2012: The Year The Internet Ends

Remember, at least one ISP will not comply and make money off of every other ISP's limitations.

What you don't seem to realize is that AT&T and Comcast own most of the internet WIRES that stretch around the globe. The gatekeepers.

without them, you will be stuck on the network that your local ISP company has established with it's wires / network. For example, my local library, my local school system/s, things like that are on my local ISP's network.
Comcast is taking a huge, peanuty, steamy dump on free webz by tampering with Net Neutrality. It's disgusting.
Everyone, lets go grab some torches, pitchforks and lets go burn down their little HQ building. Wherever the hell that may be.

In fact, voting for the, "right government official" and picket signs never worked to begin with. That's why the mafia was so popular among union labor activists in the 20's.
You want results? This is the only way your gonna get the message across to the corporate monkeys. Picket signs aren't gonna work.
Otherwise we can expect to be paying subscription fees for every damn web page one day.
Now tell me, are you ready to die for FREE INTERNET(S)?!?!?!
I doubt it will happen. Even if some ISPs switched to a tiered system people could just switch to an ISP that didn't. Even if a lot of sheep out there don't change ISPs there will always be a demand out there for net neutral ISPs.

Also this only seems to be an issue in the USA, which has about 18% of the worlds Internet population. Worst case scenario the US web is segregated from the rest of the world, in which case popular sites get international mirrors (if they don't have them already). Sucks if you're a US citizen but hardly the end of the internet.
This is just fear mongering. It's not going to happen.

1. ISP's want $$, severely limiting websites in such a way would cost them vastly more than they could make with ads or any kind of sponsorship.
It's been said that most people "wouldn't notice" but if you think about it, anybody who plays online games, uses Instant Messaging, or even checks their e-mail would be effected because accessing a server is exactly the same as viewing a webpage. unless that server was on the "allow" list, nobody could access it. Even services such as xbox live or the ps3 online service would fail because people couldn't connect to each other, every home IP couldn't be on the "allow list" now could it?
this would lead to an astounding loss of customers, enough that these companies could not sustain themselves.

It would be the worst business mistake ever.

2. Major companies, such as Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo would be opposed to such a change, after all, what use are search engines if you only have 60 web pages. Furthermore, all of these companies run e-mail and IM services, which, under said legislation would more or less cease to exist.

3. People will always find a way around. In many schools, well over half the students know how to circumvent the school blocking systems, if such a system was used, it wouldn't last a week. Otherwise, it's quite possible that people would just switch back to dialup, it's not like they're going to tell us who we can call.

4. People wouldn't stand for it, there would be lawsuits, and said legislation would be found unconstitutional and in violation of the right to free speech.
EDIT: ugh topic name already makes this joke... >_>

Also, jesus christ... I didn't know they were going to make it that bad. But I guess it was bound to happen, the internet is too chaotic for mainstream.
Locke, they won't "disable" access to other websites. They'll simply decrease their priority by limiting bandwidth to them (making it take longer to access it) or force a fee to view it. I agree that people won't stand for it, and I hope I make my point when I defend net neutrality.
This is just fear mongering. It's not going to happen.

1. ISP's want $$, severely limiting websites in such a way would cost them vastly more than they could make with ads or any kind of sponsorship.
It's been said that most people "wouldn't notice" but if you think about it, anybody who plays online games, uses Instant Messaging, or even checks their e-mail would be effected because accessing a server is exactly the same as viewing a webpage. unless that server was on the "allow" list, nobody could access it. Even services such as xbox live or the ps3 online service would fail because people couldn't connect to each other, every home IP couldn't be on the "allow list" now could it?
this would lead to an astounding loss of customers, enough that these companies could not sustain themselves.

It would be the worst business mistake ever.

2. Major companies, such as Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo would be opposed to such a change, after all, what use are search engines if you only have 60 web pages. Furthermore, all of these companies run e-mail and IM services, which, under said legislation would more or less cease to exist.

3. People will always find a way around. In many schools, well over half the students know how to circumvent the school blocking systems, if such a system was used, it wouldn't last a week. Otherwise, it's quite possible that people would just switch back to dialup, it's not like they're going to tell us who we can call.

4. People wouldn't stand for it, there would be lawsuits, and said legislation would be found unconstitutional and in violation of the right to free speech.

For any of that to happen we would need people to do shit, which judging by the lax and dismissive mentality we have seen so far on the subject of net neutrality, isnt happening. Its best to stop this before it happens, not just bitch and do damage control after they take over the internet, even if it is a short lived foray into controlled internetdom. And, unlike with school web-blockers, proxies wont save us, since they will either load too slow for it to be worth it, or we'll still have to pay out the ass to use them.
For any of that to happen we would need people to do shit, which judging by the lax and dismissive mentality we have seen so far on the subject of net neutrality, isnt happening. Its best to stop this before it happens, not just bitch and do damage control after they take over the internet, even if it is a short lived foray into controlled internetdom. And, unlike with school web-blockers, proxies wont save us, since they will either load too slow for it to be worth it, or we'll still have to pay out the ass to use them.

actually, I was pointing out that these companies won't "take over the internet" because they would know what would happen if they did. In actuality none of my previously mentioned scenarios are likely to happen because these companies know that such events would follow and will not create such a ridiculous system.
People WILL stand for it, they have to. If people want to continue using the internet they'll have to accept it. This sort of stuff has happened plenty of times in history and think about it: The internet is a new thing, it hasn't been fully developed yet, it's like an early radio right now... people doing whatever they want, free to play around and test and develop it. But pretty soon the big companies will come knocking, they'll take over everything to make it a controlled environment.

