2009 - no EP3 info!

You know, you are what I'd like to call "typical hl2.net new user". No offence, but it's just that you have HL2-themed avatar, signature and name. Not bad though, but I afraid you shortly find that this place is like the rest of the forums, only with a theme of HL2.
You know, you are what I'd like to call "typical hl2.net new user". No offence, but it's just that you have HL2-themed avatar, signature and name. Not bad though, but I afraid you shortly find that this place is like the rest of the forums, only with a theme of HL2.

Isn't that what this site is going for anyway?
wait I thought doomsday was 12/12/12??? YOu mean we have an extra week or so before repenting?? WOOT!
G(ordon)-man, it's very apparent that you need to learn the universal paradox of Valve time. We all did a long time ago, and are more rounded human beings because of doing so.

Also, I'd rather wait for a good game, than rush to play a shoddy one.
G(ordon)-man, it's very apparent that you need to learn the universal paradox of Valve time. We all did a long time ago, and are more rounded human beings because of doing so.
Sadly, this is a true story... Personally, now I'm like Ghandi when it comes to patience.
....for not including a Indian cast character.

At least Valve is doing us a favor by not telling us when they'll release it. So no more broken promises.
At least Valve is doing us a favor by not telling us when they'll release it. So no more broken promises.
There's still time for that. Even if they wait ages to announce a release because they think it will actually be ready for that date ......... it will still be delayed! The only way it won't be delayed is if they just release it without saying anything & I can't see that happening. They'll want ot creat as much hype as possible around this momentous occasion. That means talking about it.
....for not including a Indian cast character.

At least Valve is doing us a favor by not telling us when they'll release it. So no more broken promises.

I'd rather not know anything about the game, save the release date. I tend to like experiencing a game for the first time without bias, even if it is Valve.
Yeah, me too. Like when EP2 was released i did not watch any gameplay videos or trailers. Oh the sweet joy of exploration!
Yeah, me too. Like when EP2 was released i did not watch any gameplay videos or trailers. Oh the sweet joy of exploration!

Wish I'd done that :( I watched the trailer, the extended trailer, all 5 gameplay videos and the Advisor in the barn sneak peak video :( Wish I bloody hadn't ...
Yeah. Sorry I meant 4. Timesplitters 2 was such a good game. I always loved virus mode most. Anyway back to the topic...Why is Valve more mysterious than Lost?
How long has it been since Ep2 was released, like a year?

Only 5 more to go, I guess I'll still be able to play Ep3 then when I'm serving the military.
How long has it been since Ep2 was released, like a year?

Only 5 more to go, I guess I'll still be able to play Ep3 then when I'm serving the military.

EP2 was released over 16 months ago on 10th October 2007
As of January '08, plot details were "not finished." Hopefully over the course of this past year the plot and storyline is mostly squared away.

HL2 - Ep1 was about 19 months. It's been about 17 months since Ep2's release.

We're pushing March. Optimistically, that just means one more month has gone by for Ep3's development.

It's okay though. This is good for us. I'm eternally thankful that they are not constantly telling us about how their process is going. A hint would be nice though.
It's okay though. This is good for us. I'm eternally thankful that they are not constantly telling us about how their process is going. A hint would be nice though.

Like a blog of Source Engine development. Not exactly giving away the plot of Ep3, but would cause speculation as to what may be in the game
It's march and nothing. Who didn't see this coming? lol
I honestly thought Doug was being sincere about revealing something late last year :(
It would be hilarious if valve just released the game like without hardly any notice, so you randomly walk into a store and see it on a shelf. or at least if they announced it like a week before ACTUAL release... haha, best marketing scheme ever.
It would be hilarious if valve just released the game like without hardly any notice, so you randomly walk into a store and see it on a shelf. or at least if they announced it like a week before ACTUAL release... haha, best marketing scheme ever.

If you want to lose money, yeah that's a fantastic marketing strategy.
I honestly thought Doug was being sincere about revealing something late last year :(

I'm sure he was. I'm sure Valve mean everything they do to be released when they say it will be. Of course, this never happens because they always decide to hold something off. Fortunately its always for the best, as the games always turn out to be (presumably) better for it. I mean, they haven't realised anything crap yet have they?
Well, put it this way, once Valve starts releasing information the trickle will turn into a flood.

A flood of plot, new enemy/weapon/new character spoilers.

Until the game is completely revealed chapter by chapter.
I'm sure he was. I'm sure Valve mean everything they do to be released when they say it will be. Of course, this never happens because they always decide to hold something off. Fortunately its always for the best, as the games always turn out to be (presumably) better for it. I mean, they haven't realised anything crap yet have they?

Now if people could only understand this, then i think there would be less whining. Unfortunetly, some people just can't grasp that extremely complex concept.

As for my marketing joke, obviously, that would be a poor move. They definitly need to market the game for a fair period of time, but i don't want them to overdo it, in fact, they should purposely keep a huge of amount of the game completely secretive until people play it themselves. Like reveal some screenshots and miniscule gameplay videos, as well as an epic trailer, but reveal only very little... the game is going to be that much more "holy shit!!!" when playing it for the first time...