2 girls struck by train while sunbathing on tracks...


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Police Chief: 2 girls struck by train in Lebanon, Maine
May 28, 2008

LEBANON, Maine --Authorities say two teenage girls apparently sunbathing on a railroad trestle were struck and seriously injured by a freight train in Lebanon, Maine, on the New Hampshire border.

Police Chief Mark McGowan in Milton, N.H., says the engineer sounded the horn and tried to stop but the train struck the 13- and 14-year-old girls late Wednesday morning. McGowan tells Foster's Daily Democrat the girls were sunning themselves on the tracks and may have fallen asleep.

Lebanon Fire Chief Skip Wood says both girls suffered amuptation injuries. The newspaper says one of the girls lost a leg and the other will likely lose a foot.

Wood says both girls were from the town of Lebanon. He says they were taken by medical helicopters to the Maine Medical Center in Portland.

What the ****.
im having a hard time feeling sympathy for them...i mean FFS...on railroad tracks???? WTF were they thinking? Its almost like they deserved this...
hahaha. idiots.
Number One - Lebanon in the USA. Am I the only one who finds that amusing?
Number Two - Sunbathing on railway tracks. lolwut?
Number Three - Unlucky for them. I say 'unlucky' as if it wasn't their own fault.
I feel bad for them. Even if they are ****ing stupid. Hit by a train..
When I saw McGowan I thought I read McGyver and I thought what the f*ck is this sh*t.

But seriously they shouldve gone to the beach or something if they wanted a tan.
Lebanon Fire Chief Skip Wood says both girls suffered amuptation injuries.
Aye, amputate their ****ing heads. They clearly don't need them.

How thick can you get?
What idiots.

You're supposed to sunbathe on the highway!
"they jumped in feet first into a world of trouble"

feats of stupidity lost them their feet, in defeat they'll never get a foot above water

"Only a fool tests the depth of th"e water/train with both feet.
I feel really bad for them... even though they are idiots... :(
I would feel sympathy...

I think...

But why the f*ck were they sunbathing on railroad tracks...

Stupid girls...
Too bad they didn't die, those morons will breed more morons you know.
I guess sometimes you just have to look at life and think, "that's the way the teenage girls struck by trains crumble."
I wouldn't feel sad for them If they weren't so stupid, because then they would have found one of the billions of 2 foot patches of dirt to sleep on near them that couldn't kill them....

I still don't feel sad for them:cheers:
seriously injured by a freight train
How the **** could you be seriously injured by a freight train? I would have thought there are two options when it comes to freight trains, A: Miss, B: Gibbs.
"they jumped in feet first into a world of trouble"

feats of stupidity lost them their feet, in defeat they'll never get a foot above water

"Only a fool tests the depth of th"e water/train with both feet.

And so the cycle is complete. In before BullSquidSally.
They are lucky to be alive. I do feel sorry for them. Everybody does something stupid that could get them killed at some point in their life.
They are lucky to be alive. I do feel sorry for them. Everybody does something stupid that could get them killed at some point in their life.

Yeah, maybe not noticing a stop sign or something.

Laying on train tracks......are you serious?
There's doing stupid things and doing things that are rediculously stupid for no reason at all. Its not like the rails super energized their skin with neutrinos directly from the iron found within their bodies.... They're just rails and that sentence is complete Bull****. Any other 2 foot patch of dirt for miles around would have done, but they had to lie on the one a train ran through.....

Sounds like unbelievable dumbness or a suicide. Even the infinitely open limits of stupidity seem like a little of a stretch when applied here....
What boggles my mind was that they were sunbathing in what must've rapidly been becoming a storm
The hell? It sounds more like a suicide attempt than trying to sunbathe. You don't lie down on train tracks unless you want to die.

Even if they had fallen asleep, the vibration on the tracks and the horn would've woken them up. And yet they didn't move.

I concur. Also, how ****ing thick and brainless do you have to be to lie down on the railway tracks to sunbathe???!!!! It is absolutely beyond me!!!
How do you...NOT hear or even FEEL a train coming???
With her electronic 'ha ha ha' as she wheeled away?