1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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Well, I'm working on compiling the signs, hopefully I'll have them done soon. Then we can delete the repeats and start again. :)
Wait! Don't finish without me.

1008. When asked to pick up the can next to your feet, you feel like typing give weapon_crowbar and use it on that person.
Tantalus said:
Wait, did I say 1001? I mean 10001... well, were 10% there!

Hahaha..here's another one.

1009. STill want to add more points when the thread objective of 1001 points is already achieved.
1010) when you notice the number is exactly like the latest half life version
1011) when you fill out a school form with name Gordon Freeman and address in 17
1012) Your arms disappear and items you pick up just float in front of you.

Smack me if this has been said, but 42 pages is too much to read.
50) you use the rong number on purpose
-50) you go backwards instead of farwards
51) Your english teacher asks why you turned in a page of coding instead of the essay that was due.
1014) You see a cinder block in real life and go, "Hey! Just like in Half-Life 2!"

1015) You try to pick up said cinder block so you can toss it around, only to find out that you must be very wimpy in comparison to the Gordon Freeman.
JCampbell said:
1001. You have a tattoo of the lambda symbol on your arm, just below your shoulder.

As soon as I turn 18 I will get one! I thought i was the only one that ever thought about it! :E But... a little sad... I Constantly try to press F6... lol....
1017 : you go to dangerous full of people places and say " STFU NEWBIE MOFO GO TO HELL DIE! " and try to type quit in console but realize its real life and ... d oh! :E
1018: when you are asleep, and you dream about conversations about g-man, which takes place on this forum...

Yes that one happened to me.. woke up like three times and was like, ARGH stop that!
1019: You count Headcrabs instead of sheep when you go to sleep.
1020: Everytime you see a old guy in a blue bussiness suit and a suit case, you open fire on him with a revolver... and miss.
1021: You named your dog Lamarr.
1022: You know the meaning of coterminous.
1023: You own a Lv.5 HEV suit which doesn't exist but inexplicably you own one.
1024: You are the G-Man.
1025: You own a crowbar... just in case.
1026: You wake up everyday and hope if you do it fast enough you'll see the G-Man.
1027: You stocked up on Razor Blades.
1028: You are Gordon Freeman... (:P)
1029: You just wrote 1019-1029... (damn it :/)
1030: You dedicate your life to tracking down the Black Mesa Reseach Facility
1031: You have a glass box on your wall, containing a crowbar. Underneath is a sign... 'In case of Emergency, Break Glass'... just in case.
1032: You join the Black Mesa Winery Club :O Just because!
No. 395054645 youv'e forgoren how to count. DAMN IT :angry: :angry: :angry:
1034 - you go to university and work toward your physics major just to understand the the physics of half life 2 better. (w0ot thats me, but cut the who half life 2 part :D )
1035) You try to make your friends hangin poses in the air to imitate Garrys Mod
1036) Wondering why they didn't incorporate ragdoll eyelids

wow this thread is long.......
Entries still spew forth
Repetitions abounding
I said that last week

1038) Your horror at the sight of this thread continuing leads you to express yourself in haiku
(not sure if these are repeats since I have skipped ahead since pg.14)

1039) You register just to post in this thread (cough)
1040) Anything you pick up is strangly suspended in air
1041) You don't float
1042) You are convinced you can lodge sawblades into sheer concrete
1043) You don't worry about shooting explosive barrels with just a single shot from your 9mm
1044) You use your .357 magnum for hunting antelope from 400 yds
1045) Anytime you are near a flaming barrel of explosives, you know you have at least 2 seconds to duck and cover
1046) You climb ladders really fast
1047) You try to lift fully filled 55 gal barrels of petroleum
1048) You shoot unsuspecting birds
1049) You litter the streets of New York with Chinese take-out boxes
1050) You feel the need to reload your 45 bullet SMG magazine after shooting a single shot
Actually, BMORIN, as someone who has kept up, if memory serves me right, 1040's the only one I see as a direct repeat (like it matters now). Good job! :cheers:
1043) You don't worry about shooting explosive barrels with just a single shot from your 9mm
lol I could just see it...
"WTF are you doing!!! These barrels are full of gasoline!!"
"Don't worry, I still have another shot before --" BOOM
1051)You post just to keep this thread alive
1052)You refuse to drink the public water supply
1053)You think vending machines give out free drinks
1054)You join the police force for a decent meal or to torment people
1055)You get ant pheremone spray so you can have an army of drones
Thx Megatron, glad someone is keeping up with 45 pages.

1056) You only date white women with black fathers
1057) You try to pick up items by walking over them
1058) You stand for days at a time
1059) You can't jog
1060) You suspect every soda machine of concealing hidden passageways
1061) You roam the earth with 9 weapons strapped to your person
1062) You kill your dog while playing fetch with a cynder block
1063) You are able to tell new posters to this thread whether or not their reasons were duplicated in the previous 1063 reasons.

Any of those new?

Megatron42 said:
lol I could just see it...
"WTF are you doing!!! These barrels are full of gasoline!!"
"Don't worry, I still have another shot before --" BOOM
LOL, that was funnier.
1064)You become an Eastern Orthadox priest to go zombie hunting
1065)Evertime someone says "cat" you say "What cat?" and then half a minute later "About that cat..."
1066) You custom modify an orange dive suit into a Mach 5 HEV hazard suit.

1067) You custom fit your orange HEV suit with a matching helmet that has built in Virtual Reality "Gordon Freeman style" glasses and 5.1 surround sound.
1068) You spend over an hour reading the entire thread
1069) ...On work time :D
1070) You dream of owning an headcrab so when your mates p*ss you off you can let Lemar fly at them.
ure drivin ure car an 4 sum reason the steering wheels turning on its own
I haven't read the entire thread, so some of these might have been said already...

1073: You build a real-life thumper to keep you safe at night (imagine the neighbours).
1074: You start seeing the g-man in real life.
1075: You're wallet has pictures of Gordon instead of your girlfriend.
1076: The lambda symbol gives you a hard-on.
1077: You leagally change your name to Gabe Newell.
1078: You replace one of your eyes with a tap ( ;) ).
1079: You take a keyboard with you everywhere you go so that you can "quicksave" in real life.
1080: You attempt to turn family members and friends into Stalkers.
1081: You carve the Lambda symbol into your chest.
1082: You wake up in the middle of the night, sweaty, and screaming - because you've just had a dream about getting mauled to death by Fast Zombies.
1083: You paint your computer orange.
1084: You only ever wear orange clothes.

That's all for now... the right text in the wrong place can make all the difference... in the world...
why the hell is this thread still going? it wasnt enough to reach 1001?
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