, but I just started to notice something a couple weeks ago...the survivors are too damn fast!!! I mean really, the gameplay doesn't even seem all that creepy because they just...
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    Parents choose prayer over medicine: daughter dies

    It is the government's business to protect its citizens. If an adult wants to waive that right, then fine. A minor should not be able to waive that right. And even if it wasn't the government's business to protect our youth, wtf is wrong with a community caring about a child who has abusive...
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    [Release] Missing Information v1.4 --- Borealis and E3 Pres.

    doh. only problem was that we forgot to remap the use key. ; )