360 or PC

PC or Xbox 360

  • PC

    Votes: 100 86.2%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 16 13.8%

  • Total voters
I hate playing this game with strangers. HL2.net or bust.

Oh, and on topic, PC...screw consoles :P

I agree. Playing with you last night (that sounds wrong) was the first time I've used a mic in ages.

Makes the game much more enjoyable.
I'll admit, when that Tank started charging, and the ground was shaking..my heart skipped so many beats.
I loved how everyone went into the train except for one guy, and the Tank started to go after that one
Easiest to get to, first to die.

I could hear my roomate screaming in his room when that happened :laugh:
What sucks is that I'm going to be the only one, out of everyone I know, to get this game. So I can't really play with anyone except for internet people
the Mic's make things so much more fun. To bad I couldn't use it, as FRAPs doesn't want your mic to be unmuted..

That guy sounded some bbc reporter. I thought I was watching the news or something :D
Yeah, that's my problem. I have some friends who might get it for 360, so I can't really play with them. That's OK, internet people are more fun :p

@Bak - Yeah, Druckles is rather lol like that.
So I wasn't crazy seeing Druckles lol. But after getting this, I then have to work on getting a mic