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  1. G

    Inept gaming show announces HL2 release date

    The best UK gaming show is Gamepad 4 on Bravo, presented by Violet Berlin who used to do Bad Influence with Andy Crane back in the 16/32 bit console era on ITV. There was an interview with Doug Lombardi recently and even Jon Hare of Sensible Soccer fame.
  2. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    Yep thoes are real geometry. The only object in the unreal style 3D skybox is the massive what you-call-it tower to the left (unseen in the shot), you can see it moving up and down in the video. The actual LOD (level of detail) of some of the debris and stuff on the ground shift very noticably...
  3. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    That the D3 engine *can* handle outdoor scenes isn't the point, nomatter what anybody says might be, the underlying engine archetecture is much better suited to small enclosed areas. The only reason you would write it that way would be if that type of level was your main concern, for D3 to be...
  4. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    That's better. What facts are these exactly? I haven't seen Doom3 displaying vast detailed environments because they aren't suited to stencil shadows. When I see the physics integrated into the gameplay in exactly the way I mentioned, then and only then will I be excited about D3's gameplay...
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    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    Well, that "LOL" defeated me, I'm well and truly logicaly stumped. I'll admit it Doom3 ROX0RZ, it teh 1337. Ohh, ohh, ID are telling me to buy their game, It must be good and that's a FACT. You aren't basing it on anything, just what people told you. My information comes from ID too, but I'm...
  6. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    Read this over and over again until you understand. I program games for a living, I know more about this than you and have proved it. Seriously what's wrong with the people in this forum? What are you a 5 year old? If you can't back up what you've said *go away* "LOL" is not an...
  7. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    Were we watching the same videos? All of this could be seen some time ago, especially stencil shadows of D3, the principal is some 25 years old. Um, physics (and AI) is the main selling point of HL2, Why? Because Physics changes gameplay, graphics make no difference what so ever. In the 3E...
  8. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    The point is not the size of the level, but how much is visible at any given time. The tram scene is a very small, enclosed and low polygon area, note the lack of interconnecting portals, this is for a very good reason, try doing a large open city street complete with all the decals or sea floor...
  9. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    Although Doom3 is really the first game with a complete real-time lighting model, there's no doubt for me that HL2 will have the better gameplay. D3 gameplay is the same old stuff, HL2 is not. By Doom3's very nature you're restricted to small hallways for the most part. Stencil shadows, while...
  10. G

    The Source engine technical and recent events FAQ

    Cars? I haven't posted any of my stuff here. :)
  11. G

    Who is VALVE?

    "This document covers version 38 of the BSP file format which is the version used by Quake 2. This is also the version of the BSP file format used by Kingpin (which was created using the Quake 2 engine) and therefore all of the information contained is relevant to those files as well. While...
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    Who is VALVE?

    Yes, it's essentially the same engine.
  13. G

    Who is VALVE?

    No, they aren't in comparison and the underlying principals are exactly the same, just with bit's added on. Beizer patches aren't that difficult, plus I've written my own Quake3 map reader. :p From Raycasting to BSP to PVS to Portals is a significant change, all Quakes use PVS.
  14. G

    Doom 3 Vs. Half-Life 2 redux....

    Real time global illumination demo for download, red the instructions first, I'm thinking of doing something like this myself. DoomIII uses low poly models + bump/normal maps because the stencil shadow algorithm is very fill-rate intensive.
  15. G

    Who is VALVE?

    Yes, hardly any different in principal, lightmaps and BSP/PVS based engine, just altered for more recent hardware. No where near the Wolf->Doom->Quake->Doom3 or HL1->HL2 leap.
  16. G

    new code?

    Yeah, but that screen-shot has specular highlights on the normal maps, fixed soft shadows and HDR. Admittedly I've not seen enough of the alpha version maps. :D
  17. G

    new code?

    Official, the leak looks horrible in comparison.
  18. G

    new code?

    Looks fine.
  19. G

    Who is VALVE?

    Which company of Valve's size makes a game significantly more often than every 5 years? Think about ID when you realise the Quake 1,2,3 engines aren't all that different from each other.
  20. G

    Of the other three source engine games...

    Invisible War, I'm worried it's going to get a bit burried under everything else that's coming soon. just had a load of updates. DX:IW uses the Unreal2k3 engine but heavily modified enough to be considered proprietary.