1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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you're dying to ask a guy you work with named M. Calhoun if he has a brother named Barney.
391. you woner why your harddisk has manhacks in
(real story, my hdd sounds really odd and scratchy and i think it might break)

rumblefish said:
391. you woner why your harddisk has manhacks in
(real story, my hdd sounds really odd and scratchy and i think it might break)


Maybe your case is just so full of dust and lint that it's interfering with the fans. Try opening up the case and vacuuming it out
393) u buy a futuristic looking 9mm and spend hours at the shooting range trying to figure out how the multi shot pistol glitch works on your gun.

394) you buy black gloves and imitate the movements when gordon puts on HEV suit

395) You say u dress up as gordon freeman for halloween when in reality you just covered yourself in grey paint, and then tell your friends to dl the gordon model and instal it
396) u rearrange your desktop to look like this:

397) u spend hours uploading pointless hl2 screenshots onto sites such as www.imageshack.us in order to brag to others that u have the game :D

both apply to me
398) You keep daydreaming of throwing bug baits into the boss's office!
when you step outside and expect one of the combine spaceships to be in the sky :D
400) You're happy that you get #400 in a topic like this, and are hoping to get 500.

401) Valve asked you whether HL2's storyline had any plot holes.

One of those applies to me....

edit: Your post needs a # Anddos.
cmon guys! can't you think of any? this is my favorite topic! ok, heres one.....

402) Your goal in life it to figure out who the g-man really is, and you've got files and pictures all over your room.

Lol let's get to 1001!
403) You read this thread even though you know whats in here
404) you post in this thread after 'abandoning' it ages ago
405) you brain melts and notices that #404 is also a common HTML error code
406 -- you frend dies tosday (of heart attack at 31!) and you gt drunk,m but cannot think of anything better to do than post on hl2 frms!
408) you want to prove to everyone that dr. breen looks like george bush
Ryjalon5k said:
237: Everytime you throw a snowball, you either yell fire in the hole, or expect a horde of antlions to attack your friend/enemy.

omg, last week I said "affirmative" to my staff chief after she(!) told me what to do.... :o
410) You make halflife 2 characters and locations for the sims 2 and you think about how to make it better all the time
(real, see my sig :p )
411) When driving, construction sites catch you eye - you see a pallet of bricks and think, i could start a revolution here ;0)
oooh you made a few new strips since last time i checked :p
412) At the part in Highway 17 where you had to put the car batteries in the electric thing to raise the gate, you didn't figure it out and instead built a ramp with the gravity gun to get over :D
413) You explain to your teacher that having SV_cheats 1 during the test was simply a matter of getting all of the resistance memebers to participate in the test itself.

414) You then proceed to spawning antlions and quickly whipout your fuzzy teddybears and swear that you'll use them as pherapods if she doesn't let you off the hook.
415) You actually do design your real house in half life 2.
416) You have a hl2 dm lan against your brothers, on the map of your house.
417) You get confused if your playing half life 2, or if your in your house.

418: Your cats are not cats. They are houndeyes.
419: You read through 'Raising the Bar' at least twice a day
420: Science suddenly becomes your favorite lesson, but you do terribly as you only learn things relating to Half-Life
421: You build an Anti-Mass Spectrometer in your basement, and attempt to make a Xen Crystal out of salt and yellow food colouring. And succeed!
422: You pretend that your microwave is a teleporter put your a cat in it and pretend the teleport went wrong.
423: You never swim in the ocean for fear of being eaten by Ichthyosaurs and leaches.
424) Your girlfriend is jealous of "that game"
425) You get your girlfriend liquored up just so she will fall asleep sooner so you can play "that game"
426) You only use half the lights in your apartment because you believe it will shorten your compile time
427) You are only mildly surprized by the length of this thread
428) You believe this list should be read aloud on Letterman

Dammit...these are true!
when your running along a cliff and try to spit over the edge, only to get a gob on the screen you forgot was there.

this happened to me.
430)you wake up one morning to find yourself in xen,and start fleeing from the big thing with a huge limb of wobbly flab, only to awake from your dream to find yourself running away from your girlfreinds mother in law.
everytime you go to the bathroom you reach for your grav gun to smash the toilet off someones head
431. When at work you smash random stuff with a crowbar.
432. You try to kill your boss because he looks like Breen.
433. You ask veterans with no limbs if they are related to Eli.
434. Everytime someone says head or crab you cower your head and duck.
435. At shooting range you have a picture of Breen that you shoot at.
436. You put lots and lots of coins in vending machine to see how many cans it has.
437. Everytime you see a vending machine you try to look behind it to check if there's a secret entrance.
438. If you know someone who looks slightly similar to any of the figures in HL2 you call them by the HL2 name.
439. Always sprint.
440. Stash junk to get over random walls.
441. You start getting an incredible craving for donuts and other sugary products... until one morning, you wake up looking like Gabe.
442. Running late to catch a bus you decide to contiously jump to the bus stop instead due to it being oh so much faster than walking and doesn't take up any energy compared to running.
443) You use HLMV for you're art projects: assuming you'res still in elementary school.
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