1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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618) You remember the Sierra.com thread like this and didn't want the mods to delete it.
619. When you are crossing a road and see a huge truck coming towards you very fast, you start looking for your F9 key.
620. Instead of using a camera to tak epictures you carry a keyboard with you and press F5.
621. You spend all your time at home tilting pictures on the wall trying to activate the retinal scanner.

622. When you go to your Uncles farm and he asks you to sweep out the barn, you keep looking up nervously for some reason.
623. When you go on an airboat ride you wonder how long it is till you get the tau cannon.
624) You stλrt spelling your nλme with lambda's
625) You've asked Alienware how much it would cost to run your eyes through SLI 6800 Ultras to make the most of the real world's graphics feature set.
Megatron42 said:
edit: We're actually going to make it to 1001 methinks (though we'd have to ignore the fact that alot of them repeat)

We ARE going to ignore that fact.
626. Whenever you see someone at work you pick up the telephone, glance at them suspicously and say "thers a man... in my office"
627. You stand infront ofyour schools secuirty cameras and say "welcome, welcome to north halifax high, its safer here" and proceed to give speeches about instinct
628. You stay behind after school until only one teacher is left, go back on the cameras again and go "Mr.Storer, though you continue to teach Maths there is not a single thing you have done, can you think of one thing you have created? I thought not..."
629. Whenever you show someone around you house you glance over to a room and say "thats the spare bedroom, we dont go there anymore" before tricking them into thinking the house is falling down and telling them to go in a room filled with people dressed up as zombies who claw there eyes out.
630. You shoot people because you know NPC's dont get hit by your own bullets, do they?
631. You erect a sign at your local beach that says "Antlions Spawning - Beach Closed"
632: u see a can near a public bin and then order a passer by to pick it up.... u know the rest....
633. You threw the can at the Combine, revolutionary blood roused, instead of putting it in the can.
634: u are hooked to arguing your view to preserve the quality of the original game against this rabble of n00b gamers who only have tis degraded version rattling round in thier heads

635: u participate in doing this on these forums meanwhile another member regularily confronts your opinions ruthelessly and makes your time here kind of a drag somtimes
636- Every time you get hurt you imagine a hud infront of you and gasp as if it hurts a lot and then imagine the health going down along with the aux.
637-You swim far in the Ocean saying to your friends "There aren't any Ichy's in THIS game"
638- You try to get your local mechanic to make a buggy and actually give you a license for it ((HL2 style))
639- You start comparing the world to hl2 and making lambda signs from anything.
640: you played the game again in the highest details *just* so you could take better looking screenshots
641: you ask your parents for a the "blue gravity gun!" for christmas
642: you look for a big crate to stand on whenever someone is trying to kick your ass
643: you anticipate loading signs whenever your in a tunnel
644: you get all nervous when you hear the annoying beeping sound of having your door open with the keys still in the ignition in your car (its gotten me several times)
645: you yell out loud in the theatres "JUST USE THE SHOTGUN!" at shooting scenes
646: you find yourself constantly looking for explosive barrels
647: you've told your dad to show more emotion when he talks
648: you've found yourself rummaging through everyone's apartment yelling out "OMG DOES *ANYONE* OWN A DAMN MIRROR??"
649: you always turn around quick whenever you leap down into a dark hole
650: you thoroughly inspect everything in every single room, just to see if theres any easter eggs nobody's seen yet.
mdpeaco said:
618) You remember the Sierra.com thread like this and didn't want the mods to delete it.

Indeed. '2000 signs you are playing too much Half-Life', I miss you so... ;(


650: You ignore anything said to you, unless it is in HL2 terms. eg, shopping is 'picking up supplies.'
651: Every time you walk past a TV you pause and look for the gman.
652: In your RE exam, you constantly refer to God as 'Nihilanth'
655. You say, "Look at these ragdoll physics man!" to your friend and you shoot him with a crossbow.
656. you start those accidental porn threads. boy am i sick of those
657. you look at a barrel with a tire on it and think what it would look like if you pushed it down a hill
658) You miss a week of work, and when the boss asks the only excuse you provide is "slow teleport".
659) You've finally stopped calling combine elites storm troopers.
660) You've started calling storm troopers combine elites.
661) Your car gets stuck in mud on the side of the road, and you pull out your home-made gravity gun to put it back.
662) You carry batteries with you wherever you go, and expect them to protect you from harm.
663) You believe morphine will enable to keep fighting on a broken ankle.
664) You stay away from crowded places like malls to "keep down the poly count"
665) You break windows just to watch them shatter, and have convinced yourself that hl2 simulates the effect better.
:devil: 666) Two words: Strider stilts. :devil:

w00t! I got a milestone! And I didn't have to use any filler :naughty:
667. You wake up Xmas morning and rush outside expecting to see a Buggy gift wraped in the driveway.
668. When you fail to get a buggy for Xmas you smash everyone elses gifts to pieces with a crowbar.
669. You hear of a prison called Nova Prospekt and exclaim "OMG ANTLIOOOONZ"
670: u get paranoid and wont go on the beach the next time u go on holiday to spain. sayng , i aint goin! theres antlions in there!
671: you press E on everything you could normally 'use' in your home
672: you giggle whenever you see a battery under a tub.
673. when u roll over in ur sleep, u do it while immitating the hopper's beep sounds.
674. u persuade ur girlfriend to wear purple underwear, get a short haircut and wear outfits similar to Alyx.
675: you own the fastest computer on your block --actually, make that your city, for some rich folks around here
676: you huddle up in your blanket at night with your eyes closed, thinking that when you open them there is going to be a man in a blue suit standing over your bed that will say "Hell Mr.Viti (my last name)

678: you cry and throw a tempur tantrum (lol, haven't used that word in a few years) when your mom/dad/parent/guardian grounds you for bad grades/preganentGF/suspension because now you cant build that hl2 pc you've been planning to build after christmas
679. All you want to do is get a job as a Train Ticketing officer so you can spend all day going up to passengers saying " I didnt see you get on"
680. Youre afraid of going into gym halls, ¨ Some of the robes could be barnacles ¨
681. you're sick to f*cking death of it?

682. even tho you're sick to death, you continue to play, causing you to convulse sporadically and vomit into your leftover chinese takeaway, hourse later you may forget this happened due to memory loss, also a symptom of a H.L.O.D (half life over dose) and later attempt to polish the remains off causing chronic diarrhea and hallucinations finally resulting in your demise, the game will porbably continue after, being involuntarily enjoyed by your still-twitching corpse
683: Instead of having your room wallpapered, you paste on hundreds of HL2 posters.
684: You sacrifice a headcrab every morning to your god, Gordon Freeman
685.whenever you see s car, you wish that you can flip it over
686.when you jump off a clif, you wait to hear "fracture detected"
687.when you get off a train, you think that you have to leave your luggage behind
16) you believe your brain needs an ATI raedon 9800 pro to run the dream correctly
688) You refer to the boss as Dr. Breen among your fellow collegues.
689) You constantly go mute when people talk to you.
690. Whenever you see a ventillation grille in the wall, you just have to open it and crawl inside.
691. On foggy mornings, you mistake skyscrapers as the citadel, and scream that the Combine are invading.
692: You try ever so hard, despite your complete lack of creativity and imagination, to come up with something in real life that might be something you'd do out of the fact that you play Half-life 2 too much. Hey i'm doing that right now!
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