12 Year Old Murderer Faces Adult Charges


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
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Sankaku Complex said:
US courts have ruled that a boy accused of murdering his father’s pregnant girlfriend, whose brains were blown out with a shotgun the boy received as a Christmas present, must stand trial as an adult despite only being 11 when the crime was committed.
CNN said:
He is one of the youngest suspects in the country to be charged with homicide, legal experts say. There are two counts of homicide, one covering the fetus.


In Pennsylvania, there is no lower limit for the age someone can be charged as an adult with criminal homicide. If convicted, Jordan, now 12, faces life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Sankaku link (site not safe for normal people)

Not sure why I'm posting this story, I figure someone else will eventually so why not me.
They gave their 11 year old son a shotgun for christmas?



11 years old is what? 5th grade?
It was apparently a "for kids" shotgun.

Sankaku Complex said:
He had apparently been given the “designed for children” 20-gauge shotgun as a Christmas present.
On weekends, Jordan hunted alongside his father, Chris Brown

Looks like abuse...

..***ns in the family

It was apparently a "for kids" shotgun.

Lol, please tell me they don't really have 20 gauge shot guns that are specifically designed "for kids". That's ****ing insane. I've shot 20 gauge before, might not be the same kick as a 12 gauge but there is nothing kid friendly about it.
Lol, please tell me they don't really have 20 gauge shot guns that are specifically designed "for kids". That's ****ing insane. I've shot 20 gauge before, might not be the same kick as a 12 gauge but there is nothing kid friendly about it.

looks like there is

google "youth models firearms"

I guess is to defend themself from the bullies at school
state police found 26-year-old Kenzie Houk in her bed with a bullet though her head.

the youth-sized 20-gauge shotgun state police believe was the murder weapon

I think someone is not investigating correctly.

(Disclaimer: I'm not a gun expert.)
I think it's funny how there is a second count of homicide because of the fetus, but nobody makes any mention of how this relates to abortion.
only in usa

always wanted to post this
Samon and Yorick, you guys are so adorable.

Considering my response to the topic at hand was meant as a silly one.

Also, what exactly does racism or bigotry in general have to do with a 12 year old kid killing people?

I guess you were just waiting for a chance to bring up my dark past on these forums into the light again.
It doesnt even sound like they really have a real case against the kid. They've got the "eyewitness" account of a 7 year old girl who heard a "boom" that was only mentioned at the third questioning of the girl. They've got gun residue on the kids shirt, along with residue on the kid's other shirts because he went hunting with his dad a lot. And they've got a blanket with a "quarter sized hole in it." You're telling me an angry 11 year old kid is going to worry about blood spatter?

Its also really stupid that PA doesnt have juvenile law for this. The idea of "charge him as an adult, or don't charge him at all" is a terrible way to handle things.

No Limit said:
Lol, please tell me they don't really have 20 gauge shot guns that are specifically designed "for kids". That's ****ing insane. I've shot 20 gauge before, might not be the same kick as a 12 gauge but there is nothing kid friendly about it.

CNN just described it as a "youth sized" shotgun, not a "designed-for-children" one like overdramatic-Sankaku puts it.
Hmm. Well the thing is, an 11 year old basically knows right from wrong. They know one of the worst possible things you could ever do is kill someone. Unless this child had some kind of mental disorder that caused him to do this which isn't the case, I feel like he should trialled as an adult.
Also Krynn, what's the difference? A youth sized gun would be designed for kids.

"Designed for children" gives off a much different impression than "youth sized," even if they could technically mean the same thing. I took it to mean they made it more safe for child use, beyond just making it smaller. Also, "youth" and "child" have very different connotations.

Also, lol. Look at Taco, thinking hes a psychologist who knows what he is talking about.
He needs re-education from a guardian who isn't a ****ing stupid hick.
Hmm. Well the thing is, an 11 year old basically knows right from wrong. They know one of the worst possible things you could ever do is kill someone. Unless this child had some kind of mental disorder that caused him to do this which isn't the case, I feel like he should trialled as an adult.
Hi Taco, it's the middle ages. Yeah, we want our age of reason back. Please don't borrow it without our consent again.
The kid obviously should be aborted from the trial. Either way trying him as an adult, the case just shot itself in the foot again. I think the kid should have a second shot at life.

Kid tested, maybe-would-have-been-mother disapproved.
The kid obviously should be aborted from the trial. Either way trying him as an adult, the case just shot itself in the foot again. I think the kid should have a second shot at life.


You mean a third shot
Sentencing a 12 year old child to 'life without parole'?

Now that is totally outrageous. The child should be treated for obvious mental health problems rather than brought to a court of law. I think there are only victims with regard to this killing and the law should procede as such (presuming it was the kid who shot her).
**** Pennsylvania man. That's just wrong on so many levels.
Well, did he shoot the woman with intent?

Like he climbed up to the bedroom and shot her in the face while she slept?

Because I'd think it's lucky they got him so soon, before he became the "Mad Shotgun Boy of Pennsylvania" or something.
Well, isn't this just a blow to the head.
The kid should buck up and do the time.
It's hard to really gauge his culpability, though.

It was apparently a "for kids" shotgun.

What? What? Flavoured cigarettes are banned in the U.S. because they're supposedly marketed to children, despite being only available for adults to buy, but you can legally market and sell a firearm billed as 'My First Rifle'? ??? ?!?!?!?!?

I think it's funny how there is a second count of homicide because of the fetus, but nobody makes any mention of how this relates to abortion.
Maybe because the foetus was far past the age at which abortion is legal, genius. Even the abortionist agenda recognises an age at which babby-killing becomes murder.