1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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693. u wear thick black rimmed specs complete with powerful lenses that reduces your FOV to 70 degrees.
694. u kiss your crowbar goodnight and hug it like a pillow when u go to sleep at night. Awwww...
695. instead of using the door to enter your house, you jump crouch through the kitchen window (after breaking it open with your trusty crowbar of course).

Then u realized u entered the wrong home.
696) You join a community that writes 27 pages about playing Half-life 2
697. You name your newly-bought dog to Lamar and tries to hide her in the vents in order to then go search for her :P
698: You stare at the tallest building in your city, and exclaim to anyone who listens that you've never seen it lit up like that before. (I can't remember the exact quote!) Repeat evey week.
699: You go play HL2 through again because you couldn't remember what a character said in a certain spot
700!: Instead of having your address on your cats collars, you have a lambda logo.. everyone knows you're the local HL2 nut :P
Resonant said:
93) When you hear someone talking on a walkie-talkie, you freak and think its the metrocops/soldiers. You take cover and try and whip out the MP7/Spas-12/Overwatch Pulse Rifle. Only to notice you don't have one...
701)You then either buy or construct one
702) (for those churchgoers out there) You wonder what your pastor is doing without his Winchester rifle
703) You've trained your cat to chase laser pointers, and then you guide your cat to attack your enemies!
704) You drive into a residential area, a soccer ball rolls into the street, and you dash out of your car to destroy it with a crowbar.
705) When you're coaching someone through Windows, you refer to the mouse buttons as "primary fire" and "alt fire"
706) You actually think Moss Man would make a good Megaman boss
707) You found out for yourself that the flaming zombies are speaking English backwards.
708) You made a mod using the leak that has the missing boat level, and you've inserted it into the story.
709) And it has the hydra.
710) When walking in your dark kitchen, you look for your flashlight or the F key (this actually happend to me)
712. You stand on a bridge and throw crowbars down at random people while shouting
"I think you left this at Black Mesa"
713. You stare at womens breasts inseintley, Alyx didnt mind, did she?
714. Mossman didnt either!
715. Or barney!
716. You take your confused friends out into your backyard and say "this is a shouvel, you can call it a one point earth manipulator if you really want to.
717. You are going for a drive along the coast when you see a bridge coming up ahead. You yell for your parents to watch out as the Combine has probably blown it up :(
718. You pretend that your school is city 17 and any teacher who tell you to pick up a can you throw it in thier face and prepare to avoid thier slow stun baton attacks

719. You post on a Half-life 2 forum :thumbs:

720. When you fall over you try to make the flatline like metrocops do

721. When you fall over you try and make funny rag doll moves

722. You throw stuff around and act like a spastic and dhope that no one notices

723. You keep getting free cans of drink from Dr<Breen's private coke reserve

724. You look at store-bought chickens at the super market and swear that they look like headcrabs

725. When you keep trying to noclip through locked doors with failure
726. You find yourself attempting the elusive bunnyhop in other games to no avail.
Adrien C said:
710) When walking in your dark kitchen, you look for your flashlight or the F key (this actually happend to me)

Me too :( But that was after three hours of Doom3.. I hardly used the flashlight in HL2

727: You make a strider out of a magnetic building set dealie
728: It killed your friend
729: And you have photographic proof!

It wouldn't stand with 3 legs ;(
730: You are decorating people for their Experience in science class, refering to the "Black Mesa Project".

731: You are always sweeping the enviroment after a lame guy in blue suit with a briefcase... (I've made that once!)
732: You stop drinking water, because is makes you forget
733: When you ride a train to visit your relatives, you slowly walk looking around the station imaging that it's in the City 17
734: You start wearing same uniforms that rebels did
735: When ever you hear a helicopter you hide under a wooden plank...

736: When you visit a chemical lab with your class you look for Dr. Kleiner

737: Whenever you're on the beach you wont go further than 2 meters out, incase you get attacked by those small itchies or what they're called.

738: You won't realize that you have hands.
740. You get arrested for trying to open the damn floodgate while at a company picnic, and you tell the Police "But I must get to Black Mesa East"

741. You see a woman name Judith who looks just like Mossman, and you look around for her 1 legged boyfriend ( yes, I have just met such a person :O )
742) You search for the truth in a hardware store. You must get just the right crowbar and you will finally know all.
743) When you look at the sky you quickly realize you need to watch what's infront of you, there might be some combine heading your way.
744) You can no longer go to the beach, you're afraid you'll get jumped by creatures "coming from the sand".
745) You have telecinetic powers, allowing you to lift things without using your hands.
746) When you see frozen chickens at the store you scream: "HEADCRABS!", and bash them with your crowbar.
747) When you drive to work you no longer care about hitting people with your car, since there is no friendly fire, so if they die they must be combine spies.
748. When you play basketball at school it is not as much fun without a grav gun and a metal ball :(
749) When you watch movies and see that they look like City 17.
750) When you see your crowbar sitting around your just dieing to want to paint it like the HL crowbar.
751) You read all 750 previous ideas and have no idea on how to make one of your own.
752) You throw your littlesister from a scryscraper just to admire the ragdoll physics ^^
753: u get totally addicted to all HL and addicted to posting on these forums and u just cannot stop i just cannt stop..
756: you shoot your friend in the head with a glock, and get surprised he actually dies.
757: You walk into a store where they have these big christmas balls hanging from the ceiling, and you think "Ha! Cubemaps!"..... :angry:

758: You look at the tiles in the bathroom and think "Nice bumpmapping".
759: a console comes down and you start no clipping through walls.

800: you try to recharge your suit with a power point and a piece of string.
801: You stick forks into plug sockets, and when asked what you are doing you mumble 'trying to get my bloody suit charged'
802: You own the Gold HL2 Edition, the Collecters Edition, and 3 normal boxes. With these you have made a shrine, which you demand everyone must bow to before entering your room
803. You wake up in a mental hospital and just after the nurse gives you your Meds, she winks, and hands you a crow bar saying " I think you left this behind".

804. After Electro Shock Therapy youare dissapointed to find it did not recharge your suit more than 5% :(
soo close to | 1001 reasons | i can smell it!
soo close to | christmas | i can smell it!
805: You get scared every time you see a whale...

806: You start to make threads about:
Im not teh üpper nerd with computers so omg here it gos
Can my 3.8 ghz AMD with NASA technology, 1024 GIG of ram with xtra. 250 attached, ATI Radeon X800XT-256 mb, 200 gb hardisk /w 16 mb chache run half-life 3?
im dont have any knowing in computer hardwares so pleese i loved hl2 so much tat i need hl3 and was just thinking about if my computer is good enuff...tEH OwnAge!!!!!11

...2 years before its released.
807 The WASD and G keys have since worn off on your keyboard.
LOL @ Javert :)

808: BACKGROUND: An average man thinks about sex every 7 seconds (someone said that)

You beat it by thinking about HL2 every 6 seconds :rolling:
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