6 Month ?

This is BS if it doesnt come out in October I am not buying it. Also I am going to tell all my friends to boycott VU Games. I hope that division of VU goes under.
I don't think it's posible in a way.

1: VU needs the money, at most, they would release it for Holiday season, it would be suicide if they diden't.

2: Pc mags are allready playing it.
I doubt you won't buy the game, and i doubt six people buying will make a difference, but i do agree the delays have been a pain in the a**.
OMFG!! what a load of fbs!!!!!!!! ARGG!! what did i say?? Dear god... i kinew publishers had a right like that, just never knew the poeoper time they could keep it " under wraps" they will use it as bait.... they will....and you know what everyone will do then.. PRE ORDER ON STEAM!!! and get it that way MWHAHAHA F**k VU>.... SUPPORT TEH VALE0R!!!! :afro:

:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: <<==== emoticon spammage to show my annoyance
We should make a petition to send to VUGames protesting, if there were enough of us they would see they would lose $ and we would buy from steam.
remember what happened to condititon zero?

history repeats itself
I would sure as hell delete all that useless crap preloaded on my machine...
He... He... Hihi... hihihihi...hahaha! Haha! HAAHAA! ARGH!!! YEEEEHAAHAHAHAAAAW! Ahahahaha... Mwuahahaha......

:flame: :flame: :flame: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :flame: :flame:

redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum!!!
I pray for the souls of VUG's sake that this doesn't happen...
if they did this....it would only be shooting themselves in the head.

EDIT: Lets just wait till the 8th oct court date, see what happens
Oh crap.

Well, they have the right to, but will they?

VU might try to claim they will to force VALVe's hand into a settlement, but VU cannot afford this any more then VALVe can. HL2 will sell more copies if it is released before Christmas. Period. Both companies know this.

Theres an anticdote about VU and Interplay in a very similar battle last year over "Baulders Gate: DA2" and "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel". The companies were in dispute, but finally reached an agreement in November. However consequentially the games did not hit shelve untill Q1 2004, and both games flopped.

Hopefully VU will have learned from this mistake and will not be so stuborn that they allow the same thing to happen to Half-Life 2.

VU clearly does not care about the fans. I hope VALVe can find a more agreeable distributer for HL3.
Humm, now I know why Condition Zero was delayed, hope it dosen't happen again.

Could I get credits if you put it on the front page ?
Adrien C said:
I don't think it's posible in a way.

1: VU needs the money, at most, they would release it for Holiday season, it would be suicide if they diden't.

2: Pc mags are allready playing it.

VU does not need the money, VUG does. VU can shut down/sell off VUG at any time, and investors/shareholders seem to want VU to let VUG go...

According to the press release last week, VUG is counting on W.o.W. to boost figures for the second half of the year, and becasue VUG is actually doing better this year than last, they don't seem to concerned about VUG being in the red.
With each one of these News posts, I like VU less and less. If they do delay it for spite, I push for a buy from steam movement.
I am really not surprised that Vivendi might do this. I won't be at all shocked if it was decided to hold it for the 6 months, just to get the last, low blow at Valve.

Well, guys, I hope your all ready to camp here through Winter.
dear god... if it does happen.. im gonna BLOW EM UP!! with the use of rather large bombs...and then tortue their families with the use of Ice Cubes and a hammer!!!! GRRRR
WhiteBoy said:
I am really not surprised that Vivendi might do this. I won't be at all shocked if it was decided to hold it for the 6 months, just to get the last, low blow at Valve.

Well, guys, I hope your all ready to camp here through Winter.
Isen't VU French ? I'm getting confused with VUG and VU , sorry.
I don't think this is real. I smell bullshit at that article
Alright the odds of VUG actually sitting on it for 6 months and thereby incurring the wrath of the gaming community are very very slim.

They are losing too much money to realistically use this tactic as it will negatively impact sales of their other products (Tribes:Vengeance, Men of Valor, etc.).
its last year all over again! expect a delay of 6 months folks!
Adrien C said:
Isen't VU French ? I'm getting confused with VUG and VU , sorry.
I am not sure where they originated from, but I do know they have locations based in LA, CA and France.
When it gets released via Steam/retail, I say we all buy it via Steam to support Valve. Don't buy retail and hurt VUG. :cheese:

If VUG sits on the game for 6 months that is.
It's like sitting on a briefcase of money for six months instead of opening it up now. It's just plain stupid thinking. I don't think VU are stupid enough to push HL2 for up to six months just to win the case.
Alright the odds of VUG actually sitting on it for 6 months and thereby incurring the wrath of the gaming community are very very slim.

They are losing too much money to realistically use this tactic as it will negatively impact sales of their other products (Tribes:Vengeance, Men of Valor, etc.).

How would it effect their sales? I believe would only increase them, by giving their customers a free extra bucks.
Alright the odds of VUG actually sitting on it for 6 months and thereby incurring the wrath of the gaming community are very very slim.

They are losing too much money to realistically use this tactic as it will negatively impact sales of their other products (Tribes:Vengeance, Men of Valor, etc.).

it wouldn't impact other games, thats absurd. the majority of gamers don't even care whats going on with publishers. they see a game they like and they buy.

a few hl2.net forum members not buying vivendi's games doesn't make hl2 come out any faster.
It's like sitting on a briefcase of money for six months instead of opening it up now. It's just plain stupid thinking. I don't think VU are stupid enough to push HL2 for up to six months just to win the case.

Not if they lose half of it cuz of these lawsuits...

VU is a mega-corporation. They do what they want.
pffffffffffft....listening to the recording of the VU press release..they mention something about IP and march 2005...i seriously hope that it has nothing to do with Valve.

who cares..really....maybe they'll release a steam unlock via hl2.php or something before retail release (wouldn't that be awesome?)
there is no way in hell hl2 is going out over steam before retail. unless valve plans on losing all the money they make to more lawsuits...
Dont think VU will delay too much, The possibility it could be leaked to warez is a BIG risk,

The quicker they get it to retail the better for VU ,Valve & us
Valve needs to end the contract with VU now! There has to be a clause in there to Valve's advantage.
If this does happen...I will be EXTREMELY upset...but then again, new games are coming out, and if they don't release the game soon, people will give in and buy those (at least i know i will).
Now that pisses me off beyond everything. That is complete BS! You people have no idea how pissed off i got when i read that. NO F*C****G Idea.
ufux said:
Dont think VU will delay too much, The possibility it could be leaked to warez is a BIG risk,

The quicker they get it to retail the better for VU ,Valve & us
Well, you see. Vivendi Universal couldn't care less about us.