2009 - no EP3 info!

Fortunately it seems like we may be getting something new very soon: Valve have a very large booth booked at GDC 2009 which will take place in 2 weeks.

The only thing we really need from Episode 3 is:

-Same exciting gameplay.

-New environment

-Maybe 1 or 2 new weapons

-A big revelation in terms of storyline and the Combine.
The only thing we really need from Episode 3 is:

-Same exciting gameplay.

-New environment

-Maybe 1 or 2 new weapons

-A big revelation in terms of storyline and the Combine.

I think an ending might be nice too... seeing as it's the end.

And **** yeah GDC.
I don't think it's the end at all. Only a conclusion for Half-Life 2, leaving 3 to wrap up everything else.
Interesting, this is our best chance of any EP3 info. Then again it might just be Valve advertising Steam there.
Fortunately it seems like we may be getting something new very soon: Valve have a very large booth booked at GDC 2009 which will take place in 2 weeks.


Don't expect any action. Kim Swift, and someone from Valve South (and some other guys) will be there.
Don't expect any action. Kim Swift, and someone from Valve South (and some other guys) will be there.
I can't find a listing of who's going to be there. Can you link me to your source??
Fortunately it seems like we may be getting something new very soon: Valve have a very large booth booked at GDC 2009 which will take place in 2 weeks.


LOL, almost as big as Microsoft's :thumbs:

Ep3 will be great, but I always said that I would settle with either a grandly updated Source Engine or a new IP
Mike and Michael will probably be together; Mike being Valve's token Psychologist. Apparently playtesters where being psychologically tested whilst playing L4D so maybe its about that, as well as DLC

Kim swift will probably be talking about new directions in video games
Oh what the ****!

Damn, I'd really like to see something new.
Double fine arn't going to be there either :(
I think at E3 2007 they were under EA's booth.
We honestly need something! We need it quick! It's not so much about releasing huge spoilers anymore as it is about simply keeping their mouths shut for little to no reason at all. It's very quickly becoming silly. I saw the wisdom in it originally. I agreed with it. But 14+ months is stupid! Hell, a specific progress report would be welcomed.

I'll wait for as long as it takes. I'm a die-hard fan after all. But that does not excuse this level of reclusiveness and sheer abandonment of the fans.
We honestly need something! We need it quick! It's not so much about releasing huge spoilers anymore as it is about simply keeping their mouths shut for little to no reason at all. It's very quickly becoming silly. I saw the wisdom in it originally. I agreed with it. But 14+ months is stupid! Hell, a specific progress report would be welcomed.

I'll wait for as long as it takes. I'm a die-hard fan after all. But that does not excuse this level of reclusiveness and sheer abandonment of the fans.

I'm sure you will get over it.
It's been way too long without any shred of information.

But, it's Valve, so I know that once we do get something, it will amaze us.
Just wait 'til GDC. If there's nothing there, we are then free to go really crazy.
You didn't see the previous page, did you? :p
Just because the higher-ups won't be there doesn't mean they can't show a trailer.
I'm starting to lose my initial doubt regarding Episode 3's length. I figured it would be a little longer than the other two episodes, but now like someone stated earlier I'm starting to think it'll be the length of an entire game onto its own. Unless they are going agonizingly slow.

I think it's impressive, personally.
I'm starting to lose my initial doubt regarding Episode 3's length. I figured it would be a little longer than the other two episodes, but now like someone stated earlier I'm starting to think it'll be the length of an entire game onto its own. Unless they are going agonizingly slow.

I think it's impressive, personally.

I think they'll be the same length as before, Although to me, Episode 2 was so much longer (and better) than episode 1.

I used to dig every forum, wikipedia site and people about information for HL, but now I honestly don't care about it. Hell, even this thread's popularity is a big suprise to me.
I hope that somehow this may be the last HL - at least through Gordon's eyes. I don't want the story to leave Earth and destroy the Combine Homeworld - just to know that the human race will rebuild and live on.
I hope that somehow this may be the last HL - at least through Gordon's eyes. I don't want the story to leave Earth and destroy the Combine Homeworld - just to know that the human race will rebuild and live on.

*GASP* Maybe they'll end half life and then the half life mythos will continue in portal 2?
I hope that somehow this may be the last HL - at least through Gordon's eyes. I don't want the story to leave Earth and destroy the Combine Homeworld - just to know that the human race will rebuild and live on.

Well, if there is a HL3, I very much doubt it will go in that direction.
Fudzilla has some interesting news:

Many of our sources in the gaming industry have told us that they expect to make announcements for titles at E3 this year. While some of the information about these titles has been making their way to us over the past couple of weeks, from what we hear despite the current economic climate, publishers and developers are banking on E3 to announce and launch titles this year.

...So if Valve were to release the game this year, they would have to show us something at E3.

Full story.
I can't quite see the entirety of your logic there, Smash. Yes, it would be a smart and obvious move to show off an upcoming game at E3, but that has always been the case. Advertising through other events (GDC etc) and through the regular media would also likely yield a good result, this is Valve we are talking about, they are popular enough through their reputation alone.

What specifically is it that must compel Valve to show us something at E3 if they are to release a game this year, and what makes this E3 different in that respect?
You never know. I'm sure EA calls some of the shots for Valve as far as marketing goes, and this has been obvious since Valve and EA joined forces.

Plus, E3 is the venue to showcase a new game and you know it.
IIRC, Team Fortress 2 and Portal were announced at EA's Spring Festival.
I'm pretty sure that they're waiting to have something substantial before releasing info, since with EP2, with the first trailer, people were like omg where's the scene with alyx falling off the bridge - it would be better to see something accurate and later than inaccurate and earlier.