6 Month ?

ufux said:
Dont think VU will delay too much, The possibility it could be leaked to warez is a BIG risk,

The quicker they get it to retail the better for VU ,Valve & us

Its not better for VU. Because of steam they could lose millions. If a court rules in favor of VU they could gain much of it back.
Dont blame all stuff on VU, Valve is in control. They are the ones responsible for who publishes it.
Yoda1979 said:
Dont blame all stuff on VU, Valve is in control. They are the ones responsible for who publishes it.

wrong. VU does.

Ill explain- they own the box manufacturers, are in contact with tons of distrubutors, all stuff game companies have little-to-no contact with. Valve signed an agreement saying VU (then Sierra) had the sole rights to sell hl2 in stores.
Yoda1979 said:
Dont blame all stuff on VU, Valve is in control. They are the ones responsible for who publishes it.

there is a contract that must be dealt with.....

Just call it "beta" and we'll test it out for you.


- McP
Yoda1979 said:
Dont blame all stuff on VU, Valve is in control. They are the ones responsible for who publishes it.
Not really, Sierra was bought by VUG and then downsized to nil.
AJ Rimmer said:
Not really, Sierra was bought by VUG and then downsized to nil.

there ya go, yoda... valve has to fulfill the contract with sierra. Valve chose nothing.
The thing which worries me is that VUG haven't been the smartest business operators before now, so they may delay the game to teach Valve a lesson for being relatively open with the community.

To show the company who is ultimately boss while the legal trials go on. I know it doesn't sound very likely, but I'd detest it if Half-Life 2 finds itself caught between a corporate pissing contest. This is bad news because what Vivendi is trying to do is damage Valve's community (i.e. unauthorised) relations with the community at large.

I just hope the dollar signs are too much of a temptation for Vivendi and for once they actually do the logical thing instead of being dickwads. Essentially.
"We delivered the first release candidate last week, and hope to deliver the final version very soon," Lombardi said.

Looks like the first RC didn't pass...fix 'er valve
Theres got to be a way out of it, theres always a price.

The price is too much. Valve could get sued for ALL the money Vivendi planned on making with HL2. At least half a billion dollars.
Yoda1979 said:
Theres got to be a way out of it, theres always a price.
Yes. Its called a settlement and its much much more than VALVe can afford and much much more than VUG wants to afford.
If this thing drags on I will blame VUG, they are the ones between player and developer, thus considering getting HL² off of Steam instead. Unfortunately, even if all of us in here get the game from Steam, the vast majority will probably buy the boxed version and unknowingly reward the "evil" middleman VU(G).
Grand Architect said:
And if that price is the IP of HL and HL²?

don't even mention that. games might cease to exist then...
if that was the case , anyone could sue anyone for their IP....VUG has never had a claim for IP on half-life, as it came from the minds of valve. VUG would have to prove that they came up with the whole HL idea.
I'd say the blame should be shared between the two. Valve knowingly fooled VU into thinking not many people would buy HL2 over steam. That was bound to cause problems.
cadaveca said:
don't even mention that. games might cease to exist then...
if that was the case , anyone could sue anyone for their IP....VUG has never had a claim for IP on half-life, as it came from the minds of valve. VUG would have to prove that they came up with the whole HL idea.
Well at least that would prove to be somewhat of a bitch to them.
Alright let's not all lose our heads over this. Remember that Gamestop manager's conference last weekend where VUG openly discussed the lawsuit but assured the managers that the game would be on the shelves before Thanksgiving?

Don't think that EB/Gamestop aren't paying attention to this as well as this affects their revenue projections for the 4th quarter as well. Any sort of deliberate attempts by either company to manipulate the situation will more than likely result in a reaction from these two retailers.
Demonmerc said:
Its not better for VU. Because of steam they could lose millions. If a court rules in favor of VU they could gain much of it back.

So true , but if I was VU I'd know I'd stand a better chance of getting some lost revenue out of valve through the steam downloads through the courts than I would from the people who downloaded leaked Warez copy, Just because VU think we'll hang on to it for 6 months & hope it dont get leaked in the meantime .
if the game is not released before mid november, I bet someone is bound to leak it
IP has little to do with this discussion. When Valve made the contract with Sierra, it was granted ALL IP rights.
Attention Vivendi Universal: If you withhold HL2 for another 6 months, I will personally suicide bomb your headquarters. Thank you.
But Valve got the rights back, as was written in gamespots last article on the V vs VU fiasco.
Demonmerc said:
IP has little to do with this discussion. When Valve made the contract with Sierra, it was granted ALL IP rights.
I'm sorry but IP=?
A couple of thoughts...

1. VU Store has the game up for sale already for Nov. 1st(ETA)

2. Steam - Valve has already stated they will release the game via steam regardless of what happens October 8th.

3. Several magazines have reviewed the game

4. Several stores have been given a mostly green light for selling HL2 on or around Nov. 1st.
Helevitia said:
A couple of thoughts...

1. VU Store has the game up for sale already for Nov. 1st(ETA)

2. Steam - Valve has already stated they will release the game via steam regardless of what happens October 8th.

3. Several magazines have reviewed the game

4. Several stores have been given a mostly green light for selling HL2 on or around Nov. 1st.

1. Can be changed

2. That's right

3. Doesn't matter, they can still withhold it from the general
public, they ARE the publishers

4. Can be changed
Intellectual Property. Who actually 'owns' the game.

| = owned
IP=Intellectual Property

Edit:just that much too slow. Damn my need for a dictionary!
IP stands for Intellectual Property rights.

Edit- Hmm. Toooo slow.
cylyk said:
Attention Vivendi Universal: If you withhold HL2 for another 6 months, I will personally suicide bomb your headquarters. Thank you.

After they clear this all up, Valve's headquarters will be burned to the ground because HL2 is DOOMED NEVER TO COME OUT!!!
I decree that if the game isnt released in November and the blame of its delayed release is clearly on the sholders of VUG I will NOT be buying a boxed copy and will ONLY purchase the game on steam. VUG does not deserve any profits from this title nor any other titles it will ever publish. I was not aware of its past business practices, but I'm glad that I am now. Maybe thats why their company is getting flushed down the toilet.

I WAS going to be investing in VUG since there stock prices are low as hell and the release of HL2 would surely increase them in the short run... but now its different.

If VUG gets money from steam sales I will find a game that fell off the back of a truck and mail 50$ to Valve with a note.
AJ Rimmer said:
1. Can be changed

2. That's right

3. Doesn't matter, they can still withhold it from the general
public, they ARE the publishers

4. Can be changed

I'm not saying that it won't be held up, but chances are slim and none. It WILL go gold soon. It will gold in time for the Nov 1st release date.
Helevitia said:
I'm not saying that it won't be held up, but chances are slim and none. It WILL go gold soon. It will gold in time for the Nov 1st release date.
No. That's up to VUG! Don't you see? They hold all the keys and they guard all the doors and one day, someone must confront them!