1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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445) Every time you’re about to get some action from your girlfriend you keep looking over your shoulder for nearby explosions ;0)
you look at almost anything that is shiney in real life and say "Man thats good graphics"

you knock over stuff to say "Man thats cool physics"

you poke at dead bodies saying "Man thats cool ragdoll"

451) your greeting message to your cell phone is "wake up, wake up and smell the ashes" <---- thats true :)

452) your bought the collecters editon and the gold edition just to have a matching shirt and hat <---also true

453) you get yelled at in class for drawing lambda symbols, and then get sent to the deans office for saying "GOD! your just like breen, you ****ing combine!" <---also true and gave me a 3-day suspension

454) you call your best friend barney by accident <---true

455) you call your friends fat cat lamaar

456) you look at the cameras in your schools lunchroom and say "****ing combine" <---true

457) you tell people not to drink the water at school because they put something in it. <---true

458) you go to a hardware store with a screenshot of gordons crowbar and demand that it looks like that <---true

459) you beat your friend up for saying halo 2 is better than halflife 2 <--true

460) all your conversations revolve around what to do in case of a combine invasion. <---true

wow after reading these through i feel like a loser, wow, o well back to city 17
Well, Mecha01...I think you win. You have played more Half-Life 2 than anyone. Keep it up, buddy!
461: u take a trip to the local hardware surstore and look to buy a crowbar with a band of red paint round it-just in case of emergencies..

462: u actually start to believe that u are gordon freeman, the man himself. :hmph:
463. You search for your USE KEY when approaching your teacher in class.
465. While dreaming at night, you try to hit the console key and type exit because you f*cked up something..bad.
466: You run into rooms at night picking up cans, tv's, sofas and lobbing them at spiders otherwise you will get "poisened" by the basterd black headcrabs and a fast headcrab will kill you.
467: You get shivers every time you see a drainage pipe on the side of a building shake.
468. When you close your eyes you can still see a crosshair

469. You shoot your teacher because you think that she migt be alien infectet ¨ It happens ¨

470. You get the creeps when you are together with to many people and you shout ¨ KILL EM ALLL!!!! ¨

471. You think that the gameplay of the world is too slow

472. Your childs first word will be ¨ Freeman ¨

473. You have MORE posts per day than tantalus. <--true! i have 20, he has 17... but I don't spam. No no. At least, not much.
474. While waiting for HL2DM to load, you go get a toilet and throw it at your cat.
476: You name your dog 'headhumper' and just can't understand why people think you're weird.
477: "Half-Life? Is that the one with the scientists? It sucked, you never even got a weapon." <-- you decapitate everyone you hear say this with a rusty crowbar
478: You cannot eat your food unless it is arranged into lambda shapes first.
479: You dedicate every November 16th to HL2. On that day you cannot speak, you wear freeman-style glasses, and beat everyone who doesn't call you gordon round the head with a plushy headcrab, which lives on your shoulder and is named Bobrick.
480. You make a habit of painting yourself in Valve©, Vivendi©, Steam© and Half Life 2© logos, then running around crowded, public areas screaming "I'M GABE'S BITCH!"

481. You start a cult dedicated to Gabe©.

482. See #480. Except this time, naked and repeatedly fondling yourself... and replace the paint with tattoos.

483. You spend millions on plastic surgery to slowly, and almost unnoticeably transform yourself INTO Gordon, even if you were originally a 4'11 asian transexual midget.

484. You go on a video game inspired murderous killing rampage... you know, the kind the media loves?? When the cops finally take you down, you die with your HL2© merchandise (hat and coffee mug) clutched closely to your heart.

485. You start crapping copies of Half Life 2.
475. You modify the game's textures and add yourself to the Black Mesa group photo in Kliener's lab.
486: your hands start to cease up because of prolonged keyboard usage and u then develop premature arthritis ;(
487: You honestly believe Gordon Freeman is a diety.
488: You don't, but you act like he is anyway.
489: You bought HL2 within a week of release.
490: If you could change your name, it would be to "Gordon Freeman"
491: You look at air vents in your house as potential headcrab ambush sites.
492: You've made plushies or models of HL-related creatures.
493: You've made a thread on how to do this.
494: You want to have Lamarr as a pet.
495: You've played HL2 all the way through more than 5 times.
496: On hard.
497: Every four hours, you turn in the direction of Valve Software's headquarters in Seattle and pray.
498: When someone says "Mecca", you think of your trip to Valve.
499: You've actually BEEN on a trip to Valve.
500: You're a member of a community that's come up with 500 reasons you've played to much Half-Life.
yep, I believe so. Give or take 5 or 10, due to repeats or skips and what have you.
501 When you hear pneumatic drill you scream STRIIIDEEER and try to hide or find rocket launcher.
502 You don't see your hands.
503 You call every high building - Citadel.
504 You have build Gravity Gun [or Lightsaber - for Star Wars maniacs ;)BTW. This is for people who watched to much SW. Your nick is Darth [something]...I'm afraid that im addicted from SW :P]
504,05 Sorry for my English :cheese:
Darth_DJ said:
501 When you hear pneumatic drill you scream STRIIIDEEER and try to hide or find rocket launcher.
502 You don't see your hands.
503 You call every high building - Citadel.
504 You have build Gravity Gun [or Lightsaber - for Star Wars maniacs ;)BTW. This is for people who watched to much SW. Your nick is Darth [something]...I'm afraid that im addicted from SW :P]
505 You're trying to do some acrobations whith airboat [BTW Grate fun :) ]
505,05 Sorry for my English :cheese:
Maybe someone could make SP map for airboat whith many platforms ;) Try it- it's realy cool.
505: u get into arguments with smegheads on this form when they cannot giv the slightest bit of respect to what is just a reasonable opinion :flame:
506: You start thinking that you mother is a Vortesomthing (how do you spell it?!)
507: You imagin your life is a source demo movie (I do that :P)
508: You search for "shadow inside a shadow" in real life.
509: You try to break stuff and convince yourself that source would do it more realistic :|
510) When driving your car, you keep your hands off the steering wheel, still managing perfect control.
511.) When you go on dates you talk like Gordon. (Hint: Just look and not say a word.)
512.) When asked why you keep flippin the lights on and off you respond "MIT training derrrrr!"
513.) when every girl u see has a hint of alix
514.) u actually put up with steam
515) When you make a mindless post like this.
516) You doubt anyone with a sedative voice and a white beard.
517) You draw the lambda sign on your dorm doorboard (like me).
518: You swear that Santa, is in fact, Dr.Breen!
edit: In disguise!!1
Resonant said:
93) When you hear someone talking on a walkie-talkie, you freak and think its the metrocops/soldiers. You take cover and try and whip out the MP7/Spas-12/Overwatch Pulse Rifle. Only to notice you don't have one...

I do that except for the gun part

519: You try to look inside your eyelids for a console and/or menu (This apllies to all games)
520. You go buy Escape from Butcher Bay because Riddick is freakin awesome.

How this pertains to HL2 is sketchy at best.
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