1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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Not that I don't like seeing my thread do well, but seriously, this is just insane.
1084: Act like a combine soldier
1085: Talk HL2 all day...
1086: Day dream about HL2...
1087: Wish that the combine will attack the earth someday...
1088. When you get hurt you say ,"Major lacerations detected, morphine administered."
1089. You occasionally throw an object on the ground just to admire Earth's "physics engine."
1090. You wear one of those old German helmets with a spike on it to protect yourself form the Headcrabs.
1091. You begin referring to people who annoy you as Head Humpers
1092. You convince your girlfriend to dress up as alyx and say "stop staring at me like that" when you have sex!
Someone said this a while ago:

26) When a helicopter flies overhead, you instinctively pull out a rocket launcher and try shooting it down.
1092. I think that if you actually had a rocket launcher with you to pull out and use in the first place, that you DEFINITELY have played to much half-life.
1093. You go into this one house along the road in "Highway 17" that has a boat in it hanging from four ropes, and you pull out your favorite weapon and test the physics of its swing (maybe not from playing too much, but I've tried it and it was certainly fun. I eventually broke one of the ropes, and then it proceeded to act as if it were only hanging from the three remaining ropes, very cool!)
1094. You try to put a phone back on its hook and are surprised that you are able to do it, unlike HL2 where its difficult to manipulate objects that you've picked up.
1095. You upgrade your entire computer to the bleeding edge (I'll be getting a new vid card soon, but yeah...)
1096. Your girlfriend's name actually is Alyx (not "Alex" or anything else...)
1097. You teach your friends to talk like Vortigaunts rather than Yoda when they are trying to sound smart or philisophical.
1098. You refer to the government as our "benefactors."
1099. You beat on scientists or doctors with a crowbar hoping that they will say, "I seem to be wounded, but... I can keep going," or worse, "I seem to be seriously wounded." (Yes, a HL1 reference, but I used to have the most fun just beating them up or filling them full of lead for a while, ya know? Hahahahaha...)
1100. You wish you could come up with more signs for this list, but you eventually fail and run out of signs.

Yay, 11k signs!
1101: You build an altar to Gabe Newell in your home, and pray every night for HL3 to go well.
1102: You build a crossbow out of scrap materials (souds like an interesting activity ;) )
1103: You start referring to friends as Half-Life 2 characters.
1104: You wonder what Lord of the Rings would've been like if everyone had a crowbar instead of a sword.
1105. You get very rude by not answering someone's question, saying nothing nice back while everyone is admiring you, and staring at someones boobs as you're thinking she isn't programed to notice that.
Tantalus said:
Not that I don't like seeing my thread do well, but seriously, this is just insane.
Congrats, Tantalus, you've created a monster that not even you have control over anymore.
1107) Whenever the battery in your car goes dead, you go searching for overturned bathtubs
1108) You panic when you go to the beach and see an ant
1109) You panic when you go to the beach and see a barnical on a rock
1111) you aren't sure if this thread is spam and should be locked
1112) It is not because we still have numbers in front of the replies, so technically it's still in the topic. Duh! :(
1113) You called your teachers 'oppressor' and start the 'revolution' in the school
1114) You called your headmaster, Dr.Breen
1115) You became shocked at how 'realistic' papers flew around

1116) Lastly, this thread is definitely going too far, lock it for the sake of humanity :cheese:
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