2 more states ban gay marriage

CptStern said:
back up your claim, prove gays are more prone to stds than heteros are
That wasn't my main argument actually, I was pointing out a dick in the asshole doesn't make a baby, it makes a swollen asshole.
Kiva128 said:
I think there's a bit of hypocrisy about this subject.

Most guys don't like to hear about other gay guys and such...but I bet they don't have any problems with lesbians (hot ones that is). So, if you don't like gays, then you shouldn't like hot lesbians either...but I know you do! :LOL: :devil:

Mmmm...lesbians... Uh, I mean! Damn them gays! They should pay for they're... gayism!
Foxtrot said:
That wasn't my main argument actually, I was pointing out a dick in the asshole doesn't make a baby, it makes a swollen asshole.

So true.
CptStern said:
back up your claim, prove gays are more prone to stds than heteros are

STD's first showed up in gay men in california. Somewhere over there anyways. That's a fact.
CptStern said:
back up your claim, prove gays are more prone to stds than heteros are. "

" - A 1997 study in British Columbia found the life expectancy of men who engage in sodomy to be comparable to that of the average Canadian man in 1871. Researchers estimate that nearly half of the 20 year old men currently engaging in sodomy will not reach their 65th birthday.1

- Ninety-five percent or more of the AIDS infections among gay men result from receptive anal intercourse.2

- The risk of anal cancer "soars" by nearly 4,000% for men who have sex with men. The rate doubles again for those who are HIV positive. A Michigan homosexual newspaper admits there is no such thing as "safe sex" to prevent this "soaring" cancer risk. Condoms offer only limited protection.3

- Homosexual men face a significantly higher risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices.4

- Men who engage in sodomy are 860% more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD), increasing up to 500% their risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Men who commit acts of sodomy with men have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of STDs. Control of STDs is a central component of HIV infection prevention in the United States; resurgence of bacterial STDs threatens national HIV infection prevention efforts.5

- Anal Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is nearly universal among HIV-positive homosexual or bisexual men and about 60% in HIV-negative men exhibiting the same sexual behavior.6"

Foxtrot said:
That wasn't my main argument actually, I was pointing out a dick in the asshole doesn't make a baby, it makes a swollen asshole.

But apparently a dick in a forum makes for a lot of great, quality entertainment. :p Don't flame me, I just was dieing to get that insult out.
Foxtrot said:
That wasn't my main argument actually, I was pointing out a dick in the asshole doesn't make a baby, it makes a swollen asshole.

So your against infertile couples? Condoms? Birth control pills?

Death.Trap said:
That's open to interpretation. I'm also with Hasan on this one.

Yes, interpretation by the Supreme Court, which has consistantly backed up the policy of seperation of church and state.
Neutrino said:
So your against infertile couples?
No, I don't think there is anything wrong with a Man and a Woman marrying, or adopting a child.
Foxtrot said:
No, I don't think there is anything wrong with a Man and a Woman marrying or adopting a child.

So what was your argument again? And are you against heterosexual anal sex?
Foxtrot said:
No, I don't think there is anything wrong with a Man and a Woman marrying or adopting a child.

A man and a woman can marry a child? That's sick.
Neutrino said:
So what was your argument again? And are you against heterosexual anal sex?
Sure, I think it is pretty sick.
Foxtrot said:
" - A 1997 study in British Columbia found the life expectancy of men who engage in sodomy to be comparable to that of the average Canadian man in 1871. Researchers estimate that nearly half of the 20 year old men currently engaging in sodomy will not reach their 65th birthday.1

- Ninety-five percent or more of the AIDS infections among gay men result from receptive anal intercourse.2

- The risk of anal cancer "soars" by nearly 4,000% for men who have sex with men. The rate doubles again for those who are HIV positive. A Michigan homosexual newspaper admits there is no such thing as "safe sex" to prevent this "soaring" cancer risk. Condoms offer only limited protection.3

- Homosexual men face a significantly higher risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, anal cancer, gonorrhea and gastrointestinal infections as a result of their sexual practices.4

- Men who engage in sodomy are 860% more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD), increasing up to 500% their risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Men who commit acts of sodomy with men have large numbers of anonymous partners, which can result in rapid, extensive transmission of STDs. Control of STDs is a central component of HIV infection prevention in the United States; resurgence of bacterial STDs threatens national HIV infection prevention efforts.5

- Anal Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is nearly universal among HIV-positive homosexual or bisexual men and about 60% in HIV-negative men exhibiting the same sexual behavior.6"


this is your proof? a right wing christian website? :rolleyes: sorry, but in canada right wing christians dont hold any influence
Foxtrot said:
No, I don't think there is anything wrong with a Man and a Woman marrying or adopting a child.

