1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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redneck24 said:
865) When your 15 years old in ur parents basement thinking your on top of the world even though you have no friends, never kissed a girl on the lips besides ur mom.

You say 15 years old living in his parents' basement as an insult. 15 year olds are supposed to be living at their parents' house. It would have been more of an insult to say 28 and still living in his parent's basement.
I'm out of ideas. At least, out of new ones. I think we've gotten something on the order of 40 bits about girlfriends, sex, or masturbation concerning Alyx. She's not all that pretty, you realize.

/Would still hit it
886: You have seen Alyx so many times you dont think she is pretty enymore(even if that cut haben.)
redneck24 said:
865) When your 15 years old in ur parents basement thinking your on top of the world even though you have no friends, never kissed a girl on the lips besides ur mom.
that describes my pretty well! (sep i don't think i'm on top of the world, i am aware of my loserish life, AND we don't have a basement)
888 You install a toilet in the computer room so you can play HL2 and not have to get up and leave the room when nature calls.
Grumpy said:
888 You install a toilet in the computer room so you can play HL2 and not have to get up and leave the room when nature calls.

That's a good idea! :D Lol.
I'll consider ilovemetal's an entry.

890) As you turn on your gas stove, you imagine little zombies shrieking and swatting at the air as they light on fire in the burner.
891) You go crazy and lock yourself in an attic, laughing maniacally and brandishing an antique shotgun.
892: You make an army of plasticine antlions. They live on your ceiling.
893: You know the entire HL2 soundtrack by heart
894: You try desperatly to get the music out of the game.
895: You jump when you hear something behind you, thinking it's a Fast Zombie.
896: You want to drive a real airboat to see if they used a real airboat's sound and physics in the game.
897: You rip out your steering wheel in your car and try to install your keyboard's directional controls, thinking you'll be able to control it like the car in the game.
898: You quit playing when the sun goes down, fearing that if you play at night, you'll unleash hell (the Fast Zombies).
899: You try to use the game's Cheat Codes in Real Life, then not know how to open the console.
900: When the traffic backs up, you want to pull out your Gravity Gun and knock the cars off the road so you can pass.
901) You look in a mirror and think its faceposer, imagining using the sliders to change your expression.
902) You buy your cat a headcrab suit.
903) You then try to teach it to hump your head.
904) Someone tells you not to eat something as its poison, you respond by saying "Its alright, Ill just heal up from 1 Health again."
905) Scarily, you do. o.O
Final hundred! It hurts to try to think of more, but we're 9/10 of the way there!
906) You start calling Alien face huggers "face crabs"
907) You see a walrus at the zoo and wonder if it would survive the surgery of attaching a helicopter blade.
908) You also wonder how many rpgs it would take to bring down a walrus (prolly not more than one)
911) When you put on gloves, you hum the Valve theme song and look at your hands.
913) You try to pick up a metal barrel without the manipulator, and find that you can't without the hazard suit.
914) You get yourself cut and expect a voice to say "Minor Lasceration(sp) Detected."
915) You contemplate how the poison headcrabs came to be.
916) You wonder what mod will get the honor of closing this thread.
917: you see a saw blade and say: SWEET a manhack to shot at a combine! (then you realise you don't have a phys cannon)
manhacks are my fav thing to shot at people
918. You wonder why people mind you standing 4 meters away from various fireworks and grenade explosions. What's the problem? Youre outside the hit radius.
920. You start madly looking for switches or areas to jump on if your way is ever blocked
921. You can play it through in less then 3 hours
922. you EVER dream about it
923. You still talk about it when you are high
924. You'd rather finish a deathmatch then go to bed with your g/f
925.you hold a crowbar out in front of a camera and take a picture

and then tell people it is half-life3
926. Your way of picking up chicks is to get right behind them and try to stare down at their butt and see what color of underwear they have on.
bliink said:
7) You knock random real objects over just to look at the 'physics'
the night I beat HL2 I was throwing cardboard boxes, knocking over cans, misc....
927. If you wake up in the morning, and wonder why the G-Man didn't wake you up,
you might have played too much half-life2.
928. You ordered the Gold edition AFTER buying the Silver or Bronze.
929. You break open computers by shooting them just to see what kind of motherboard and graphics card they have.
930. The first thing you do after buying a soda is hurl it at whoever is nearest to you
931. You have ever sought out a flamable barrel in real life
933. You move around when people talk to you and wonder how they are able to look at you wherever you are
934. If you take a vacation to europe to find city 17,
you might have played too much half-life2.
935) Your taskbar has 8 CZ icons in the quickstart (see the pc monitors in cs_office in CSS :P )
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