EDIT: Why doesn't anyone care about this?? This should be spreading like wildfire... No death threats yet?
People WILL stand for it, they have to. If people want to continue using the internet they'll have to accept it. This sort of stuff has happened plenty of times in history and think about it: The internet is a new thing, it hasn't been fully developed yet, it's like an early radio right now... people doing whatever they want, free to play around and test and develop it. But pretty soon the big companies will come knocking, they'll take over everything to make it a controlled environment.

The Internet is it's own beast. Radios are simply a source of news and entertainment. When big companies established an organized system of radio stations so that people could better access what they wanted to in the first place, people were fine with it, in fact they embraced such an upgrade. This, however, is completely different. People didn't rely on the radio for day-to-day needs, they didn't use it to keep their companies branches in sync, or keep in touch with friends miles away. The internet has become an integral part of our society and communication. People won't let companies destroy it or lock it down.
Locke, they won't "disable" access to other websites. They'll simply decrease their priority by limiting bandwidth to them (making it take longer to access it) or force a fee to view it. I agree that people won't stand for it, and I hope I make my point when I defend net neutrality.

so you have a access to the whole web but some sites will be slower?????? wth is the point? i like the system we have now where you can choose the speed you want.

You know what? It doesn't matter if this really does happen because Microsoft will save us... well not right now because Vista's still being a bitch... but in 2025 Bill Gates Jr. will be of age and he'll start a revolution... he'll create his own rebel force inside the dystopian city of New New York, and with his army of floating tanks he'll go and lazor the evil ISP emperor to death
Well, the internet is basically my life, and if it remains so by 2012 and all that stuff happens, things will blow up. I will be sure of that when the internet teaches me in 2011.
I believe hell will literally break loose if this happens.
You know what the upside of this will be though? No more advertising on websites!


I wonder what I'd have to do to get shitfast speed with a manual setup to the internet instead of paying an ISP.
rofl i just read the disclaimer on the first post

"(full access does not include access to illegal materials)"

the end of pirating!

i think

i mean that's how Comcast got their ass handed to them when it came to their ludicrous cable TV service fees.

i think they know it too. that's why they are in a hurry to get this operation set up.

they are like locusts. they set up shop, and rip everyone off until there is something to keep them in check.

Oh, and don't think dial up will save you. I don't think anyone realizes that good old dial up internet, when it first started out, it was modems and phone lines, and you had to PAY ALL LONG DISTANCE FEES. and it was SLOW of course, meaning you were long distance for a long time.

Do you think AT&T will mind that you decide to go that route? AT&T and Comcast have allied.

So, the other alternative, is dial up with internet access - through AT&T. That's win for them too.

This isn't the Y2K bug or some doomsday scenario where the world ends in 2012 - it's real. and like I said, AT&T and Comcast own most of the global broadband internet network, meaning that almost all global access points go through them.

Yet another reason to move to canada. Its like the USA doesnt want anyone living here anymore.
Does that shock you with the border shiz by the Mehicos?
if it does happen there will always be pirate networks .... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .
I will be the William Wallace of the internet. I'm serious, there will be a massive war for freedom and indepedance....on the internet.

This news is gay!
Fake? ISPs have full access to what websites their clients can and can't access. It is, actually, already a big enough problem as it stands. China has taken great steps towards censoring anti-communist sentiment on the internet. North Korea basically blockades any website demeaning nationalistic pride. I have no doubt that many countries are doing the same thing.
North Korea doesn't have internet access at all... ever.
North Korea doesn't have internet access at all... ever.

Not true. There is an Internet Cafe in Pyongang.

That's why I said SATELLITES, actually.

Satellites are a viable option and satellite internet providers will likely find a new demographic. A quick google search tells me that it costs $60/month and has an initial $400 installation fee.

Giant, the point is that ISPs will prioritize bandwidth for contracted websites while leaving the "leftover bandwidth" to smaller websites. The point isn't what exactly will happen, just that it will be legal for an ISP to discriminate from website to website what it sees fit.
We're cheap, you'd find us in the $1 package :(

Anyway, ridiculous idea...this would end the internet, which is possibly one of the best inventions of the last decade. It will never happen I tell ye!

We... actually... make... a... dollar?

Hope hl2.net still is in one of those packages :P

But seriously this is ridiculous and I don't think it will happen just cos no one will allow it to happen.
Actually, what I said about satellites being a viable option isn't true, at all.


A quick little diagram I drew up. Satellites must connect to the main lines to function- main lines that major ISP companies own. The purpose of satellite connections is to connect to the internet even in the boonies. My dad uses a satellite isp because his house is about twenty miles away from the nearest cable installations.