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  1. Z

    HL+HL2 - Favorite Character.

    Don't forget to turn to Alyx when driving as she'll give you a wink.
  2. Z

    What's the creepiest part of HL2

    I think the regular zombies are scarier than the others, cos' their voice and motion are really "zombie-like", where the others are more lethal. I sometimes have to put the TV on mute to go play through. And the other creepy moment I remember is when finishing the bridge and driving through...
  3. Z

    What's the creepiest part of HL2

    I have to say is episode 1, where Freeman and Alyx have to go through the parking. The part before they get in the elevator to me is the scariest. It has to do with the darkness and huge numbers of zombies, and all versions, too.
  4. Z

    I can't complete 'Our Mutual Friend'

    thanks for the video clips, officer combine. how come those hunters there seem so easy to take out with the gun, and the bomb can stick to the strider so easily? Not the case in my game (xbox - normal). the hunters take so many shots can still run around and attack my and the bomb. the bomb...
  5. Z

    Closing credits

    Just out of my curiosity. I remember I read it somewhere that after the closing credits of the HL2 series game(s), there will be some extras (video or something). But I've played through HL2 and the 2 episodes and nothing happened after the closing credits. Did I read it wrong or those extras...
  6. Z

    I can't complete 'Our Mutual Friend'

    The bomb is not that easy to stick to the strider's body. A lot of time it just rolled off its leg. I had problem aiming it, too. Not sure about the target when the whole bomb is blocking the aiming.
  7. Z

    How did you handle White Forest (spoilers)

    I only realized the hitting the hunters with the car trick when I was low in all ammo. I did not expect that to be that many of them in that stage, so I tried to kill the hunters during the first few striders with all the luxury of RPG and shotgun. And that stage has become my most frustrated...
  8. Z

    Garden Gnome Achievement

    I never realized this achievement. I guess I'd rather play through the game without carrying this around while this isn't part of the story, and this could be very frsutrated.
  9. Z

    Bit dissapointed

    I found it a better game than EP1, even though it could be the most frustrated one out of the HL2 series. (the parts to fight the guardians and striders)
  10. Z

    Cant get achievement

    ummm. If saves is allowed, and I got to fight the big antlion without getting the other antlion, how come I did not get the points? Just to my curiosity.
  11. Z

    I bought the Orange Box instead of Halo 3

    oh thanks!
  12. Z

    I bought the Orange Box instead of Halo 3

    I really didn't find Halo 3 that enjoyable, perhaps its selling point is its online multi-player gaming and not single player mode, which I mainly spend time at.
  13. Z

    xbox 360 using the rocket launcher

    For Xbox 360 - Does it mean there is no need to use the left trigger at all? Just fire it and then make sure the red dot follows the target? Cos' I read some "walkthrough/guide" saying the rocket launcher has primary and alternate fires like the other weapons.
  14. Z

    Cant get achievement

    I made many many saves through this. Once I failed I'd load the last save and continued. So I thought I got it, but no! Does this achievement require you to cover the whole part without touching the sand, in a condition that no save is allowed?
  15. Z

    EP 1 - Achievements

    oh, I envy you all who have found them easy! Another one I tried to get yesterday was to get all the civilians safely out to the train station. I got so frustrated that they either got in my way to kill the combines, or standing still there to be killed. No matter how I pressed the command...
  16. Z

    EP 1 - Achievements

    Yes, the Orange Box with 360.
  17. Z

    EP 1 - Achievements

    2 of the achievements seem to be impossible to me. Anyone got those? 1. not killing any stalkers. 2. using exactly one bullet, grenade...etc. (1 rocket against the gunship, strider???)
  18. Z

    HL+HL2 - Favorite Character.

    Alyx, Dog and the "cat".
  19. Z

    Is Half-Life Scary to you?

    Headcrabs are not too bad, just annoying, but rather the zombies are, especially with their voices. And when you're in those dark and unknown areas, no idea what will happen. But I still love this game, and want to finish it. I gave up F.E.A.R. after playing for about an hour, that was more...
  20. Z

    Just Played Episode 1 again...Sweet game

    I was so much amazed by HL2, and now about midway through episode 1. A little disappointed to find out that it's going to be a short game. And the "lowlife" so far is the toughest and most frustrated to play. Seems too many zombies to encounter. Like to get more puzzles, too.