1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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810. You spend all your time watching the Steam Monitor in anticipation of some new uber cool HL2 Update DLing.

Oh, the last post should be left to #1 Mod so they can lock this thread and call us all silly for reaching 1001 :p
811) From time to time, your celing fan dissattaches, and flies randomly around the room. You stop it with a crowbar o.O
dan_brew said:
759: a console comes down and you start no clipping through walls.

800: you try to recharge your suit with a power point and a piece of string.
773) You're so eager to post new reasons that you don't notice that you skipped 40 numbers (sorry guys!)
814. When something silly occurs you send a Vortigon around to fix the problem...Megatron42, there is someone at your front door..just hold the metal door knob when it knocks :p
bliink said:
wheee.. ragdolls! :bounce:
/me ragdolls

yeah.. when games start causing you to admire stuff like real world reflections etc.. you know its good.
that happened to me
816. you sit here and read all 815 before realizing that over half of them are the same.
817. The Police discover your body at the keyboard typing a reply to this thread 4 years after it was locked.

818. You wear Boxer Shorts with the Lambda sign at the rear and a Crowbar on the front :D

819. You get a phone call from Gabe saying there is a cheque in the mail as a bonus for all the Official HL2 Boxer Shorts they have now got orders for .
817 you walk in a corner and see a guy just started to walk and you say "its scripted".
818 you are jealous of soldiers in iraq after you finish the level "fellow freeman"
819. you look round your school saying that they designed the map well so you can throw 'nades round corners easilly

820. you wonder why you suddeny wake up on the bus and look around realising it is your stop, get off, and hear the driver shout 'hey, i didnt see you get on punk!!'

824. You are so excited to post in this thread you fail to see the extra page with 3 posts :p
825: you dream of HL2, DOG wagging his computerised tail at you, kissing Alyx on the lips and then trying to shag you. :D
Megatron42 said:
773) You're so eager to post new reasons that you don't notice that you skipped 40 numbers (sorry guys!)

Eep, you're right!

785: You actually care about this thread and are determined to make it reach 1001 reasons :P
786. You buy 5 copies of the game, one for use, one for backup purposes, one for the backup of the backup, one for the backup of the backup of the backup and one more for the backup of the backup of the backup of the backup. :P
787. You beat the game on hard using your feet to move the mouse and keyboard.

788. twice.
789. You are so tired you don't get the gist of Megatron42 being correct and ignore him :o Soz :(

790. After spending too much time posting here, you contemplate exile in the wastelands outside city 17.

791. You wake up every morning holding a crowbar for security.

792. You have a nightmare that headcrabs are crawling all over you only to wake up with your mum screaming and your bedroom is smashed to pieces.
793: You imagin you spawn 50 teachers vs 50 students and capture it on video D:
16.) You think you're going to live to 60, so you commit suicide at 30.

794) you name your child Gordan even if its a girl and change your last name to Freeman
795) You have a homemade HEV suit
796) You've finally been posting long enough to realize that only a mod gets to call the shots in a forum :rolleyes:
797) You re-create famous civil war battles out of npc's
798) You hate real-life crows even more than before
799) You've actually opened up the SDK with high hopes of creating a total conversion, took one look at the overwhelming amount of tools you'd have to learn, and ran away with your tail between your legs.
800!) You just wish that you could ent_remove anyone who bothers you.
801. You lose track of reality for so long you forget personal hygiene, thus smell very poorly and the flies follow you around in large numbers :(
802) You've made a complete HL2-quality Gordon Freeman model just to satisfy your own craving to put a face behind the name.

Seriously, Valve! So what with this "immersion" carp! WE WANT FREEMAN!
803. You cant think straight and so buy 12 cans of fly spray rather than having 1 long shower.

804. You have to visit hospital due to chemical poisoning after an accident with 12 cans of fly spray.
also a sign that you've never payed any attention to either of the half-life's:

805: you just realized the point of Gordon "Freeman".
807. When you are re-laying floorboards at a friends house and he hands you a crowbar, you think it is because he wants you to whack any headcrabs lurking under the old ones as he rips them out, not that he wants you to help pull them up.
811. You jump in the water with a crowbar and expect to be able to swim/float.
812: You try to build a hut in the back garden by welding pieces of wood together...
814. You are trying to built a teleporter out of your blender.
819.You dress your little brother up in a vortigaunt costume, and urge him to give you a HEV boost.

820.When you see a goverment man, you try to sneak up on him and make sure he isn't invincible.

821.You have no reason to eat or sleep or drink. You won't last a week ;)

822.When you pick up a crowbar and say "GORDON FREEMAN IS BACK"

823.When a classmate in your class is named Gordon Chev, and its at the end of the year, you want him to sign your book as Gordon Freeman(this is true)

824.When you constantly wonder what your HP and HEV is at without the indicators.

825.You make a hideout called Black Mesa =P

826.When you constantly think that there are headcrabs around the corner waiting to ambush you.

827.You keep a flash light with a button labeled 'H'
tehexchro said:
805) You use Half Life 2 flavored condoms.
"When I put on this condom, baby, you'll be bathed in feelings of love-making that human science has yet to name" :laugh:
820) You've applied quotes from the game into every conversation it is possible to apply them to ... and even some that are impossible.
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