1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

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522. When you pretend to play around with your air-AK47, you claim to your friends that its real, its just affected by the invisible weapon bug off CSS
523. When you go to do work on the roof you automatically look for boxes & drums to stack rather than remembering you own a ladder.
You plan to destroy the Liverpool RC Cathedral only because it reminds you of the citadel

dressing up like the Gman when goin to work, and scare the shit out of customers when talking to them

SHIPPI said:
477: "Half-Life? Is that the one with the scientists? It sucked, you never even got a weapon." <-- you decapitate everyone you hear say this with a rusty crowbar

I remember that argument, LOL, I wonder what that kid is doing now.


You kill all stormtroopers at a sci-fi convention because they remind you of combine elite.

In movies, you finish all of Christopher Walken's sentences with "Mr Freeman"

Shout "Freeman is alive!" whenever you see a lamda sign (prefebly whilst you are in Greece)

If you are an employee at CERN, ask the manager if a blue suited man has disappeared within the past 10 years under mysterious circumstances.

Say the lines
"Hey, catch me later I'll buy you a beer"
(whilst with an ascent similar to Barney)

Avoid non-existent lasers in the city library.

Actually visit Ground Zero (Its possible, Just)
51. You take a bunch of eggs, throw them at people and then wonder where are all the chickens.
52. You're afraid to walk on the beach.
53. You got this tune in your head, and you can't seem to get it out (..whistles..) (LOL I hope you get that one...)
54. U try to teleport plants across espresso machines (admit those things look like coffee machines!!!)

that's it for now.
will come back later with summore
515) you tell your 5 year old brother about how you saved the earth from a combine invasion.

516) when your mom asks what your playing on your computer you just stare at her and dont say anything

517) when you see your friends you run up to them and start pokeing them looking for the "E" button

518) you devote your junior year of high school to constantly checking this forum while in class

519) you type this while wearing a halflife 2 t-shirt and hat <---- true

520) the only reason your typing on this forum is because you cant be at home playing halflife2

521) when at home reading this you have half life 2 minimized while reading this

522) people look at you weird in class when you giggle and say to yourself "silly headhumpers" <--true...

523) you hope to pass your advanced physics class by pulling handles

524) you have a phone number in your cell phone called alyx (555-5555)

525) when your friends ask if you wanna hang out and you dont wanna you say " sorry but i have to meet up with Dr.kleiner today"
526) at random points during your school day you just scream out " STRIDDDDEEEERRRSSSS!!!!!!!!"
527. You get arrested cuz you climbed up a crane at a construction site and killed 3-5 workers with a giant container.
528. When someone takes your picture and uses a flash, you take cover cuz u think CP's are on the way to get u.
These numbers are messed up bigtime... I think we're at...

548: You freak out when you get a christmas card at your house addressed to 'Anne and John Breen' (true! *runs*)
when you start forum topics that begin with "1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life" lol
529. You can't watch Starship Troopers ever again.
550 : When you strafe along the side of your hallway with the least number of doors open checking both ways, with your shoes off for added "Stealth"

:p this is cool
551: You throw granades before you enter any room.
552: Whenever you see a dog you scream "A fast zombie!" and tries to fide some explosive barrels.
553: You sing the Valve sound and look at your hands after you get dressed in the morning.
554: Everyone you see knows your name and is happy to see you, and you've never seen any of them before.
555: You had the drainpipes on your house removed.
556: You've really wondered how Striders keep their balance when they walk.
557: You've imagined your priest/pasteur shooting his zombified congregation.
558: When you put supplies away, you draw a lambda so you'll be able to find them again.
559: You've tried to noclip in real life. More than once. In a row.
560: When the teacher asked a tough question to the class, you immediately think "notarget! notarget! notarget!"
561: You paint weapons blue to see if they become more effective.
562: You can't wait for the Combine to lift the supression field so you can mate again. What's that? There's no Combine and no supression field? ARGH!!!
563: You see a payphone and wonder why the handset is connected to the base.
564: You have lost your ability to set down glass bottles without breaking them.
565: You could hum off the top of your head the song that plays when the g-man appears on TV.
566: You refer to people as "the Jacob Johnson" or "the John Smith"
567: Something just doen't feel right when you look at a patch of grass from different angles.
OMG we are in the half

568:when you want to use something you try to press E
568: u need a crap before u play ravenholm again.
570 You try to get dressed by walking into your clothes on their hangers.

