1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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938) While watching Spiderman 2 on PC, when they are in the theatre with the bloke with four extra arms and one of the arms crabs a doctor in the face, you jump and start pressing Primary fire...
939) You constantly masturbate off to the thought that ur Gordan Freeman?? woops thatss wat i do
940) You press the quicksave button, do stuff you'd normally not do (like blow up the house) and then push the quickload button... wich doesn't work...
941. all your underwear has a lambda logo on.

942. you get a tatoo with the lambda logo

943. you listen to the HL2 soundtrack 24/7
944) You press the buttons on a vending machine without putting money in, and expect cans to come out.

945) If somethings on TV you dont like, you simply pull the TV off the wall, or where it is and throw it somewhere instead of turning it off.
946) you set barrels alight and roll them towards people

947) everytime you get of a train you turn and say to someone "this is where i get off"
948) Your desktop background, startup sound, and most desktop icons are associated with HL2 in some way.

I know I do :P
949: You buy crates and crates of water bottles and cans of lemonade, and relabel them 'Dr Breen's Private Reserve'. You refuse to drink anything else
950. You paint ¨ Welcome to city17 ¨ on your city's biggest building.

951. you go insane and start mumbling something about a train that arrives, and no ones get on but there always full... but...

952. everytime you get out of your house you look after if you can spot G-man somewhere watchin you.

953. youre mad cause you think it's a waste of life there is'nt a BIIG BOSS in the end of HL2.

954. you think it looks cool when you throw stuff.

955. you refuse to eat.. you rather wan't to play HL2

956. you make a mod where you play as Dr.Breen

957. you wont drink water.. cuz you are sure of that it makes you forget.
Death.Trap said:

Hate to interrupt...but I wish I could make my alarm clock do that

I can-my radio will play CDs and I have the speech from HL1 by G-Man play every now and then :P
958) You have framed pictures of every Half Life character.
959) You have framed pictures of every Half Life enemy.
960) You have framed pictures of all the Valve staff.
961) You live a life of fear, half expecting the word "LOADING" to appear accross your vision and freeze, when you walk down a corridor.
Crowbar 15 said:
961) You live a life of fear, half expecting the word "LOADING" to appear accross your vision and freeze, when you walk down a corridor.
what is it started loading,


never stoped!
963) You stay up constantly just to see if any new DM maps/ mods have come up.
964) You name your first born child Gordon regardless of it's gender

965) You change your last name to Freeman.

966) You convince you're father to change his name to G-Man, anticipating the plot twists in HL3
967. you spend christmas in the furoms instead of with family
968. When you go to church instead of saying "praise to our lord Jesus Christ" you say "Praise to our lord gordon freeman".

969. When your sitting at school at physics class and when the teacher draws the lambda symbol on the board you jump out of your seat yell "Do you play Half-life 2!?"
970.) When people reply to threads like these :cheers: ( i hope I was the first to say that)

So at 1001 this thread is locked?
974. You wait for Santa to come down the chimney then whack him with a crowbar to get bonus items :)

975. You think Santas Sleigh is a new type of Combine Gunship and shoot it down with your RPG.
sup2069 said:
970.) When people reply to threads like these :cheers: ( i hope I was the first to say that)
someone said that already (you are not the first to say that)
976. You are disappointed that you got no presents that will help you free City 17 from the Combine.
978) You have gone back through a thread detailing 1001 things to say that someones already said something.
sup2069 said:
970.) When people reply to threads like these :cheers: ( i hope I was the first to say that)

This sign was on the first page... number 4 or 5, I think...
#977: you notice that number 977 is missing...then go back to playing half life 2
#979: you throw fire extinguishers at the walls to see them blow up
#980: You stare at your t.v. hours on end so that you might see the g-man
#981: You smash your vents to see if it is possible to crouch through them
#982: You think about bringing the game to the physics professor to show him the uber-physics
#983: You change your name to Gordon or if your a girl you change it to Alyx.
#984: Everytime you see a cane toad you think its a headcrap so you get a crowbar and smash it.
Wait, the original started of the thread must have the honour of writing the 1001 topic.
986. You have ever visited the real Black Mesa just because of the video game.

And this really wont be 1001 reasons because there are tons of them that are repeats since of course noone reads the whole thing before posting. Unless.... see #978.
987) You learn Vortigauntish so you can listen in on their conversations.
Damn, I'm leaving town and won't have access to the internet until wednsday... finished the thread, make these last few great. Don't have any shit like 'u want to have sex with alyx' or 'u switch your name to gordon', these have been done too many times. Thanks everybody for all of the help!

(If I can, I'm probably going to compile all of these into a .txt file, which you can download if you wish)
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