2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

They had it in '98 anyway. Congrats to Italy, I'm happy for them.
jondy said:
France shoulda won it. What a ****wit Zidane was

Eh, he got what he deserved. Personally I think he deserves a hefty fine for such unsportsman-like conduct.

Don't forget Italy barely missed that cross header shortly after their first goal. The boxscore says Italy won and I thought they were the better team today, so there's no reason for me to argue otherwise. :)
haha, i want a replay of zidane headbutting that guy, he owned him.. but it was a stupid move. :x

gg, france played the better game but lost, sigh. ;(
Close game, nice to see Italy win even if it means i only get £30 instead of £70 :D

Bloody headbutting Zidane though! :O
AiM said:
Eh, he got what he deserved. Personally I think he deserves a hefty fine for such unsportsman-like conduct.

Can't disagree with you there, what a senseless thing to do
glad for cannavaro, that guy was a colussus all tournament, great penalties by Italy.
France were the better side, but to be fair neither team were very good on the night. Still, top entertainment :thumbs:

What a tit Zidane was ...
Can't wait to hear what the victim said to Zidane to deserve getting such a beat down
AiM said:
Eh, he got what he deserved. Personally I think he deserves a hefty fine for such unsportsman-like conduct.
Technically he's already been punished. Just like when Figo headbutted the player and got a yellow. He already had the yellow so no further action could be taken.
I really hate Trézéguet right now. Why couldn't he make up his damn mind.
jondy said:
Can't wait to hear what the victim said to Zidane to deserve getting such a beat down
Same here ... it was probably something like "Lol, i just touched your nipple!" in french.

Zimmerframe Zidane was on his way out of the french team anyway, maybe it was his final joke. Or he just lost his final marble ... either way, i'm not sure he cares.
Whoa, Italy world champion. I never would have guessed .... The pizzeria around the corner went wild; very funneh to watch.
all i have to say is that for Zidane to do this in his last game of his soccer career is a very shameful action. he exited the pitch with a legacy...a headbutt... what kind of a legend is he?
Zidane lost France the game, I think his sending off not only meant he wouldn't take a penalty but it had a psychological effect on France, what was he on? Saying that, France only missed one penalty so who's to know?
Maybe he didn't want to give anyone his jersey so they could sell it on le ebay.
Or maybe he was re-enacting his previous header on that player's chest.
I'm so sorry for the French, I really would've liked to see them win the cup!! Though it might sound unbelievable (as I'm German), I like our French neighbours (yes, our favourite-neighbours!) ...

Zidane's attack was funny to see, but I'm not sure if it was worth a red card and perhaps the title (maybe if Zidane had stayed in they'd have won ... maybe).
he walked away smiling, then the italian guy said something very VERY offensive such as "Fook your mother and father, or fook your religion ?" >>

Still [He's the best player in the world]

I hop we know what really happend today or later on monday.
Gorgon said:
he walked away smiling, then the italian guy said something very VERY offensive such as "Fook your mother and father, or fook your religion ?"
He must've said something much worse than that.

I'm sure footballers say stuff like that all the time to wind each other up.
Terribly sad that Zinadine did that, he's one of my most respected and loved players, and i was hoping him to take a penalty for France to keep them in the shootout, imagine if he had Trezeguet's penalty? Anyway, Italy didn't play great tonight, but their performance against Germany was so good it's worth the win. Good job to them!

And did anyone see Camoranesi sitting in the chair with all the squad around him? He cut off his ponytail, as he said if they won he'd cut it all off, and he was carrying it around! Really enjoyable celebrations to watch :D
**** Italy. Bunch of tits who didn't deserve to be up there to begin with. How many more times do you want to collapse in front of the ball and play theatrics, you cockwipes?


Thumbs up to Zidane. Great way to exit your career. You make me proud.
Ludah said:
Thumbs up to Zidane. Great way to exit your career. You make me proud.

I hope you're being sarcastic...

Wait a minute...Italy won the world cup...Australia should have beaten Italy....OMFG! If Totti hadn't dived against Australia, Australia would have won the world cup!
When I seen italy one....well err today could have been better in so many ways.
mortiz said:
I hope you're being sarcastic...

Second only to the Rooney ball-crunch.

You'll have to excuse my lack of sarcasm. I'm pretty bitter over this.
First time I've been in this thread. 91 pages and it's not closed due to flaming or offtopicness?
lol @ the ytmnd

Qonfused said:
First time I've been in this thread. 91 pages and it's not closed due to flaming or offtopicness?
umm, there's barely any flaming though there is heated discussion as to whether who thinks who should've won and what not, but that's not flaming.. off-topic in this thread for a substantial amount ? where ?

from some guy on digg:
new martial art: zidane-fu