3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)

A bit upset because I got close to the Desert Temple, stayed at an inn nearby (which I thought was like saving my game) quit the game then came back to see it didn't save my progress at all. So I've got to do everything between temple 2 and temple 3 all over again.
Ha! I had the same exact problem, but luckily I had only just gotten past the first temple. Very deceptive being told you set a new restore point and then shutting down to find that nothing saved. Of course, a quick look at the Pause menu made me feel like an idiot soon after. ;( Awesome game though. Oh, and my advice to everyone who is upgrading their sword...buy _____ first.
You mean how the sword seems to "pop" into a giant blade when you attack? I thought maybe it was related to the power of your attack, but I guess what you're saying is that it's purely visual. In which case, that is awesome.

Think of the massive sword like A Link From the Past where if you had full life you could shoot swords across the map. In this game, with full life you have a pretty massive sword. As soon as you loose a bit of life it shrinks quite a bit. The game can still be tough, even with that mega sword.

Ha! I had the same exact problem, but luckily I had only just gotten past the first temple. Very deceptive being told you set a new restore point and then shutting down to find that nothing saved. Of course, a quick look at the Pause menu made me feel like an idiot soon after. ;( Awesome game though. Oh, and my advice to everyone who is upgrading their sword...buy _____ first.

Yeah I felt like an idiot after I saw the Start Menu as well. Doh, live and learn I guess. Still haven't done the pierce upgrade, maybe that will be next. Just got a nice shiny new sword.

Not sure if anyone has beaten the end guy of the Desert Temple but if so...

Where the hell is the Desert Temple Mage? I'm guessing behind the door that has a blue key icon on the map inside the temple, but I can't find the key.
Still haven't done the pierce upgrade, maybe that will be next.
Make it so. It lets your sword go through trees and such. SO worth it.

Not sure if anyone has beaten the end guy of the Desert Temple but if so...

Where the hell is the Desert Temple Mage? I'm guessing behind the door that has a blue key icon on the map inside the temple, but I can't find the key.
Ideally I will tell you tonight as I will be playing while I do laundry. You will probably get to it first though. If so, good luck!