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  1. H

    New enemy ideas

    So after a while in Paint I've created a little, very rough, very shitty concept of the Combine vehicle/enemy I described a few posts back. Of course it needs a helluvalot of work to make it look better, but basically thats how I picture it to look like. If anyone with artistic skills or...
  2. H

    Apocalypse By Portal Gun

    But how else would I be able to dump a load on other people on the toilet? I guess I should have mentioned that I'm lazy and that I have a sick sense of sadistic humour.
  3. H

    Apocalypse By Portal Gun

    Not as lazy as creating a small portal on your seat and another on the ceiling above your toilet. :eek:
  4. H

    Apocalypse By Portal Gun

    Seems there's not much to add here, since mostly everyones answered. But if it was possible to shoot a Portal at the sun and then on the floor under you, prepare for one hell of a Shoop da Woop. Speaking of Portal theories, this ones puzzling me. Say you were in a room, and one of the walls...
  5. H

    Favorite Weapon

    This really is a toughy. When I start to consider the awesome bass sound from the AR2, I remember pinning a Combine to the wall with the Crossbow. Then when I think about sniping with the Magnum, the thoughts of spining a guided rocket round a Gunship crop up. You see, this is why I'm an...
  6. H

    New enemy ideas

    Well here goes my first post. Hello all. :) Anyway, on topic. After reading most of this thread it seems a lot of people are either wanting to combine (No pun intended) A with B or want to see returning enemies from past games. And while some of the ideas offered here are interesting (and...