What if the man and woman frequently engage in anal sex, and one day the woman decides vaginal intercourse is not for her. So the kid is in a household where their 'parents' are having soley anal sex.....still support it?
Murray_H said:
What if the man and woman frequently engage in anal sex, and one day the woman decides vaginal intercourse is not for her. So the kid is in a household where their 'parents' are having soley anal sex.....still support it?
Are they going to say, "Hey Billy, do you know what anal sex is?" and then demonstrate anal sex to little Billy and tell him how much better it is than any other kind of sex?

I'm suprised at the number of people in support of gay marriage. At my school (I got to a private catholic highschool just for guys), there is little to no one who is in support of it. Btw i am in support of it.
Death.Trap said:
STD's first showed up in gay men in california. Somewhere over there anyways. That's a fact.

there were gay men in california at the dawn of mankind? 20 odd thousand years ago? gay men in .. california?

btw you do know that STD means sexually transmitted disease riiiight?
You talk about homosexuality being an illness, but I percieve your narrow mindedness as a far greater illness. What say you?
mortey said:

I'm suprised at the number of people in support of gay marriage. At my school (I got to a private catholic highschool just for guys), there is little to no one who is in support of it. Btw i am in support of it.

Uh, that just might be because the Catholic church is against gay marriage, or gay sex for that matter.

EDIT-I'm Catholic BTW.
Bad^Hat said:
You talk about homosexuality being an illness, but I percieve your narrow mindedness as a far greater illness. What say you?
Maybe it is you who are narrow minded? Believing that gay marriage is an exception to illnesses even though it has all the signs of other illnesses.
CptStern said:
there were gay men in california at the dawn of mankind? 20 odd thousand years ago? Alexander the great died of an STD, was he from california too?

btw you do know that STD means sexually transmitted disease riiiight?

Ok, let me make myself clearer. When I said STD's I meant AIDs. AIDS first showed up in north america in gay men.

And yes...I know what an STD is.
Foxtrot said:
Are they going to say, "Hey Billy, do you know what anal sex is?" and then demonstrate anal sex to little Billy and tell him how much better it is than any other kind of sex?

Is that what you are scared of, homosexual couples adopting a child and teaching it the 'gay way' and no other?
Murray_H said:
Is that what you are scared of, homosexual couples adopting a child and teaching it the 'gay way' and no other?
Yah, kids do not grow up right if they aren't raised by a father and mother.
Foxtrot said:
Yah, kids do not grow up right if they aren't raised by a father and mother.

Give me evidence, both from scientific studies (unbiased sources) and personal experience, and I still won't believe you, but it's still good to back up your claims.
Foxtrot said:
It would be impossible to outlaw.

But do you think we should if it were possible?

Foxtrot said:
Yah, kids do not grow up right if they aren't raised by a father and mother.

Based on what evidence? Have you read pychological studies that support you claim that kids raised by gays are worse off than kids raised by a man and a women? If you haven't, what are you basing your opinion on? I personally know people who were raised by gay parents and they turned out just fine.

Also note, that this is not part of the issue as gays are already allowed to adopt. The only controvery is gay marriage here.

Foxtrot said:
Maybe it is you who are narrow minded? Believing that gay marriage is an exception to illnesses even though it has all the signs of other illnesses.

All the signs? Again based on what evidence? Show me studies and scientific findings that back this statement up (unbiased ones of course). Also, how do you reconcile that view with the evidence that shows being gay is genetic?
Murray_H said:
Give me evidence, both from scientific studies (unbiased sources) and personal experience, and I still won't believe you, but it's still good to back up your claims.