571: Instead of going out the front door to your garage, you go to the second floor, into the vent, climb down the chimney into the basement. You look for a key that will unlock the outside doors, then go outside and run around the block twice before climbing into the window to get into your car.

Then you just crash through the door of the garage rather than open the door.
572) when your boss comes to you and wants your work for the day, u wonder which of your actions trigger the event
these art very good by the way

cant wait till christmas because

573: When your boss talks to you, you automatically start moving very sloooowly.

574: With a ladder in plain view, you jump down an opening and try to catch the ladder right near the bottom thinking that this will keep you from getting hurt.

575: You ask your pastor "Wheres the folding chair and 6 pack?"

576: You anxiously await Friday, and when Friday arrives you are excited. By the end of the day, you feel that it could have been better and instant message your friend to discuss it. (Not me. I loved HL2's ending)

577: You go to the beach, but never stray from the rocks unless you have a weapon handy

578: You throw random stuff around for no particular reason.

579: You try opening doors by walking into them and tapping them. If a door is locked, you wail on it with your crowbar

580: If you hurt your hand, you only know it by the red flash you see on the side you hurt.
SHIPPI said:
These numbers are messed up bigtime... I think we're at...

548: You freak out when you get a christmas card at your house addressed to 'Anne and John Breen' (true! *runs*)


But Dr. Breen's first name is Wallace...
581. You press the buttons on Soda Vending machines and smack the side trying to find a secret lab.
583. you buy a haz-mat suit and run around in the streets terrorizing people with a crowbar

585. You visit your mother in jail, and when you leave, you have left 3 turrets in her cell to protect her :)
586. You start calling Gabe, late at night... and breathing heavily into the reciever, hoping that one day you will somehow muster up the courage to tell him that you love him and you want his babies.
NapalmAndFriends said:

But Dr. Breen's first name is Wallace...

Do you honestly think he'd use his real name?! :rolleyes: :P

587: You paint lambda signs all over the kitchen cabinets which contain 'supplies'
588: Pfft, doctors. When you injure yourself you walk into first aid boxes
589: And they heal you!
590: You insist on carrying a crowbar with you when you go to a seafood restaurant.
591: Or the beach
592: You freak out when you see people walking on sand
593: You stalk Gabe Newell, while humming the valve theme song
594: You have the HL2 soundtrack playing constantly
595: You have a corner of your room dedicated entirely to HL2
596.you have a headcrab, barnacle, and gordan freeman plush toys
597. when you have sex with your girlfriend, you pretend its alyx
Shadow112090 said:
596.you have a headcrab, barnacle, and gordan freeman plush toys
597. when you have sex with your girlfriend, you pretend its alyx
598. you actually have sex with alyx
599) you compare all the girls in your school to alyx

600) you see the deans in your school and expect them to make you pick up cans.

woohoo i got 600
601) when you eat chinese food with chopsticks you pretend you are a strider and violently puncture pieces of meat with one stick, then shake them off the stick into your mouth
602) you wonder how many model animations the average person requires
603) you attempt suicide by ending your suicide note with "kill" or "disconnect"
604) you went as Freeman for Halloween
605) even though your facial hair grows so slowly that you only shave it once a week, you manage to grow a beard just to be more like Freeman
606) you try to hide from people by holding a paint can between your eyes and their line of sight
607) you grumble as you walk down a clean street because there aren't enough throwable objects around

Woohoo! Zombie status!
608) When you rename your pet to Lamarr
609) When you start to grow or draw a goatee on yourself
610) When you refuse to say anything
611. Everytime you see a man with a suspicious white beard you scream ¨ AAAAHH!!! DR.BREEEEN!!!! please don't kill MEEE!! ¨ And run away as fast as you can.

612. you bunnyjump on your way to work to get there faster.
Xenon said:
608) When you rename your pet to Lamarr
610) When you refuse to say anything
k, there have been like twelve of both of these, but I don't blame you for not checking :dork:

613) (CS:S) During a Pavarotti concert, you rush the stage and cut him down with a knife the moment he starts singing

edit: We're actually going to make it to 1001 methinks (though we'd have to ignore the fact that alot of them repeat)
614 ) You download a HL2 skin for everything windows, media player, winamp, steam

/me guilty
615) Your avatar is cropped and edited from a screenshot.
616) You wonder who's going to get #666 on this list.
617) "Dr. Breen's Private Reserve" isn't just vaguely familiar, it's VERY familiar.
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