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  1. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    Like I've said, there's a very smalllll chance, like a .001% chance, but it'd be a good experience for me. It will improve my writing, give me a better idea at how to write professionally, and will give me the experience to help later on when I'm trying to get myself out there. I only see things...
  2. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    Thank you. At least someone supports me in someway.
  3. KawaiiCuddles

    Your exercise regimen.

    I exercise quite often...I'm part of a little parkour group and we're pretty serious in it, so I gotta stay in good shape :O
  4. KawaiiCuddles


    I'd usually agree with that, but seeing as how they're moving up from "raiding" websites to going after a major's kind of a big thing.
  5. KawaiiCuddles


    Just wondering if anyone was paying attention to it...if you don't give a shit, then why bother with even commenting?
  6. KawaiiCuddles


    Has anyone been keeping up with what's going on with Anonymous? The whole thing with protests against the religion on February 10th...that whole thang...yeah. Anyone been paying attention to it? This is their message to Scientology...
  7. KawaiiCuddles

    Pick just ONE weapon to add...

    Ooo, flamethrower...I always love games that has flamethrowers. It'd be fun to light up hordes of zombies with a flamethrower.
  8. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    Toonboom is supposed to be pretty good and rising up after kind of being hidden beneath the popularity of Flash. I've messed around with a trial version and thought it was pretty cool, and my favorite Flash artist is switching over to it as well (He's also got his work sponsered by them). If...
  9. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    What would be the thing to use then?
  10. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    Isn't that what most people use though? Or are you talking about using Garrys Mod like Full Life Consequences? Or do you mean something else entirely?
  11. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    I've been wanting to do flash, but the programs are a little expensive. So, I've been saving up for a while to get one of them along with a tablet. I could go with an illegal copy of one of the programs, but I don't want to get in major trouble for the whole piracy thing. Think people would...
  12. KawaiiCuddles

    Pick just ONE weapon to add...

    Are you talking about the uber awesome powerful magnum or the whimpy, inaccurate USP?
  13. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    And what's wrong with getting opinions from an internet forum? It easier to find people who are overly critical on the internet. You don't learn anything if people are saying you're doing things right, so I'm looking for criticism. Though people like you tend to get on my nerves. You just turn...
  14. KawaiiCuddles

    Gordan's weapon loadout.

    You silly person, you! Someone else had to notice it besides me. :P
  15. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    I think you could make a pretty decent story out of Barney's adventures through Black Mesa. He could even meet up with Otis! I see numerous ways that a good story could be made from using Half-Life, Blue Shift, and Opposing Force without straying away from the way the game made the story. If...
  16. KawaiiCuddles

    Half Life movie (Yes, it must be beaten half to death by now)

    Piss all you want, I really don't care. I already understand all the problems that are in my way. It should be quite clear that there's alot I don't know or else I wouldn't be asking anything. Why would I ask if I already knew? So, pointing that out doesn't really do too much for anyone who...
  17. KawaiiCuddles

    Gordan's weapon loadout.

    Okay, got my avatar now! :D
  18. KawaiiCuddles

    Pick just ONE weapon to add...

    And now that I'm thinking of something more reasonable than a severed limb (though I would love that so much)...what about a weapon like what Hunters have? Whatever they've got is pretty awesome...sticks into things and goes boom in an alieny/high-techy sort of ASTRO NEEDLES :O
  19. KawaiiCuddles

    Pick just ONE weapon to add...

    Yeah, the pistol is pretty lame. But what would the one weapon you'd want added be? If you think some of his weapons are redundant, think of something more useful than what he has. Unless the iron sight on the AR2 was the only addition?
  20. KawaiiCuddles

    Pick just ONE weapon to add...

    WAIT! I just remembered the entire memory! There was no blowing up of anyone, but there was a severed leg that you could use as a weapon in Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in the Bloodmoon expansion. It was a severed nord leg and didn't do much in terms of damage, but it did alot in making me love...