Ok, that doesn't make any sense...
Ok, personal experience. I grew up with this kid named Jessie, he always was getting into trouble(he was raised by his mother only) and eventually landed in jail, have not heard from him in about 2 years. This other kid I know who is about 12 is turning out flaming gay, he is only being raised by his mother. He wears earings, has developed a lisp and talks in a high pitched voice. He never use to do that, he also has an earing and a keen sense of fashion and hair styles that he never use to have. I will get back to you on scientific.

Here is some somewhat scientific stuff:
Death.Trap said:
Ok, that doesn't make any sense...

Well I was raised by my mum only, I'm not gay/a delinquent so I conform to Foxtrots idea of being 'right'. And seeing as I am evidence of this, whatever evidence Foxtrot presents to me won't change my opinion that you need a mother and a father to be raised 'right'.

Sorry if I speak in riddles, I'm half baked (nearly 3/4s) at the moment.
Murray_H said:
Well I was raised by my mum only, I'm not gay/a delinquent so I conform to Foxtrots idea of being 'right'. And seeing as I am evidence of this, whatever evidence Foxtrot presents to me won't change my opinion that you need a mother and a father to be raised 'right'.

Sorry if I speak in riddles, I'm half baked (nearly 3/4s) at the moment.

I have only my mom as well. I'm not gay at all. I can see how it might affect someone though. Instead of having a dad to set an example on how to be a man, you have a mom..acting like a women.
Foxtrot said:
Ok, personal experience. I grew up with this kid named Jessie, he always was getting into trouble(he was raised by his mother only) and eventually landed in jail, have not heard from him in about 2 years. This other kid I know who is about 12 is turning out flaming gay, he is only being raised by his mother. He wears earings, has developed a lisp and talks in a high pitched voice. He never use to do that, he also has an earing and a keen sense of fashion and hair styles that he never use to have. I will get back to you on scientific.

Here is some somewhat scientific stuff:

You mention someone raised by a single parent and then post this article:
Children in Single Parent Homes and Emotional Problems

We're not talking about single parent homes here.
Foxtrot said:
he also has an earing and a keen sense of fashion and hair styles that he never use to have.

Cool quote I heard on... I think Law & Order - "I say let em marry. Why shouldn't they be as miserable as us?" ;)
CptStern said:
"Voters in Georgia and Kentucky approved constitutional amendments Tuesday to ban same-sex marriage, with similar results expected in most of the nine other states considering such measures"

even though it's just state constitutional amendment it's a step in the wrong direction:

"Conservatives say they will continue to press for a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, on the premise that even toughly worded bans in state constitutions could be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court "

never thought I'd see the day when they legalize descrimination


Step in the wrong direction for who?
Another thread to bring out some of the more disgusting conservative religious folk who seem to be coming out in droves lately, yay. The country is going down the tubes; I don't know what else to say. We're making laws based solely off of religious convictions now. GG AMERICA!
qckbeam said:
Another thread to bring out some of the more disgusting conservative religious folk who seem to be coming out in droves lately, yay. The country is going down the tubes; I don't know what else to say. We're making laws based solely off of religious convictions now. GG AMERICA!
I don't consider myself religious, and I have never went to church before, nor do I believe in God. But I guess if you say I am a disgusting religious folk I must be. **** you.
All you homo-lovers are ****ing crazy! How can you condone something that is contradictory to the process of reproduction! Do you want a bunch of ******s and lesbians hanging out with their own sex and not guys? Do you realize what would happen to our population and disease rates? You guys are ****ing crazy if you think people should condone something like that!
hasan said:
why are you sad?
dude...the purpose of a constitution is to RESTRICT the power of the government so that the people's rights are protected. it's not supposed to restrict the rights of the people...
Foxtrot said:
I don't consider myself religious, and I have never went to church before, nor do I believe in God. But I guess if you say I am a disgusting religious folk I must be. **** you.

You said it!
abconners said:
Do you realize what would happen to our population and disease rates?

yeah..maybe the population will decline and will restore a little bit of the natural balance on the earth...

...which would support my theory..well...my um... CONJECTURE that homosexuality is just god's way of controlling the human population